Well-Known Member
I havested my plant 2 weeks ago
I dried it for a week then cured in jar ever since
I have opened the jar every day to give fresh air , they seemed abit damp at one stage
so i left the lid open for a day and they dried abit more so lid went back on
I opened the jar 2night and holy fuck , i got mold growing on my buds in jar
A white like fairy floss looking shit just starting on top of buds
I did take out of jar and let dry on bench
What do i do peeps ?
I dried it for a week then cured in jar ever since
I have opened the jar every day to give fresh air , they seemed abit damp at one stage
so i left the lid open for a day and they dried abit more so lid went back on
I opened the jar 2night and holy fuck , i got mold growing on my buds in jar
A white like fairy floss looking shit just starting on top of buds
I did take out of jar and let dry on bench
What do i do peeps ?