Busted.... ????!


Active Member
So it was about three years back, me and my bro Jake were walking around the neighborhood, I used to live in a town called Lassalle, place in Essex county near Windsor which is right across from Detroit. anyways it was about 2:30am and we were at the back of an old gradeschool on a Saturday, and we decided to toke up. So we smoked some nice kush, and were just relaxing on the grass talking when all of a sudden he goes quiet. I get a bit nervous, we're 16 year olds smoking weed at a school in a small town, paranoia was plateauing fast. I ask him whats wrong and all of a sudden our buddy's behind us and yells, scares the SHIT out of us. All jokes, we laugh about it and start talking for about 50 minutes or so, when we see lights pull into the school parking lot over in the front, so my bro Jake gets the sweats pretty bad and fucken books it like mad, then two cop cars pull onto the school court from the back and block him off, hes fucken down on the ground not wanting trouble and my other buddy Steven is trippen balls, he has apparently fucking 3 hits of MDMA on him and he starts arguing with me who should eat it, I wasnt going to it wasn't mine! he wasn't either, hes never had it before. So in a rush of fear as they get out and talk to my buddy over in the back who booked, I fucken scoff em. so now I'm on E, high as a kite before hand and got three cop cars, 5 Cops and an attempted run, I'm thinking "ok we're fucked. HARD."

they walk up to me and my buddy steven, Jakes being taken care of, and start going hardass on us, giving us the 20 questions bit, I'm being calm, because I knew you have a much better chance if you act like you're doing nothing wrong, nothing illegal. Even though Jake kinda fucked that up royally I go with it anyways, so I'm helping him and giving him all he wants to know, then they start railing us with questions, accusations saying we're going to jail etc etc, at this point the E's kicked in and well needless to say i'm happy as hell and high to boot, worst bit is I start loosing track of what hes saying. He quickly snaps me out of it by drawing my attention, flashlight to the eyes does it. Now, he knows we've been doing drugs but we have nothing on us but a lighter and some zig zags so theres not much to go on really, you can't get in shit for having it in your system. He starts asking how I'm feeling, symptoms and stuff, I mistake it for genuine care and I go, no word of a lie "awe, i'm cool man, I love you" and hug the bastard. the other cops start busten a nut laughing at my ass, I can only imagine how my buds felt. so they sit me down with Jake and hes twitchen now, and they start talking to Steve, he sits down with us and doesn't say a single thing; this is odd for him, hes one of those big mouthed Italian kids so as an additive to Jakes already heightened paranoia he wont stop telling us we're screwed, ritually chanting the shit like the worlds ending.

the cops walk up to us, make to move the cuffs out all stern faced and it finally sets in, the impending doom, its finally here. they read us our rights, start going through the process and then all of a sudden, a stop, pause, and stare.
5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute. one cop can't hold it in, he starts to chuckle, they relax their arms and we're confused as fuck.

they say " we were just fucking with you, its 3:30 in the morning get back home, next time you want to smoke do it somewhere private" and they get back into their cars after making sure we're on our way and drive off.

the end. Just like that, the bitches were fucking with us the whole time for laughs. I bet 100 bucks they were laughing about it in the cars as they were driving out. we just went home, buzz killed, me stupid happy for no reason and then 15 hours of sleep later a story that both was hilarious and fucken spine tingling at the same time. Every time I go back home and see one of them, they give me a wink or a thumbs up, damn bastards.


Well-Known Member
Thats like when I got pulled over for not having head lights on and had just burned in my car. Keep in mind I was 16 when this happened. But he took me into his car and left my buddy in the passenger. He was asking all kinds of questions and all that, and then asked him where I work. I told him mcdonalds, He asked which one and I said the one at the mall over there. The next words I heard were the greatest thing ever as I was scared to fuck. " Oh shit I can't give you a ticket I go there everyday just give me some free food next time". And he just took my 2 grams and let us go without a ticket.


Well-Known Member
Hahah such a typical cop, they if they don't call it in on the radio either expect to be beat'n like Rodney King or fucked with and let go.... with your pot taken of course....


Active Member
The reason you didnt get arrested is because you didnt commit a crime. Being high is not a crime.

The cops werent nice, they legally couldnt arrest you.

Smoking in public... genius.

My advice. next time dont freak, dont run, just talk to the cops. toss the pills away. and repeat after me.

Good evening officer.
I dont really feel like talking, am i free to go?
I do not consent to any kind of a search, am i being detained?
Have a good evening officer.


Well-Known Member
Cops can't arrest you if you haven't done anything wrong...but you did....they could have gotten you for trespassing i am sure...just a dumb move...but it's not to say I never hit my highschool's fifty yard line at 3am with a doober. you have to address LEO but once acknowledged and you ask if you are being detained...if the answer is no then walk the fuck away. know your rights homie :blsmoke:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I beg to differ on the fact that its not against the law to be high. It is, you can be blood tested (or dna nowadays) and get done for internal possesion. I know this is valid for category A drugs in the USA I don't think class B or C is any different. They very rarely bother with this but, if a cop wants your ass big time, being high is an offence. please correct me if I am wrong, I don't mean, if you havent heard this I mean if you KNOW it's wrong.

Feel free to browse my journal, comments, advice, suggestions or constructive criticism is all welcome.


Active Member
I don't know how it is in europe but in canada at least you can't get arrested or charged for being under the influence, you can get arrested of course if its causing a public disturbance, say you take a bunch of pcp or heroin and start a ruckus, but as far as weed goes I'd figure I would be too lazy to do any of that.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ on the fact that its not against the law to be high. It is, you can be blood tested (or dna nowadays) and get done for internal possesion. I know this is valid for category A drugs in the USA I don't think class B or C is any different. They very rarely bother with this but, if a cop wants your ass big time, being high is an offence. please correct me if I am wrong, I don't mean, if you havent heard this I mean if you KNOW it's wrong.

Feel free to browse my journal, comments, advice, suggestions or constructive criticism is all welcome.
But they have to have a warrant or under arrest for them to take a blood or piss sample.


Active Member
I beg to differ on the fact that its not against the law to be high. It is, you can be blood tested (or dna nowadays) and get done for internal possesion. I know this is valid for category A drugs in the USA I don't think class B or C is any different. They very rarely bother with this but, if a cop wants your ass big time, being high is an offence. please correct me if I am wrong, I don't mean, if you havent heard this I mean if you KNOW it's wrong.

Feel free to browse my journal, comments, advice, suggestions or constructive criticism is all welcome.

There is no heard involved. I dont care what you are on. Being high is not a crime. Driving high might be a crime. It might be a rime to operate a crane while you are high but it is unconstitutional to make being high a crime.

Thats why the crime is possession...


Active Member
I second the above statement. Being high in your own home is not a crime. But being high in public is.


Active Member
The reason you didnt get arrested is because you didnt commit a crime. Being high is not a crime.

The cops werent nice, they legally couldnt arrest you.

Smoking in public... genius.

My advice. next time dont freak, dont run, just talk to the cops. toss the pills away. and repeat after me.

Good evening officer.
I dont really feel like talking, am i free to go?
I do not consent to any kind of a search, am i being detained?
Have a good evening officer.
actually they have every right to search them they were on school property after hours which is trespassing