Look out superthrive - Organic Competition


Well-Known Member
Hello, fellow garderns. I just want to tell everyone about this excellant organic plant growth stimulator. It's called Blue Mountain Organics " Super Plant Tonic ". It is chocked full of good stuff and does not cost much. I paid like $ 10 for it. I bought some on Ebay a couple of months ago.
I used to use SuperThrive to jump start things, but sometimes it caused weird results. I have this dwarf "Tomatoe" plant called "low ryder" and used the SuperThrive on it. It caused it to grow over 4 feet tall; kinda defeats the purpose right - I don't like using stuff that is too, too - concentrated. Just one drop too much of that stuff and look out.
If you want a dwarf, you don't want it being 4 feet tall. I used this Super Plant Tonic on the very same seeds; through the first month of growth. This time, the plants are as wide as they are tall. About 21 inches, both ways !!! This one is flowering to perfection.
I emailed the dude selling the stuff. He says Blue Mountain Organics is made by a bunch of Hippies living in the Ozarks Mountains in , ARK. They only sell the stuff locally for the most part - it has a real following among organic garderners there. It has mychorrizal fungi, worm castings, blackstrap molasses, coral calcium, humic acid and more. Impressive stuff ! It has some sediments in the bottle, so if you hydro, I'd pour it through a coffee filter before mixing.
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Do you have any other link to this stuff, I found a website for Blue Mountain Organics, but all I could find that they sell is nuts and nut butters. I also can't find this product on ebay.
Yes.. just go on Ebay and search for Organic Fertilizer or Organic Plant Tonic. I saw seven or eight of them for sale, a few days ago. I was told by the Ebay Seller, Blue Mountain Organics is a small company / community of peace loving Hippies, living in the Ozarks in Arkansas. Seems they have been selling this stuff locally for about five years. The Organic Gardening crowd swears by it. I have gotten excellant results with it. They sell the stuff at a local farmer's / flea market there. They do not have a store or website. The only make up a big batch every 3 months. So, the stuff Ebay is probably a fresh batch. It sells pretty fast. I'll probably buy one myself, later this week.
i am currently making my own fertilizer that is 100% organic with no additive, i am also selling it to interested parties $5 for a gallon jug guranteed results
go support wal mart if thats your thing who needs small buisness anyway

To be in business.. I believe spelling it correctly would be a good first step. This is the correct spelling, BUSINESS. Good luck with your fertilizer business. I hope this reply helps you in some small way. :-?
just got a 32 ounce bottle i'm excited to give it to my twins
Yeh.. That super plant tonic is amazing stuff. I just harvested some lowryders, that where as wide as they were tall. I got about 35 % more yield than before. Just proof that Hippies know their organics & are making the world a better place.
I used the run off from a couple of pots to water a few squash, tomatoe & pepper plants. The looked healther in three days and have all produced more vegetables than the others - I did not treat. Plus the bugs seem to be leaving them alone; which is common with healther plant. You will definitely see a difference & quick. I plan to use all the run off, to perk up the rest of my garden. Cause nothing beats Homegrown....:mrgreen:
on the bottle it said will slow flowering, i switched my plants to 12/12 7 ish days ago and started implementing BMO (blue mountain organics) last night, i am using MG organic soil and lower leaves continue to yellow and eventually fall off. New growth is healthy tho. I'm going to do hempy pots for my new grow tho soil is a pain in the ass in my opinion. will BMO still work in a soiless combo?
on the bottle it said will slow flowering, i switched my plants to 12/12 7 ish days ago and started implementing BMO (blue mountain organics) last night, i am using MG organic soil and lower leaves continue to yellow and eventually fall off. New growth is healthy tho. I'm going to do hempy pots for my new grow tho soil is a pain in the ass in my opinion. will BMO still work in a soiless combo?

Yes it will work in a soiless setup. The molasses in it feeds the mycorirhzzal fungi (Mycorrhiza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), for days & they tap into the roots & send out hundreds of fungi threads - that suck up everything the plant needs. Like having hundreds of roots per square inch - vice dozens. In soil they also break down what it present in the soil - making it more available to the roots. It improves the efficency - whether you use soil, soilless medium or hydro (rockwool, coco, even pertilite / vermiculite). Iowa State did tests 2 years ago using these fungi and found the improved uptake of water & minerals from 30 to 1000 % - depending on the plant. Now, that's results. I'll try to find that link - read it last year.

Oh, about stopping or slowing flowering - it will only do that if you use it at like 4 times the regular dose. Using the regular or half strength dose - your plants will continue on with flowering. I usually start low on the dose of anything new and work up - since every plant is different. Like Skunks - vary - some suck up every thing you throw at them - others don't like to be pushed (overfed).

Don't worry about the lower leaves, turning yellow and coming off/falling off easy. That is just your plants way of efficently drawing all the energy out of the unnecessay parts of the plant to engergize / promote flowering. If, it was due to a trace mineral deficency, or minor lack of nitrogen - BMO will correct it within days. Good luck with your ladies. Type at you later...
that is what i thought i found two white hair this morning on the girl that has been growing 2 times faster than the other unsexed one this is good for me cause i was sure if i got a guy that would be it! I clipped some clones off both plants a few days ago they look Ok i put some BMO in my spray bottle they seem to like it. the clones are in hempy pots
that is what i thought i found two white hair this morning on the girl that has been growing 2 times faster than the other unsexed one this is good for me cause i was sure if i got a guy that would be it! I clipped some clones off both plants a few days ago they look Ok i put some BMO in my spray bottle they seem to like it. the clones are in hempy pots
I am glad to hear your girl is showing, and liking the BMO Super Plant Tonic. I got a customer email, saying BMO is now making it in a more concentrated formula. It saves on the shipping cost. Apparently the retailer convinced them to start making a few extra batches, which he is going to sell on Ebay - more often than every 3 months. I bought another bottle the other day myself. My plants absolutely love the stuff. In all my years of growing, I have never seen anything like this stuff. If you use it from the start, it really makes for a bushy plant. I only grow Organic and I am pretty picky about my fertilizers or amendments. Type at you later..
Keep it Real ... Organic .....
ok so i topped the one i thought was a male today and noticed a tiny white hair coming out of what may of been a super small pistil. it was cut off tho so we'll see what happens i made a aero tub for da cloned girls! hopefully i'll end up with twins
ok so i topped the one i thought was a male today and noticed a tiny white hair coming out of what may of been a super small pistil. it was cut off tho so we'll see what happens i made a aero tub for da cloned girls! hopefully i'll end up with twins
Twins..that's nice. Just go really light on your nutrients, with your clones, until they have roots established. Aim for 1/2 strength or less. Your aero tub looks real good, plenty of air bubbles. That is a great way to start clones. Much higher success rate than passive, rock wool or soil.
WOOOO Ozark Mountain hippies in NW Arkansas! That's where I'm from originally! :) It's a beautiful place. A lot of people went to the mountains to dodge the draft during Vietnam and that's why there are so many hippies there. :)
HAHA thats great! As for nutes in the aero i'm running RO water ph to 6.5 which is maybe a lil high but i wanna get your opinion. i put a super tiny amount of clone powder in it as well and about a half cup of premixed BMO water i use for there older sisters!