Freak Accident leads to Monstrous Revelation.....


Well-Known Member
Because of its location I try not to enter/exit my grow area during office hours.
It's near to several small businesses that operate on the 8am to 6pm schedule and, when opening the doors, the noise attracts attention. When the doors are closed the sound proofing works wonderfully but this may actually have contributed to the problem. A room that doesn't normally emit sounds is suddenly a cacophony of noise, the instant a door is opened!
On a few occasions no one has been around and I have entered my grow area but, upon wanting to leave, one of more of the neighbouring units have been active and I have been forced to remain within the area for hours.

To be better prepared for such an eventuality I took a kettle, tea bags (essential to any Englishman) a microwave oven and a few basic provisions into the area.

On October 15th I had to remain in the area.
After a few hours I started to warm up some soup in the microwave.
It is an old microwave with a faulty catch on the door and I stand something heavy in front of it, to ensure it stays closed.
On this day I'd been passing the time imprisoned in the area by having a smoke of my last harvest and, due to being stoned, i'd forgotten to place something in front of the microwave oven door.
The soup was rotating when I heard a commotion outside.
I climbed into the roof space where there is a narrow space that allows me to look outside.
I climbed up there by standing on the small table on which the microwave stands and I must have kicked the microwave.

I could see the man from the unit two doors down having an incredible argument with a very attractive young woman. A few times the woman pulled back her hand ready to aim a slap across the mans face. The man grabbed her arm until she calmed down, then she's talk herself angry, again, and pull back her arm ready to aim a slap.......
This went on for some time. Long enough, in fact, for me to roll a fat one and smoke it as I watched the spectacle unfold.
The womans friend arrived, tried to calm her down, then joined in screaming abuse at the man.
The mans son arrived. Watched the event for a few minutes until it calmed down momentarily. Took the opportunity to ask his father where the adjustable spanner had been stored. Then left.

I was so engrossed with all this that I hadn't noticed that the microwave had not made the bell sound, to announce it had stopped cooking.... I awkwardly crawled around, so I could look down at the oven.
The microwave was continuously going but the door was wide open.
I used a mop handle to reach down and push the door shut.
I then used the same technique to reach the plug socket and turn off the switch.

For over 35 minutes a 850w Microwave Oven had been firing out microwaves, on 100% power.

I climbed down and walked around the area, expecting the worse.
On the plants nearest the oven I paid extra attention.
Looking with eyes, then magnifying glass, then microscope....
Touching and smelling the fan leaves.....

There were no signs of damage (or even change) as far as I could see.

Over the next 5 days (up to Oct 20th) things continued as usual.
On the five days that followed those (20th to 25th October) I noticed that the plants were leaching the nutrients out of the water.
A res solution of EC 1.4 was depleted to 0.4 after just 3 days!
Then the plants started to develop the fastest growing buds I had ever seen.
The plants that were nearest the microwave had the biggest, fastest growing buds.

The plants have been flowering like this for 5 weeks now.
The ones farest away from the microwave are normal, usual flowering plants.
But the ones that were nearest the microwaves have 4 to 5 times more buds.

For anyone who really wants to push the limits, when it comes to yield, I suggest shorting a microwave and running it on full power, with the door wide open, for 35 to 40 minutes.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ya...... no this is a bad bad idea. I've been trying to figure out a way to make a microwave "Gun" of sorts to get rid of bugs but i keep coming back to the same place.... a plant is High% water... water and microwaves don't interact so well.


Well-Known Member
Big buds and odd looking kids, if any at all.

Down here, rednecks do a lot of strange shit, but generally draw the line at nuking their own balls. Might blow them up, or shoot them off, but never the microwave.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
How does a microwave run with the door open when they have to have a saftey catch that has to be pressed in for the microwave to run? This means either tyou have modded the microwave or this might have some fluffing tovthe story


Microwave radiation dissipates at a crazy Ft. per second. I wouldn't worry, light bulbs cell phones and many other things emit radiation. Unless your plants were literally inside the microwave nothing "abnormal" would've happened . I've had to do plumbing 20ft. in front of a direct path of a cell tower antennae and had many, many professionals tell me I was perfect-ally safe . But if I was standing 2 or 3ft away from the Antennae I would've caught fire. A cell antennae should be around 5 or 6 K stronger then a household microwave.

Edit post because I'm truly a nerd!


Active Member
ya...... no this is a bad bad idea. I've been trying to figure out a way to make a microwave "Gun" of sorts to get rid of bugs but i keep coming back to the same place.... a plant is High% water... water and microwaves don't interact so well.
actually, they do. thats the problem. ;-)


Active Member
I can see the headline now, 'Teenager hospitalized after attempting to use microwave oven for penis enlargement'; claimed that he read how it made pot plants bigger on internet web site.

On a more serious note, I question that this isn't a case of confusing correlation with causation. The microwave non-ionizing radiation is controlled by a waveguide and, in general, should not travel much beyond the oven interior even with the door removed entirely. But, I will be sure to look for microwave grow tubes in the next issue of my local shop's hydro catalog.