
Well-Known Member
At what point did having kids become enjoyable/ rewarding for all you guys? I got a 3.5 month old right now and I hate life. It's not fun, it's not rewarding, it's nothing but no sleep and giving up everything I used to do. Right now I feel like the peeps who don't want kids got it right.

She is pretty though. :)


Well-Known Member
At what point did having kids become enjoyable/ rewarding for all you guys? I got a 3.5 month old right now and I hate life. It's not fun, it's not rewarding, it's nothing but no sleep and giving up everything I used to do. Right now I feel like the peeps who don't want kids got it right.

She is pretty though. :)
It's going to start changing very soon for you. Promise. I got an 11 month old daughter. It is REAL tough at first but then they started changing and developing and becoming more independent and it's absolutely amazing and fulfilling to watch. I think about 7 months is when my daughter really started to give us breaks.


Active Member
At what point did having kids become enjoyable/ rewarding for all you guys? I got a 3.5 month old right now and I hate life. It's not fun, it's not rewarding, it's nothing but no sleep and giving up everything I used to do. Right now I feel like the peeps who don't want kids got it right.

She is pretty though. :)
If your a guy thats normal, we dont really pay that much attention to them when the are young, once they walk and talk we can corrupt them , i let my 5 year old steer my car yesterday.
Help out, clean, cook, etc and help out as much as possible, it sucks but i would much rather work than take care of any kid, any age.

If your the Mom, juice, eat right, hormonally you are going through the mill, for gods sake eat right and get as much rest as you can.


Well-Known Member
At what point did having kids become enjoyable/ rewarding for all you guys? I got a 3.5 month old right now and I hate life. It's not fun, it's not rewarding, it's nothing but no sleep and giving up everything I used to do. Right now I feel like the peeps who don't want kids got it right.

She is pretty though. :)
It gets better, as her awareness grows you'll see an attachment and wonderment to daddy. Nurture that, she's looking for trust at this stage of development, after that she will look for small bits of doing things herself. Positive reinforcement goes along way.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Damn I got lucky with my baby girl apparently. At 2 months she was sleeping through the night and at 4 month was taking scheduled naps.


Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)
Hmm yeah definitely. I was unemployed when the baby was born and for the 3 months after. So I helped a lot (debatable). Then I went back to work. So I kind of saw both worlds. Don't mind work so much these days sometimes. :D In all fairness though, my daughter takes it pretty easy on us. Hang in there, it gets better/easier.



Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)
as a stay at home dad myself I can tell you the only way women are better equipped is that they have milk producing boobies. its equally stressfull being the full time parent wether ur a man or a woman, its that you can handle the stress and don't walk away that defines you as being a good parent not your gender. Its never going to be easy, and the kid is always going to drive you crazy sometimes but the fact that your still there day after day and the kid is still alive means your doing a good job in my opinion.

just tossing in a quote from breaking bad here cause I love this quote
"What does a man do Walter? A man provides for his family. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man." ―Gustavo Fring[SUP][src][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)
Oh it gets way better! Im a part time stay at home dad, when they start to be able to get around the playground its really cool.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)
You lose all your freedom for the first couple months. About 4 months old you will get a few hours a day to yourself. Maybe lol.


Well-Known Member
photo session with the grandbaby.. about 5 minutes into shooting shoulder was killing me.. wifey had to take over.. the lil one moved way too much..

I tried bubbles to see if it would help.. wifey snapped a pic of it.. lol

the majority of the photos I took... were at her level.. she wanted the camera bad.. had to bob and duck like a boxer just to avoid her..



Well-Known Member
Me and the bitches.. (correct term)

Today was a rare occasion it was damn cold out.. and Roxy shared her blanket with Gretchen..

I like hillybilly already^


Well-Known Member
I'm the stay at home dad, so lots of taking care of baby. I'm finding that women are simply better equipped to do this job (in my opinion). Not that us men can't do it well. We can. But the crying sometimes drives me nuts. Like really really nuts. You all help though. :)
My friends have had it so easy with their 7 mth old. He's been sleeping until 10am for ages now. He's never upset unless he wants a bottle. Even the teething so far has been easy. Unbelievably he's tougher than the parents and hasn't had one cold yet! They are very good at parenting and despite being in their 20's they find it a breeze. The father is working from home as he has a knee injury. He could take care of the baby single handedly as he loves him so much. Some people take to it very well. I couldn't do it.