2nd round Brainstorm 4.5x9x7 tent/1000w


Starting my Journal for my new round of brain storm. Here's the setup..

Strain.. Dutch Passions Brainstorm, Clones from Feminized mother plant.
4.5x9x7 Grow tent
24 Site Aerojet (18 sites filled)
Lumatek 1000w Ballast&HPSBulb (MH for veg)
4XL Silverstar A/C hood
6' Inline fan
6' Carbon Filter
1on 4off fixed cycle timer

AN Micro-Grow-Bloom Ph perfect
AN Voodoo Juice
AN Big Bud
AN Bud Candy
AN B-52
AN Overdrive
AN Final Phase

Planning on a 7-10 day veg cycle followed by a 9 week flower.


Nutes&Stuff..Still waiting on the overdrive and voodoo juice to arrive.

I'll update again on Sunday when i have everything together and plants in the system.


Thought i'd also share a pic of my Next Generation's Grape God seedling, its going to be my mother plant for my next grow after this one is done.



Well-Known Member
Subscribed mate .....
Doing a Journal as wheel starting around same time, take a look ...

Good luck, May the force be with you ��


Well-Known Member
Subscribed mate .....
Doing a Journal as wheel starting around same time, take a look ...

Good luck, May the force be with you ��
Ha ha but mine ain't half the set up you have....

That's some Hydro system, cracking set up ...... If only I had the space !!


Subscribed mate .....
Doing a Journal as wheel starting around same time, take a look ...

Good luck, May the force be with you ��
Nice to have ya watching, you should post the link to your current grow in your signature. Or post a link in the message. :-P


Thanks for the link, too lazy to look through all you posts to find it LOL My first year of growing i grew in Promix BX with GH nutes and a 600w light. I will say they only real difference i noticed when switching to hydro was faster growth and a lil fatter buds, potency is always the same if you grow right.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's good to know ....
Is there less hassle with watering and stuff and do you get the end product quicker ?

Think I am gonna floor out my loft after this grow and get a proper tent, and maybe a hydro system.

I am really interested to see how this goes and it will be a learning curve as well..... Maybe a weeeeeee bit Jealous of the set up :wink:

How do you get the link to your grow underneath .?


Veging is faster i found, so you do get the end product a lil faster. Flower time is always the same really, maybe a 4-7 day difference once you get a strain dialed in to your system, but really you can do the same in soil/soiless, so basically its the veg period thats a bit faster in hydro. I love hydro compared to soil/soiless, less work and no mess imo. just monitor the PH and PPM daily and change the water once a week and that's really it. You can build a Deep water culture bubbler really cheap, like $40 or $50 bucks tops, and they work great. Grow tents are the best invention when it comes to indoor growing if you ask me. Makes it so easy to control the climate completely.


Update! 11-17-2013

Ok got my hood and ducting installed, plants in the system. Ended up with 17, broke one in transplant. I decided to try neoprene collars to hold the plants in place rather than using hydroton. We'll see how it works out. I still don't have my 6' carbon filter yet, i am going to wait till next month to buy it. Anywho, heres a couple pics, not too much to see but you get the idea.



Well-Known Member
Hey Brainstorm,

That's you all strapped in for the ride now :D

Onky thing that would really bug me is those 7 empty pots .......



haha, ya it sucks i didn't have enough clones to fill the system, still once they start going it will be less noticeable. Plus i'm stoked to see this thing in action, just happy to have plants in it at this point lol Temps in the tent are a steady 26c, though i think i will have to buy a water chiller to help keep my reservoirs temps down, its 25c in the res, but thats on the list for after this crop. In the mean time i'm just throwing frozen 2L bottles of water in there to keep it cool. Ph has been stable at 5.7, ppm is at 350-400. I'm going to do pic updates once a week so keep an eye out! :)


Just thought i'd share a pic of my grapegod seedling, now 8 days since put into the bubbler. Will have a proper journal update tomorrow.


I drained the res today and refilled it, ppm is at 450, PH 5.7
Plants are doing really well, it took about 3 days for most to take to the systems and start gaining more root mass, a couple of them hardly had any roots when i put them in and looked like they were going to die, but i trimmed off all the dead leaves from them and left them in there and they have come back to life, will be behind the rest in size, but better to have them in there then not in the end. So far i'm liking the system, very easy to maintain. I must say if anyone's in the market for a new air-cooled hood, check out the silverstar 4xl's, the light foot print is best i've used yet, a bit pricey at $269, but well worth it imo. Res temps max out at 25c, too hot, so i add 2x 2l frozen bottles of water every 4 hrs, this keeps its range from 19c-25c over the 4 hr period. Ambient temp in tent is 25c, 27.5c at plant canopy.

I will be switching to flower next sunday and ramping up the nutes a bit. Here's some pics. enjoy!

thought these 2 might die but they held on!
Root growth...

Questions?Comments? Always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Nothing say, apart from looking good ....
You will still get a bit of smoke off those two that you a wee scare with ..... :)

Jumpin Jack

Looks good so far.I will pull a seat up for your grow and im really interested in the grapegod you got from next generation.Thats my next order from herbies.I just started some grapefruit diesel.


Looks good so far.I will pull a seat up for your grow and im really interested in the grapegod you got from next generation.Thats my next order from herbies.I just started some grapefruit diesel.
Good to have ya aboard!

I'm looking forward to the GG as well, seen a few great grows with it over the past couple years, been dying to grow it.


Just read about the GG there, sounds good :)
I've seen a good journal for GG on here, and i know someone who's grown it, and it was really nice smoke as i remember. Should be a nice change from Brainstorm, its mostly sativa(90% i think) and GG is mostly Indica, gotta get a nice Kush strain to try too.