The Minimum Income Allocation..Income Base For Just "Being"..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
that's a high protein shit if i ever saw one:lol:
thats a Nuts 'N' Berries autumn scat, he is feeding up on local forage, discarded hotdogs, and unwary campers in preparation for his winter siesta.

in the spring and summer they are juicy wet slimy puddles of blackberry seeds and undigested roughage.


Well-Known Member
Well i can relate to this topic in a way...

My family consists of father 52, mother 50, brother 29, sister 27, myself 24, sister 21...

My entire family was / is on welfare and eating off goverment and living off ssi from my father(severe epileptic). Been that waysince i knew what the goverment is. So my whole life ive been around this 'poverty' if you will. When i was 14 i started my first job as a busboy making 15$ a night in tips and 5$hour since i didnt belong working legally yet. Then i went from resturant to resturant making more and more. When i turned 16 i bought myself a 2k$ car with money i saved up and ended up blowing the motor on it. Did some research online and pulled the engine out and put junkyard one in myself. From there i did more and more work on random cars and rented a garage and put ads on craigslist. I easily made 1500 a week cash until my girfriend ended up pregnant 2 yrs ago. I sold everything and got a normal job which i work now at $17 hr with paid medical for the first time since 18yrs old(hopefully not cancelled when o-care starts). This medical marijuana card allows me to grow on side and give patients free meds and give excess to dispensary for extra money...

I am not rich at all but im young still and with this thing called AMBITION, i will go to school when the baby starts pre-school. My schooling will be paid for with money saved thanks to mmj and my job will pay for my house and food for family.

Still to this day since i have moved out of my parents i get a call several times a month to help my mom pay her mortgage and bills. It kills me to say no but i now have a family of my own and bills that HAVE to be paid for my family to live...

The problem with today is the goverment makes it so easy to get free everything and when you actually need something like state medical for your child but you dont qualify cause make to much but in real life it pays food and bills only. They tell you if your not working we can provide food,medical and heating/cash assistance. So you have choice to work ass off and bearly make it by and miss out on medical or to not work an get handed a minimum lived life free of charge.

Sorry for the rant but its studies like this that are most likely made up to push people into living off goverment, which i swear the goverment wants ultimately... people need to wake up and stop being LAZY. Alittle ambition and wanting more than to sit home on video games all day will go a very very long way... every person in my family still lives under one roof and will tell you flat out that they have no shot at life because they were raised on goverment aid and bad parenting. THEY'RE UNDER 30yrs old. Its called being LAZY and being handed every escuse under the sun from the gov. To continue this way.

I didnt pay crazy attn in school but i ended up watching discovery channel episodes on the industrial revolution. IMO, its crazy to think of how not too long ago people made nothing into such a huge society. If you put everyone in my generation and newer into those days we would still have no electronics or skyscrapers for buildings because how lazy most people are and lack the will to strive for anything more in life.


Well-Known Member
thats a Nuts 'N' Berries autumn scat, he is feeding up on local forage, discarded hotdogs, and unwary campers in preparation for his winter siesta.

in the spring and summer they are juicy wet slimy puddles of blackberry seeds and undigested roughage.
almost makes me wish i were a bear..


Well-Known Member
Well i can relate to this topic in a way...

My family consists of father 52, mother 50, brother 29, sister 27, myself 24, sister 21...

My entire family was / is on welfare and eating off goverment and living off ssi from my father(severe epileptic). Been that waysince i knew what the goverment is. So my whole life ive been around this 'poverty' if you will. When i was 14 i started my first job as a busboy making 15$ a night in tips and 5$hour since i didnt belong working legally yet. Then i went from resturant to resturant making more and more. When i turned 16 i bought myself a 2k$ car with money i saved up and ended up blowing the motor on it. Did some research online and pulled the engine out and put junkyard one in myself. From there i did more and more work on random cars and rented a garage and put ads on craigslist. I easily made 1500 a week cash until my girfriend ended up pregnant 2 yrs ago. I sold everything and got a normal job which i work now at $17 hr with paid medical for the first time since 18yrs old(hopefully not cancelled when o-care starts). This medical marijuana card allows me to grow on side and give patients free meds and give excess to dispensary for extra money...

I am not rich at all but im young still and with this thing called AMBITION, i will go to school when the baby starts pre-school. My schooling will be paid for with money saved thanks to mmj and my job will pay for my house and food for family.

Still to this day since i have moved out of my parents i get a call several times a month to help my mom pay her mortgage and bills. It kills me to say no but i now have a family of my own and bills that HAVE to be paid for my family to live...

The problem with today is the goverment makes it so easy to get free everything and when you actually need something like state medical for your child but you dont qualify cause make to much but in real life it pays food and bills only. They tell you if your not working we can provide food,medical and heating/cash assistance. So you have choice to work ass off and bearly make it by and miss out on medical or to not work an get handed a minimum lived life free of charge.

Sorry for the rant but its studies like this that are most likely made up to push people into living off goverment, which i swear the goverment wants ultimately... people need to wake up and stop being LAZY. Alittle ambition and wanting more than to sit home on video games all day will go a very very long way... every person in my family still lives under one roof and will tell you flat out that they have no shot at life because they were raised on goverment aid and bad parenting. THEY'RE UNDER 30yrs old. Its called being LAZY and being handed every escuse under the sun from the gov. To continue this way.
i stand and applaud you:clap:

the system is meant to "springboard" you to the next opportunity and by no means a "way of life" unfortunately, there are those who do abuse the system..


Well-Known Member
Not going to lie sometimes i really think twice when i wake up every day at 530 am to come home at 8pm of manual labor work but takes me another minute to think of rest of my siblings and back to work i go... i cant allow my daughter to see that living that way is acceptable in anyway.


Well-Known Member
i stand and applaud you:clap:

the system is meant to "springboard" you to the next opportunity and by no means a "way of life" unfortunately, there are those who do abuse the system..
If the system is designed to do that, then they need to redesign the system because it is a huge failure.


Well-Known Member
Not going to lie sometimes i really think twice when i wake up every day at 530 am to come home at 8pm of manual labor work but takes me another minute to think of rest of my siblings and back to work i go... i cant allow my daughter to see that living that way is acceptable in anyway.
you are an inspiration.


Well-Known Member
I didnt pay crazy attn in school but i ended up watching discovery channel episodes on the industrial revolution. IMO, its crazy to think of how not too long ago people made nothing into such a huge society. If you put everyone in my generation and newer into those days we would still have no electronics or skyscrapers for buildings because how lazy most people are and lack the will to strive for anything more in life.
There were a lot of dead bodys along the way


New Member
I saw that the other day. Switzerland just recently put forward the idea of a "minimum income" of $2800 a month or there abouts. And people wonder why the nordic countries have the best healthcare outcomes, the happiest populations, live longer, and have been relatively far less affected by the recession compared to us.


Well-Known Member
thats a Nuts 'N' Berries autumn scat, he is feeding up on local forage, discarded hotdogs, and unwary campers in preparation for his winter siesta.

in the spring and summer they are juicy wet slimy puddles of blackberry seeds and undigested roughage.
in review, kynes, you'd be the one to know this..i'm honored, reluctantly..


Well-Known Member
this is the heart of the failed "Socio-Economic Status" excuse. poverty = despair, despair = more poverty, more poverty = crime, crime = more poverty

when this is the message, all you do is inform the poor person that it's not their fault, somebody else got lucky, and that luck was STOLEN from you in-utero, so everyone who has more than you is a pre-natal thief.

it's the same nonsense that creates Cargo Cults, sure some people are BORN RICH, but many people born into desperate poverty have climbed the ladder of success, and made out pretty good for themselves, even if you dont count those who rode the entertainment/sports escalator.

hte lefty "SES" excuse has been systematically reinforcing bad decisions, and inculcating a sense of entitlement for nearly 70 years, in ALL of society's urban poor, (not just the Black Community so save the RACISM chant for somebody who gives a shit bucky) because helpless hopeless and despairing people are EASIER TO CONTROL.

even the romans knew this, which is why the plebs rarely climbed out of the slums to enter the Cursus Honorum, despite their well proven ability to do so.

downtroddenm peasants who see themselves as helpless hopeless and worthless are easily bribed with bread and circuses, and thats what we have now, through foodstamps welfare and TV.
"resident idiot ascribes sinister, nefarious motivations to natural cycle of poverty", story at 11.


Well-Known Member
sociology is just foolishness and self-deception masquerading as science

humans are animals, and aminals, when not driven by instinct fear or hunger will take any opportunity to lay about in the sun.

humans, like any animal will repeat behaviour which has proven successful, including begging for handouts at your picnic table, rooting through the trash for scraps or climbing into your kitchen to make a nest in your pantry.

this is why you are commanded to NOT feed the bears, as they will become dependent on this easy food supply, and may become dangerous when the food is not forthcoming.

if you feed a stray dog it WILL follow you home whether you like it or not.

we are however encouraged to feed stray humans, and then the liberal acts surprised when these strays expect more handouts, despite their constant crapping on your floor, chewing on your shoes, snarling and snapping at anyone who gets to close, and digging up your garden.

our urban underclass (regardless of the colour of their pelts) all exhibit similar behaviours to feral animals, yet sociologists try and explain this behaviour in human terms rather than the simple, easily understood behaviour of animals.

humans, like chimps dolphins, monkeys, and elephants must LEARN their social behaviour from their parents and the social group, and without this training they are unsuited to the society in which they live. the left and their sociologist mushbrains have been systematically robbing the urban youth of their social instruction, letting them turn feral, and then blaming SOCIETY for the behaviour of the anti-social creatures they created.

Desmond Morris' morning duece is worth more than all the sociologist in the world combined.
"demented racist likens poor people to wild animals", story at 12.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Ahhh so an area of science that uses the same scientific method and gathers it's information through various peer reviewed statistical data is bunk? I've taken a couple sociology classes and I have another one next semester, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one.
Sociology is a science. But politics abuses it just like statistics. So sociology as an excuse is bullshit.We have the internet. If your school sucks, go look at the syllabus for a dumb bell college online. Find the pdf of the text book online. Then STFU about "SES."


Well-Known Member

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
"demented racist likens poor people to wild animals", story at 12.
so wait, are you arguing that humans are NOT animals?

cool, you must think the earth is 5000 years old and jesus put dinosaur bones underground to test our faith.