first true leaves

One of my autos jus popped her head above ground a couple days ago her true leaves are tiny still smaller than the Cotyledons but now the tips are starting to yellow and they're pointed upward I'm not use if my light burned them because I did do the hand test before I will try and get a pic up as soon as possible
I'm growing in coco I had the t5 about 3 inches away I'm thinking it burnt? But the leaves are really small still so should I try feeding it?


Well-Known Member
3" is a little close for T5s...they get surprisingly hot. But if burnt or bleached, it would be top of plant. Indeed, I think some nutrients is the ticket. Hope that does it. You should see improvement soon.

Hopefully this little girl can recover...thanks for the help John much appreciated

And in the pic if If u can see or not but the 2 little saw leaves are curling upward


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize it was so small. People will tell me I'm full of shit...but in my opinion, and many others, coco isn't the best media for seedlings. Best to start in a ready rooter or something like that...let it grow a bit, and then into coco.
Yea I've heard that too honestly I'm thinking about switching to soil if these too don't pan out I need to get a few simple grows under my belt then try this coco out.....good looks on the pm I'm looking into that now


Well-Known Member
NUTE BURN if yellowing from just the tips.
Well not exactly. Nute burn will cause actual necrosis...browning and death to tip tissue.

Yellowing of the tip could be just the beginning of needing a feeding.

Gotta look at the whole picture,