Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

This is currently my main "bloom" additive: which is 4-0-1, iow largely N.

No offense, but that ad, product name, label design and the unsubstantiated junk science wrapped around it is so typical of this industry.

Option - you could save yourself a lot of time and money and just add a pinch of potassium nitrate to a gallon of water. NPK is about the same.

Having said that, green rules lol.
No offense, but that ad, product name, label design and the unsubstantiated junk science wrapped around it is so typical of this industry.

Option - you could save yourself a lot of time and money and just add a pinch of potassium nitrate to a gallon of water. NPK is about the same.

I take no offense to the truth UB. :) Reading product descriptions/ads for such products is a whole form of entertainment by itself. I was just in a growshop a couple of hours ago and was thinking of your snake oil comments when I noticed the products called "Top Viagra" and literally translated: "Bud Banger" again.

I got the product as part of a 50% off starter pack deal and would never pay for them separately. Being frugal is why I got the product in the first place. As a matter of fact, I'm doing a cycle with a handful of plants with merely AB components to show that there's no need for (me to buy separately any) additives that basically contain the same elements but in skewed ratios. Next step is getting the macros more or less separately, was planning on getting those in bottles so thanks for the tip - might as well add the water and bottle it myself.

My point was not to recommend the product Bud XL, the funny thing is that Multi Enzym (the main veg additive from H&G) contains the same NPK ratio as Bud XL (the till very last week bloom additive), as in high N and no P. They sort of cater to high P wanting customers with their Top Shooter and Shooting Powder (following Canna), but at the same time add enough N to prevent that high PK from messing up the plants as fast as with just Plant-Killer13/14.

Here's one to illustrate your point some more :lol: Magic Green: (that's almost like actually naming a product Snake Oil) The thick contents looks a lot like some whitelabel fish emulsion I used to use when I grew on soil which needless to say had the same 'magic' results.
I take no offense to the truth UB. :) Reading product descriptions/ads for such products is a whole form of entertainment by itself. I was just in a growshop a couple of hours ago and was thinking of your snake oil comments when I noticed the products called "Top Viagra" and literally translated: "Bud Banger" again......

....My point was not to recommend the product Bud XL, the funny thing is that Multi Enzym (the main veg additive from H&G) contains the same NPK ratio as Bud XL (the till very last week bloom additive), as in high N and no P. They sort of cater to high P wanting customers with their Top Shooter and Shooting Powder (following Canna), but at the same time add enough N to prevent that high PK from messing up the plants as fast as with just Plant-Killer13/14.

Here's one to illustrate your point some more :lol: Magic Green: (that's almost like actually naming a product Snake Oil) The thick contents looks a lot like some whitelabel fish emulsion I used to use when I grew on soil which needless to say had the same 'magic' results.

Busted! How many times are these shysters gonna take the same product and re-package it? Ya just gotta laugh.....

Think I'll come up with a snake oil targeted at the lollipoppin' leaf pluckin' nerds, guaranteed to plump up those bottom popcorn buds. ;) How's "Bottom Viagra XXX - guaranteed to add girth AND length!"
Busted! How many times are these shysters gonna take the same product and re-package it? Ya just gotta laugh.....

I thought you might get a kick out of this UB....

So I had done down time while getting a tire replaced. I decided to go to the grow store down the street to kill some time. Now I actually like this shop as they've been a staple in the area pre-medical days and they have good prices on things I may need (neem, pots, soil, and they even brew tea which they will gladly give you).

I started chatting with some sales associate who was asking about my nutes. I mentioned i used Jacks and mentioned it was disappointing that the store didn't carry it. I had to order it from Jacks which even with the expensive shipping costs, I was peachy.

One guy behind the counter goes, "that's what I use, customers think they need all these additives so we sell it to them".
Think I'll come up with a snake oil targeted at the lollipoppin' leaf pluckin' nerds, guaranteed to plump up those bottom popcorn buds. ;) How's "Bottom Viagra XXX - guaranteed to add girth AND length!"
Without such companies and products the same growers probably would be throwing the same shit, and more, in their pots. If people can bottle and sell regular H2O as something more than just water with unnatural and non-scientifically proven benefits.... Now there's a product, "Blessed Buds".

The magic ingredient in Toppenknaller (Bud Banger) is "ionic silver", it's $80 for 500ml, that's about 80 cent per teaspoon... It also includes 0-40-26, amino acids, and 'vitamins plants can uptake directly'.

Reminds me of my favorite UB quote (yes I have one of those :lol:) from a thread about additives:
The only extra "zip" YOU need is to learn how to grow a plant with the most healthy foliage and root system until harvest. So what do folks do? They follow some erroneous forum/Dutch paradigm, hit their plants with too much K and P (i.e. PK13/14), then flush, and induce leaf drop..... the very plant unit that makes what they're after - bud! It's hilarious.
Sure nailed that one... maybe even more than you realize, imagine what happens when you have "Dutch forum paradigm" instead of "forum/Dutch paradigm".
Reading comprehension skills seem to be something you haven't mastered. UB said it himself that plants need N in flower and that many growers have ugly ass plants with dead leaves and fucked up bud because they fail to use enough N in flower

yea, lets rely on Google for answers, seeing as it would point to stupid shit like this claiming nonsense on cannabis boards by dumbasses arguing. Certainly an excellent source for entertainment, not for science.

Yea, citations really are "silly" . Its not like having data or using the scientific method makes sense or contributes to the wealth of knowledge built upon by others. Then again, it shouldn't surprise me as your reading comprehension skills are so shitty. Oh that and relying on google for research, fucking brilliant!

Yeah, here ya go bro. So easy even a caveman can do it.....
But I will do it for you, since it seems above your capabilities....

These experiments show that the THC content of leaves decreases with increasing N doses. This phenomenon is favorable for agricultural production, because nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly. Additional studies are necessary to determine optimal N dose/ha, time of application, fertilizer type and the lowest THC content achievable under field conditions.

So keep on growing your hemp. Master hemp grower.

Ill stick to growing cannabis and get the most out of my product.

Thanks for playing...
nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly.

stem growers UNITE!
Seems again you are having reading comprehension issues. But surely one study on 6 plants about the leaf contents, not flowers is a study worthy of fact.

from the study, which was with regards to leaves not flowers there is a couple of issues.
1. leaves not flowers.
2. only used 6 plants for an experiment, not exactly a huge test group.
3. "High nitrogen levels reduced the THC content of leaves, and older leaves contained less THC than younger ones. There was no significant interaction between these two factors."
4. Stated increased nitrogen produced more shoots, and more leaf output.
5. Speaking on thc levels in the leaves being betwen 0.3-.07% thc. One can easily argue this is an insignificant/negligible amount.

This study you posted has nothing concrete nor conclusive for your argument.

Feel free to keep starving your plants and thinking the leaves should be fried and yellow when you harvest. I will keep focusing on maintaining healthy roots and green foliage.

ETA here is a beautiful picture of my "hemp"

Any halfway intelligent person who has been in this hobby for a number of years and has improved over those years has no doubt noticed the correlation between plant healthy and quality. There is no better way to grow healthy plants than with foods containing a good dose of N.
thats not true i bet the farmers from a long time ago that used animal poops for fertilizer why were they all unhealthy? we got healthy when the nutrients were bottled all hydroponic farms use some sort of artificial fertilizer because its better then all the other OLD FERTILIZERS do they people are healthy now. we learn from watching history tat those who refuse to go foward in time cant be left out to do nothing because its not good for the plants we know now that you gtet nutrients from fertilizer
thats not true i bet the farmers from a long time ago that used animal poops for fertilizer why were they all unhealthy? we got healthy when the nutrients were bottled all hydroponic farms use some sort of artificial fertilizer because its better then all the other OLD FERTILIZERS do they people are healthy now. we learn from watching history tat those who refuse to go foward in time cant be left out to do nothing because its not good for the plants we know now that you gtet nutrients from fertilizer

What in the fuck is this rambling nonsense?

The same chemical in those bottles is derived from shit and old fertilizers as you call them.

jesus fucking christ, use some proper grammar and sentence structure. Back to the kiddie table, grown-ups are talking.
Seems again you are having reading comprehension issues. But surely one study on 6 plants about the leaf contents, not flowers is a study worthy of fact.

from the study, which was with regards to leaves not flowers there is a couple of issues.
1. leaves not flowers.
2. only used 6 plants for an experiment, not exactly a huge test group.
3. "High nitrogen levels reduced the THC content of leaves, and older leaves contained less THC than younger ones. There was no significant interaction between these two factors."
4. Stated increased nitrogen produced more shoots, and more leaf output.
5. Speaking on thc levels in the leaves being betwen 0.3-.07% thc. One can easily argue this is an insignificant/negligible amount.

This study you posted has nothing concrete nor conclusive for your argument.

Feel free to keep starving your plants and thinking the leaves should be fried and yellow when you harvest. I will keep focusing on maintaining healthy roots and green foliage.

ETA here is a beautiful picture of my "hemp"

View attachment 2906799

Keep on reading, that test didn't stop halfway...

And your god Uncle Ben did say "that is in hemp"... So yes he did acknowledge it.

Nice pretty bud. My buds are prettier and actually have a higher THC percentage.

Stem growers unite!
thats not true i bet the farmers from a long time ago that used animal poops for fertilizer why were they all unhealthy? we got healthy when the nutrients were bottled all hydroponic farms use some sort of artificial fertilizer because its better then all the other OLD FERTILIZERS do they people are healthy now. we learn from watching history tat those who refuse to go foward in time cant be left out to do nothing because its not good for the plants we know now that you gtet nutrients from fertilizer

All your other posts mention 'Advanced Nutrients; why not this one?
Keep on reading, that test didn't stop halfway...

And your god Uncle Ben did say "that is in hemp"... So yes he did acknowledge it.

Nice pretty bud. My buds are prettier and actually have a higher THC percentage.

Stem growers unite!

Dude, the article isn't that long, and you are reaching for straws if you honestly think it's conclusive of anything. I've pointed out how and why, you simply deflected. I am trying to stay civil, as it's more condusive to a meaningful conversation, but you are extrapolating meaning where there is little to none.

UB isn't my god. it's called respect for another. UB is a valuable member on this site, helping many while putting up with dumbasses constantly. I simply respect UB as he has aided myself and others. For some reason, when people begin growing cannabis, common sense, science, and basic horticulture skills go out the window. Replaced instead with myths, lazy observations, products one doesnt need, and dick waving contest.

I will take the last part as a compliment. She was grown in Foxfarms Happy Frog cut further with perlite, fertalized with Jacks Classic and Jacks Cirtus.
Dude, the article isn't that long, and you are reaching for straws if you honestly think it's conclusive of anything. I've pointed out how and why, you simply deflected. I am trying to stay civil, as it's more condusive to a meaningful conversation, but you are extrapolating meaning where there is little to none.

UB isn't my god. it's called respect for another. UB is a valuable member on this site, helping many while putting up with dumbasses constantly. I simply respect UB as he has aided myself and others. For some reason, when people begin growing cannabis, common sense, science, and basic horticulture skills go out the window. Replaced instead with myths, lazy observations, products one doesnt need, and dick waving contest.

I will take the last part as a compliment. She was grown in Foxfarms Happy Frog cut further with perlite, fertalized with Jacks Classic and Jacks Cirtus.

Ignore him. He is just an idiot who gets off making others mad. Let him believe what he wants.

Anyways, how did you like the Jacks classics with jacks citrus? How does it compare when Jacks classics is used alone to combo of classics and citrus? I have been wanting to try them out and see if I like them. I personally use Dyna line.
To be honest, there isn't too much of a difference between the products. the 20/20/20 I use during veg and swap in the citrus in flower. in fact either one would be great from start to finish. The citrus doesn't have as much P in it, which seems better for flower. I ran both on different plants during flower and honestly couldn't notice a difference. All plants turned out wonderfully, and had zero issues.
I've been using Jack's Classic bloom booster 10-30-20 since June....cost $10 I think. I still have about 1/3 of the tub left. At this rate It'll last me until March. No nute deficiencies or burn. I point to Jacks for being a big factor in the increase of my plant's health and my yields. I sometimes wonder if I should try something different, but cannot come up with a good reason why I would.
