message to first time growers

OP's advice in two sentences:

"Read a book instead of listening to experienced growers a forum, with the exception of all of the "advice" I intend to give you in this post.

Get a log book, flush, Co2 is too expensive, yet led lights are cheap, and use HID, even though I failed with them."

Did I get that right? Oh fuck, wait a second, gotta write this shit down in my log book.

I have fun with my grow by sharing it with others but a log book isn't a requirement by any means. If I fuck something up, I remember it.

I get the point of the post, but seriously, don't talk shit about the advice from people on here then go post all your opinionated advice.

Follow along with me on my first grow -

ok you seem like you read my entire post besides get a log book on your first grow...the only thing u can take as advice was read the books and try it yourself...
because everybodys system is different and the only way to know is try it out...some advice on here is great and should be in other sections of this site and not a newbie section
and most of what you call opinions is pointing out the differences not saying which is better
ok you seem like you read my entire post besides get a log book on your first grow...the only thing u can take as advice was read the books and try it yourself...
because everybodys system is different and the only way to know is try it out...some advice on here is great and should be in other sections of this site and not a newbie section
and most of what you call opinions is pointing out the differences not saying which is better

First, read my second sentence (log book), second, my post was extremely sarcastic. So if it was apparent to you that I read your whole post, you must be in agreement that it's full of shit. Finally, glad you came to your senses.

Follow along with me on my first grow -
Trial and error is the WORST way to do anything!

Better to be educated from multiple sources so you don't waste three months of your life growing dirt weed.

While I agree that being educated is the best way to do anything, there is always a trial and error period. It would be like me creating a whole topology from nothing to get a companies systems up and running and not run any proper tests to make sure everything was configured properly.

There is always a trial period for anything you do, as well as an error period of where you need to work out any issues that have arrived from the knowledge that you have already acquired. :wink: :razz:
i didnt say how to contact me or say i would sell anybody anything...thats an assumption you made reading my post... all i said was i was an adult replying to the guy who said a log was evidence...thats licensed to grow so no need to be stealthy...and i live in michigan a state where its legal... if thats advertising walmart been wasting money on all those ads telling you where to come and what to get with prices

Is your Black Friday ad out yet Vega?

Follow along with me on my first grow -
Trial and error is the WORST way to do anything!

Better to be educated from multiple sources so you don't waste three months of your life growing dirt weed.

the op says to get books and educate yourself...but you still gotta try it hence the trail and error reference...the more you know coming in can help or hurt you,depending if you are a know it all...and knwoing all the info in the world you might still grow dirt after 3 months...and without a log book to reference you wont ever know where you went wrong will you?

end of the day trail and error is the only way to learn...well im leaving you all can argue about me telling people to keep logs and read books about the cannabis flower vs grow guides...learn their environment before they make a choice in growth medium and light...

and reminded them that growing a flower is recreating nature so you wanna stick close to that as possible...the earth produced weed not high tech equipment
im out
the most important info you need as a first time grower is get a log book...i swear it sounds silly but it will save you so much time.
secondly do not take the info you get off this forum or any other forum/youtube to serious,not to say its bad might be great information but wont apply to your situation.

Most retarded opening statement EVER.

most of the arguments on here are chemical/organic fresh air/co2 pull air/push air hps/led 600/1000w
and depending on what side you take you might get lucky and do good or completely eff up your grow.
what it comes down to is preference at the end of the day..

Preference whether or not to fuck up your grow? How do I CHOOSE???? I'm so confused!!!

i suggest instead of wasting money on alot of unnecessary but a book on marijuana to know what the plant prefers vs a stranger on a forum.

Will the book provide light and nutes for my plant? Has this book been written by a close friend of mine?

most people go about growing with the wrong state of mind...the bigger is better attitude,but whats the point of a huge yield if its bullshit?
most nutrients you buy in grow shops are made for tomato's because they are similar,thats why they tell you to use half strength doses or less


they do have maybe 2 lines designed specifically for cannabis but even then...make sure that you're using them right,see if they say best in soil or coco...

Which hydro store is that?

b4 you decide to use coco or soil learn your grow environment to determine what would do better in the setup you have...same with the strains you plant, training the plant is used to open the canopy not fit 6 foot plants into a 4 foot spaces.

I thought the book was supposed to take care of all that?

next you need to get it out of your head growing 1lb plants indoor on a first grow...the guys you see doing that are experienced as hell.
are you growing for medical reasons?personal use?make ends meet?
if you need it for meds only or personal use most of this info you read is over-kill for what you want to accomplish.

the whole point is to recreate what nature would do indoors,if you're outdoors its just maintenance and water...


chemical vs organic
its really no debate here they both work
with chemical you have to flush regularly,and 2 weeks before harvest...not flushed properly you get a harsh taste and quick burning meds

How often do you flush? Why does my bud burn evenly and to white ash if don't flush?

with organic you dont have to flush,you can if you would like right before harvest (my preference is using a finisher exp. molasses)
both will give a good result but i suggest either one you use aim for something made for the cannabis plant and not tomato's

What is the difference between tomato and cannabis nutes?

fresh air vs co2
i always grew outside...this year i tried my first grow indoors and heat was a problem...grow shop suggested i use co2 to make up for the heat
i didnt think it mattered much since i had a source of fresh air...not room air fresh air,he told me co2 was better :roll:
we as people have a tendency of getting good at something and think we're "the best" but nature creates itself much better than we ever can.
depending on your situation co2 might be a must but if you got your temps under control and a source of fresh air its a complete waste of money

pushing vs pulling air
try em both see which works better in your system...i would think a fan would work longer the less moist hot air that runs thru it

Have you tried pushing air through a carbon filter? Also would inline fans work? How hot and moist is your air?

leds if you're on a budget...hps if not
the basic argument here is lummens psf(per square foot),heat,wattage result right?
i'll try to simplify it with a test...if you can.. turn on your lighting system with the sun shining thru a window into your grow area and watch which light they chose...the sun is always going to be the best but that brings me to my next topic

Budget LEDS? Are they .2 watts?

600w vs 1000w
however good you did on 600w you would have done that much better on 1000w...most people say 1000w in a 4x4 space is overkill but if you do that calculations you'll see its almost exactly what you need far as heat and lumen and is powerful enough to get light into the canopy (unlike leds)...if you dont have the wattage or cant afford to run 1000ws(like 50 bucks a month in michigan during flower including fans)then a 600w will work

i could go on all day but the point is read...they tell you how to supercrop but not how important it is to ph your water or how important it is to have an accurate ph meter...good dirt,clean water,proper ph will get you the best quality..instead of buying nutrients read the ingredients and add them into your watering cycle as needed,the girls will tell you what they need...
but thats my 2 cents hope it helps because i see the advice on here is setting up first timers for failure...they teach you how to get higher yields but get through a couple grows check your logs,decide what you like and dont like and change it...trail and error because like i said before whats the point in growing lbs of bullshit?
im leaving to tend to my girls(plants)and i made this to help people not argue with people on their 10th year growing telling me what they dont agree on...
i didnt tell people what to do i suggested getting a log book and reading books to perfect your craft...people didnt read the entire post picked out parts and made comments...
i didnt say it in lamens terms since i wanted to be detailed for first time growers..
i could have been point blank and said the advice you get here is great if you got the same environment as the person giving it...i didnt insult any ones knowledge on growing knowingly..or say its wrong by any means but a first time grower can get confused(log book) intaking to much info once...
some advice on here is good most is useless as its just growers preference...i made this for first time growers and im arguing with so many people on this thread i think it will be missed...guess you guys forgot once upon a time you where a first time grower with a million questions