Would weed cause failure of Field Sobriety Tests (DWI tests)?


Well-Known Member
Curious to know if weed can make you fail the the field sobriety tests that officers ask you perform if they believe you are driving while intoxicated.

Those test are:

  1. The nine-step walk and turn
  2. The one leg stand
  3. The horizontal gaze nystagmus test (aka the pen test)

The research I have done indicates that weed does not cause Nystagmus (bouncing of the eyes).
Not sure about the other two tests though.

Welcome your knowledge on this question.



Well-Known Member
don't do a field sobriety test, they are just a way for cops to gain more evidence. they'll fail ya even if ya pass.

you're only obligated to give a blood or breath test, submit license registration and insurance, and keep your mouth shut.
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Well-Known Member
^^^^Probably the best advice I've read about how you can deal, when being harassed by the authorities. Don't say shit.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I was so f*cked one night I found myself still smoking the dooby in the back seat of a police vehicle. Beats me how a person gets passed a search with a lit dooby. When I went to pass it to my buddy he panicked and said,"what do you want me to do with that? Suddenly I realized I was in the back of a police vehicle and the cop was searching my car. I quickly sobered up and put the joint out. It was too late, the cruiser was blue with smoke and there was no way to open a window. I had a fiver shoved into a wire harness wrap under the dash. Everytime the cop started probing under the dash my heart started beating faster and slowing down when his head popped up. My buddy told me he had a warrant and I was to refer to him by some other name. When the cop came back and opened the door and the big dome light came on and the pot smoke rolled outta the cruiser. My buddy seeking a quick release demanded to know what he was under arrest for. The cop started blirting. Apparently we were under arrest for being in possesion of a narcotic. He then removed us from the cruiser and proceeded to search me again insisting that I take my shirt and pants off. I guess this guy figured everyone must wear underwear so there I stood balls naked. He started stuttering again and insisted that I put my pants back on. I told him he's gotta make up his mind. Just a minute ago you're telling me to take my pants off, now you want me to put my pants back on again. He called reinforcements but by the time they got there I had my clothes back on. After they congregated they figured there wasn't anything to charge me with.


Well-Known Member
I was so f*cked one night I found myself still smoking the dooby in the back seat of a police vehicle. Beats me how a person gets passed a search with a lit dooby. When I went to pass it to my buddy he panicked and said,"what do you want me to do with that? Suddenly I realized I was in the back of a police vehicle and the cop was searching my car. I quickly sobered up and put the joint out. It was too late, the cruiser was blue with smoke and there was no way to open a window. I had a fiver shoved into a wire harness wrap under the dash. Everytime the cop started probing under the dash my heart started beating faster and slowing down when his head popped up. My buddy told me he had a warrant and I was to refer to him by some other name. When the cop came back and opened the door and the big dome light came on and the pot smoke rolled outta the cruiser. My buddy seeking a quick release demanded to know what he was under arrest for. The cop started blirting. Apparently we were under arrest for being in possesion of a narcotic. He then removed us from the cruiser and proceeded to search me again insisting that I take my shirt and pants off. I guess this guy figured everyone must wear underwear so there I stood balls naked. He started stuttering again and insisted that I put my pants back on. I told him he's gotta make up his mind. Just a minute ago you're telling me to take my pants off, now you want me to put my pants back on again. He called reinforcements but by the time they got there I had my clothes back on. After they congregated they figured there wasn't anything to charge me with.
Next is squat and cough, a cold as fuck shower, and an adorable orange jumpsuit. Know all about it, man.


Well-Known Member
Just give yourself some time to use some common sense. It CAN payoff. No drinky drivey, no smell, no sell, no tell. This is good advice. Drunken, maybe. But, still goodstuffs.

EDIT: I've gotten away with being just baked BUT -- failed 2 while drunk ( because I accepted a test immediately -- mistake! )


Well-Known Member
Every person is different. I myself have no problemo when I'm high. Cop let me go once at 4 am my wife was plastered. I was swerving. Smoked a few bowls before I got pulled. That made me keep my cool. I even asked the cop "pull over here " He got on the loud speaker and said " no your other right " DOH!!! But I was so cool calm and collective he let me go. Warning only


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I was so f*cked one night I found myself still smoking the dooby in the back seat of a police vehicle. Beats me how a person gets passed a search with a lit dooby. When I went to pass it to my buddy he panicked and said,"what do you want me to do with that? ......snip.....
This is trolling 101. You drive them around in your patrol car getting pictures of them smoking their doob in the ER with the nurses, in Intake with the crusty old (now pretty handsome!!!), sergeant etc.... You see them on the walls during Christmas time around the various institutions etc....

And you guys think they have no sense of humor. These guys have some of the best stoner tales.


Well-Known Member
He made me do the eye test. Only problem he was shining his damn light in my face. The whole time I'm thinking "Fuck I can hear my hair growing" Did it perfect and he says "Ya sorry I didn't see that. Maybe I should get the light out of your face"

Douche bag .


Well-Known Member
Curious to know if weed can make you fail the the field sobriety tests that officers ask you perform if they believe you are driving while intoxicated.

Those test are:

  1. The nine-step walk and turn
  2. The one leg stand
  3. The horizontal gaze nystagmus test (aka the pen test)

The research I have done indicates that weed does not cause Nystagmus (bouncing of the eyes).
Not sure about the other two tests though.

Welcome your knowledge on this question.
I didn't fail. I didn't even drop my joint. but I'm a professional.


Well-Known Member
don't do a field sobriety test, they are just a way for cops to gain more evidence. they'll fail ya even if ya pass.

you're only obligated to give a blood or breath test, submit license registration and insurance, and keep your mouth shut.
Thank you UncleBuck, this is the information I was looking for. What you say is backed up by links I found online also. :)


bud bootlegger
IMO, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that driving stoned impairs one's driving what so ever..
On top of that, there is no good test to tell how much THC is in your system, and more importantly, when it was consumed .. with other drugs like alcohol, there is a very specific equation to know how much alcohol the body can filter over any given period of time.. with THC, being that it's fat soluble, it stays in one's system for ages of you're a heavy smoker.
I've said this before in one of uncle buck's threads, but I see a lot.of people smoking a joint on Friday and getting a DUI on Sunday, long after they were stoned, in the two now quasi legal states ...


Well-Known Member
IMO, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that driving stoned impairs one's driving what so ever..
On top of that, there is no good test to tell how much THC is in your system, and more importantly, when it was consumed .. with other drugs like alcohol, there is a very specific equation to know how much alcohol the body can filter over any given period of time.. with THC, being that it's fat soluble, it stays in one's system for ages of you're a heavy smoker.
I've said this before in one of uncle buck's threads, but I see a lot.of people smoking a joint on Friday and getting a DUI on Sunday, long after they were stoned, in the two now quasi legal states ...
Man you don't need scientific proof. If one has never been stoned enough to impair their driving then they have never been REALLY stoned. Fact


bud bootlegger
Man you don't need scientific proof. If one has never been stoned enough to impair their driving then they have never been REALLY stoned. Fact
Not a fact.. completely disagree..
Unless by impaired you mean sitting at a stop sign waiting for.it.to turn green..

Other than that, total and utter bullshit ime.. I take pride in my driving skills, and would go head to head completely stoned against amy sober driver and I'll bet I'll.smoke them on one of those closed courses..


Well-Known Member
And if.you can't drive stoned, you really sbouldn't be driving in the first place..
Just saying..
Sure I can get stoned and drive. I can drive correct and obey all the laws, but if your telling me that you have never been stoned enough to be impaired you have never been REALLY stoned. just saying.