Liberal Media Desperately Trying To Cover-up Violent Knockout Game


Well-Known Member
his grammar is acceptable but his "logic" leaves a lot to be desired.

for example, one time in a debate about race and intelligence, he slyly cited white supremacist philippe rushton. the same guy who says you can have a big dick or a big brain, but not both.

one time in a debate about anthropogenic climate change, he slyly cited roy spencer, a signatory to an evangelical declaration on global warming and steadfast creationist who rejects evolution as worse than creationism.

of course, you might not see this obvious, glaring truth staring you right in the eyes because he tends to bury you under an enormous mountain of bullshit at the same time.

so often, i lose interest in rebutting because i prefer a thorough, line by line destruction of bad science, racist beliefs, and john birch dogma. i will sometimes just pick a concise snippet to beat to a bloody pulp, thereby condemning the rest of what he says by truthlessness proxy.

i can't even read yahoo or youtube comments, so i don't
I think the last part is the most relevant. We base our opinions on what we read and for some reason I have an almost masochistic love of reading those sites. But I'm a glass half-empty guy honestly.


Well-Known Member
his grammar is acceptable but his "logic" leaves a lot to be desired.

for example, one time in a debate about race and intelligence, he slyly cited white supremacist philippe rushton. the same guy who says you can have a big dick or a big brain, but not both.

one time in a debate about anthropogenic climate change, he slyly cited roy spencer, a signatory to an evangelical declaration on global warming and steadfast creationist who rejects evolution as worse than creationism.

of course, you might not see this obvious, glaring truth staring you right in the eyes because he tends to bury you under an enormous mountain of bullshit at the same time.

so often, i lose interest in rebutting because i prefer a thorough, line by line destruction of bad science, racist beliefs, and john birch dogma. i will sometimes just pick a concise snippet to beat to a bloody pulp, thereby condemning the rest of what he says by truthlessness proxy.

i can't even read yahoo or youtube comments, so i don't.
Man, that was like 20 normal posts for you.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the knock out game attention, whatever happened to the youths that murdered the Australian college baseball player a few months ago? Seemed it lost steam in the media and I lost track of it.

Sent from the Rollitup App!


Well-Known Member
IMO I don't think the media is trying to cover anything up, but they certainly are making sure that they never disclose the race of anyone either. I think they call it playing safe since no one wants to get tied up in court because they made it appear they are racist. and you know how some hypersensitive people are about race.


New Member
his grammar is acceptable but his "logic" leaves a lot to be desired.

for example, one time in a debate about race and intelligence, he slyly cited white supremacist philippe rushton. the same guy who says you can have a big dick or a big brain, but not both.

one time in a debate about anthropogenic climate change, he slyly cited roy spencer, a signatory to an evangelical declaration on global warming and steadfast creationist who rejects evolution as worse than creationism.

of course, you might not see this obvious, glaring truth staring you right in the eyes because he tends to bury you under an enormous mountain of bullshit at the same time.

so often, i lose interest in rebutting because i prefer a thorough, line by line destruction of bad science, racist beliefs, and john birch dogma. i will sometimes just pick a concise snippet to beat to a bloody pulp, thereby condemning the rest of what he says by truthlessness proxy.

i can't even read yahoo or youtube comments, so i don't.
bro you are just so awesome, what with writing racial critiques and the narcissistic personality disorder the afflicts you ever so badly. The sad thing is, you're a writing about yourself. fucking pathetic...


Well-Known Member
bro you are just so awesome, what with writing racial critiques and the narcissistic personality disorder the afflicts you ever so badly. The sad thing is, you're a writing about yourself. fucking pathetic...
you save all your disdain for me, and never utter a negative word to those types who joined the white supremacy groups along with you.

why is that?

do you just like white supremacists that much?


New Member
you save all your disdain for me, and never utter a negative word to those types who joined the white supremacy groups along with you.

why is that?

do you just like white supremacists that much?
not as much as stormfrontBUCK* and his "empirical evidence"



Well-Known Member
not as much as stormfrontBUCK* and his "empirical evidence"

that doesn't make any sense, nor does it answer the question.

you save all your disdain for me, and never utter a negative word to those types who joined the white supremacy groups along with you.

why is that?

do you just like white supremacists that much?


New Member
that doesn't make any sense, nor does it answer the question.

you save all your disdain for me, and never utter a negative word to those types who joined the white supremacy groups along with you.

why is that?

do you just like white supremacists that much?
stormfrontBUCK* strikes again... Cite some empirical evidence...


Well-Known Member
On Tuesday, USA Today ran a story which suggested that the violent so-called 'knockout game,' in which black teens sucker-punch unsuspecting white victims, is actually nothing more than an 'urban myth.'

Reporter Melanie Eversley cites a recent piece on the hyper-liberal website, which, despite a mounting list of white victims, dismisses the fact that this vile 'game' is "spreading" or even that it is "racially motivated."

Also, on Tuesday, The Huffington Post ran a story entitled "Don't Believe All the Hype About the 'Knockout Game.'"
However, not all of those in the mainstream media are trying to cover-up the violent phenomena also known as 'Polar Bear Hunting' (so named because all of the victims are white)...

Could you imagine the mainstream media hysteria if white youths were doing this to blacks?
Polar Bear Hunting?

'Neer will not be impressed...

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
My local news reported the game originally called "One Hit Quiter.
Though it originated years ago, it's not tied to race or gender."
LOL, pretty neutral news.


Well-Known Member
sketchy etchy is too much of an armchair patton and yellow belly coward to answer a simple, straightforward question on the internet.

no wonder this PTSD sufferer got unceremoniously booted from the australian army.


New Member
sketchy etchy is too much of an armchair patton and yellow belly coward to answer a simple, straightforward question on the internet.

no wonder this PTSD sufferer got unceremoniously booted from the australian army.
I love when you get all drunk and hypocritical, your narcissism just comes shining through. We can add the following two to the long fucking list;

- A High Need for Control
- Projected Feelings of Insecurity

Talking out both sides of your mouth AGAIN stormfrontBUCK*