America's racists roots


Well-Known Member
All of you are just as bad as the people in the picture. Its no wonder the country is the way it is. Things will never change as long as attitudes like all of yours keep alive in the world.

stay dank


Ursus marijanus
All of you are just as bad as the people in the picture. Its no wonder the country is the way it is. Things will never change as long as attitudes like all of yours keep alive in the world.

stay dank
I see a man with his gun and a woman, presumably his wife, and he's still carrying his own gun. What bad are they doing?


Well-Known Member
Maybe one could replace the word "nigger" with something more appropriate for the times, in the above post anyway. How about thugs, trash, miscreants, scum, people with chips on their shoulders, assholes, etc...
Those are all pretty color blind words , and probably get the point across on what a nigger acts like if the general population was quizzed. Imo.

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Well-Known Member
But the way, happy thanksgiving to all of you out there. I hope you all have a great day however you spend it, best wishes and happy growing!

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Active Member
This is such a waste of bandwidth , prejudice is one thing , racism is quite another.

What a shame some from the south still feel this way, think about it, if you guys still had slaves the south wouldnt be so poor and backwards becuase we all know you dont want to work,,,unless you travel north and take our jobs at half price.
Since you lost your free labor the south has declined.

See, the war was fought to free the blacks, no doubt about it, Lincoln just didnt want to destroy his presidency by coming out in the first year.So not much has changed Democrats where and are the party of slavery, States rights are still an issue, and people are still ignorant enough to be easily led.
Its a nice place to visit,but there are to many racist like boa.


Active Member
Lived all over junior and inbred bottom dwellers like you better come more than one at a time.
At least i got a laugh out of you , good to know your mentality is still around at least as a bad example, your the lower class of people to uneducated to realize the rest of the world laughs at you, not with you, now go kiss sister/mom and shut up, your making us look bad to the rest of the U.S.


Active Member
Fuck you and your opinion liberal.
Look man, calm down, give your gerbil some air , im so far from a liberal its not even funny, not conservative either, see, i can actually think for myself.

Now why dont you eat your Thanksgiving possum , brush your tooth, and takje a long look at the man in the mirror and ask yourself.

Why are you such an oxogen thief?


Well-Known Member
Weak Republicans need to get the hell out of the way and let conservatives take control, before things get too far out of hand.


Well-Known Member
A Republican comes in brazenly displaying stupidity and you say he is actually a Democrat. I point out that science has established a negative correlation between cognitive ability and conservatism and you say the study didn't focus on Americans. You have been calling me names all night. My work is complete.