Would weed cause failure of Field Sobriety Tests (DWI tests)?


Well-Known Member
Unless you're falling asleep, you can't get too high to drive. You can get too lazy to drive though.
Driving on acid on the other hand, now that's fun up to a point :hump:


Well-Known Member
Unless you're falling asleep, you can't get too high to drive. You can get too lazy to drive though.
Driving on acid on the other hand, now that's fun up to a point :hump:
Idk, when I was new to smoking there were times when I was definitely too high to drive. Not sleepy, but my whole body would feel like it was vibrating, rapid heartbeat, and my vision would do that thing it does when you stand up too fast.


Well-Known Member
yea I get it. No one here wants to admit that they got so high that they would have driven impaired? that isn't something I would brag about. I am 47 years old and been smoking since 1980. I am POSITIVE that within that time I have been impaired at least a dozen times. I smoked some great weed about 4 years ago that knocked me for a loop. if I got pulled over then I would have gotten a d.u.i. And anyone that thinks that after smoking a great big fattie of some great M.O.B their motor skills are the same as a sober street racer, well they better do some more research. just saying


New Member
You can argue all day.Bottom line is, its judgement call that the pigs get to make.My best buddy failed one before.He neither drinks or smokes or pops pills.Notta.He was just with me so the pig nailed him.After paying the lawyer charges were dismissed,but he got charged w/ a DUI.Lost his license while it went to court and it stayed on his record.His record doesn't mention dismissed anywhere.


Well-Known Member

The course they used in this was kind of lame though, it was just a bunch of cones in a parking lot. Ive seen other dui test courses that have things that test reaction time and shit like that, which are more comprehensive.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked weed for 45years. This crap of DUI from is BS!
Just another reason to give out a ticket and make a WAD of money off the working man.


bud bootlegger
I've smoked weed for 45years. This crap of DUI from is BS!
Just another reason to give out a ticket and make a WAD of money off the working man.
The only danger I have driving stoned is dropping my lit bowl while I'm driving .. hate when that happens..
Been driving for over let's see, 42 - 17.. umm, a long time.. and I'd say a good 50% of that time has been while stoned.. never been in an accident as a result .. let me see someone who drinks and drivers say the same thing..

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
You can argue all day.Bottom line is, its judgement call that the pigs get to make.My best buddy failed one before.He neither drinks or smokes or pops pills.Notta.He was just with me so the pig nailed him.After paying the lawyer charges were dismissed,but he got charged w/ a DUI.Lost his license while it went to court and it stayed on his record.His record doesn't mention dismissed anywhere.
You are correct, it comes down to the cops judgement, for better or worse. Your friend should get his DUI removed from his record. It takes some time, but worth it.

The new zero tolerance laws are insane, look how many people get dui's in winter while sleeping in the vehicle while running so the heater works. Or they have the keys in their pocket. Laws that try to prove a persons intent, even without any evidence, do nothing from what I saw over the years. Minus create funding for some group.

In AK your rights change with a lawyer, but you must have the lawyers contact card to hand over at the time of the stop.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
American law enforcers seem like real dicks.
Why give the people who write the laws a pass? Or the apethetic voter base who just goes along with it? All deserve the blame.

I do agree, today's cops seem to have the mindset that "we are the boss" instead of what they really are, a civil servant.


Well-Known Member
In my state the police can demand blood/urine from the driver and if there is ANY traceable amount of THC in your system you get a DWI.


Well-Known Member
I'll disagree but only speak for myself. When i am stoned I don't feel like I am up to driving.
I agree. It's not that I can't. I'm just not as comfortable. Especially when I'm freshly baked... the other day I tried a wax pen for the first time with some sour diesel wax and i was driving... fuuuuuuuuuck


Well-Known Member
Really sucks, you can drink do lines and still pass a piss test the next day or two,
because the body knows its toxic and gets rid o it.
Marijuana on the other hand is good for the body and the body won't dump it.


Well-Known Member

The course they used in this was kind of lame though, it was just a bunch of cones in a parking lot. Ive seen other dui test courses that have things that test reaction time and shit like that, which are more comprehensive.
I'm in love with Addy, the woman driver in the video!
She is awesome! :)