Thanksgiving pain killer...


Well-Known Member
how did that work out for ya?
Took half of it orally around 1.5 hours ago

I feel nice, happy actually talkative a bit, like confident talking shit to myself lol

The itch is there, same damn spot as always wonder how that works about

Had a full meal an hour before so the onset is definitly building now, plus i just burned down down some blue dream so i feel ultra stoned, but happier...



Well-Known Member
Watching this Doctor who on netflix, by BBC

awesome show, remake of an older series, done in britain

sci fi shit is great, enjoyable, the blonde girl is so sexy with that accent lol love it

Just ordered a new glass piece bubbler for my black friday gift to myself

feeling good!

FJG man


Well-Known Member
Took half of it orally around 1.5 hours ago

I feel nice, happy actually talkative a bit, like confident talking shit to myself lol

The itch is there, same damn spot as always wonder how that works about

Had a full meal an hour before so the onset is definitly building now, plus i just burned down down some blue dream so i feel ultra stoned, but happier...


Well since your talking about shit -- Expect thanksgiving dinner to be with you for a couple days ......


Well-Known Member
Taking some antihistamines beforehand will reduce the itch. Older ones like benedryl that have central effects will intensify the nod. Newer ones like zyrtec won't but need to be taken at least two hours prior to have any effect.


Well-Known Member
ya even tho its a pain killer an a downer. its always givin me energy and makes me madd talkative.
swallowing em tho... takes way to damn long. either sniff or dont bother lol swallowing last longer
but if im in enough pain to take a 30, im in fucking pain. so i sniff that bad larry. be str8 in 5 mins lol
not pain free but feeling nice. and ill
be damned if theres a better combo then a 30 and a nice blunt
of good buds (og Kush , Bluedream) would be some of my fave strains to go with it lol


Well-Known Member

  • Taking some antihistamines beforehand will reduce the itch. Older ones like benedryl that have central effects will intensify the nod. Newer ones like zyrtec won't but need to be taken at least two hours prior to have any effect.​

Zyterc never works or my itch :( I always end up taking benny too. It does make me nod more, but I like it.. I can sit there with my eyes closed and not fall asleep(most of the time). I'll just be sitting there thinking, 'Mann.. I feel greaaaaaat.'.

What do you consider a high dose of oxy, duck? 30mg ish?
I never really go passed that unless it's been a few hours or I've been doing it daily.

Taking 10-15mg sets me in a perfect, wanting to do things, mood. I work better, talk better, play music better, listen to music better, sex better..
Really regardless of the dosage those are true.. Haha except work kind of sucks. I've been in the bathroom on too much thinking 'Man, just if I close my eyes for one.. Second..*nod* NO' *flushes toilet and runs away from situation*
That shit doesn't work in the car though. Coffee fixes everything usually.


Well-Known Member
one would totally feel half if the tolerance is absent.
30 mg would be fine, was just thinking of having to be around the family.
You are correct, No shitty acetamminophen
believe it or not..the tylenol actually works as a "precursor" to amplify the effect of narcotic portion and it DOES work that way..however and i'm sure much too late:wink:, 15mg would work without tolerance hence 2x doses one for now and one for later..


Well-Known Member
Bright flames burn out quick.. Haha or whatever the fuck that expression is.
But about acetaminophen... Maybe it does make it stronger, I can't prove you wrong. But I can say that that shit is absolutely horrible for you. Way worse for you than the actual opiate inside. I read something about how 90% of liver toxicity deaths are due to tylenol. I'm not sure of the legitimacy of that, but I'd believe it. I always see signs in walgreens that say 'Tylenol, #1 doctor approved pain reliever' I don't know how that's even possible.

I never take OTC pain relievers because they are bogus(I'll take naproxen sometimes with opiates because I know that potentiates it.). They work for muscle pains for me a little, but fuck that, kratom., but not for headaches. KRATOM HEROIN ROBITUSSIN YO


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, rolling is being all fizzed up on MDMA or MDMA like substances(not sure if there is another meaning for it? Don't think there is)
and nod is when you can't keep your head up or your eyes open because you've done too much opiates


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, rolling is being all fizzed up on MDMA or MDMA like substances(not sure if there is another meaning for it? Don't think there is)
and nod is when you can't keep your head up or your eyes open because you've done too much opiates


Well-Known Member

  • Acetaminophen gives a slight boost to analgesia but I've never noticed a bump in euphoria.​

Agreed, Dxm, diphenhydramine, white grapefruit juice, tonic, and pot work for me though. :3

  • lol.."fizzed"..define

Hmmmmm... Colors all pop out, everything looks juicy and lushes, eyes bigger than jupiter, tracers, maybe some patterning, intense love for anything and everything. Be willing to shake your worst enemies hand..

Yummy :)

Theennnn it's like, *wahhhhhhhh* dammit


Well-Known Member
There was just a thread on sniffing vs eating MDMA though.. I always sniff it. I think next time she comes my way I'll try eating it.
Perhaps all that onomatopoeia won't be as relevant.


Well-Known Member
There was just a thread on sniffing vs eating MDMA though.. I always sniff it. I think next time she comes my way I'll try eating it.
Perhaps all that onomatopoeia won't be as relevant.
Hmmm....I have always eaten MDMA but always snorted (sniffed??) PCP. Go figure.