Any cheap, effective methods for smell


New Member
My babes are in the first week of flowering, & holy shit!!! They are quite potent. I wasn't expecting the smell to fill the entire house ..

So I'm not tryin to buy a fancy ozone/carbon filter or w/e ... I'm just wondering if any of you know from experience if incense works? I also heard that a plate of vinegar can take care of the smell. .

Any suggestions are welcome.

:mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I use Air Wick plug ins. You plug them into your wall and they release scent all over the room. They aren't too expensive and with a couple of them and a strong scent choice that should do the trick.

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
I picked up a pair of ionizers very cheap at a local thrift store to try and combat smell. We will see how they work once i start to flower.


Active Member
I used a air purifier by holmes and it worked well i also put a orange smelling anti-odor eater thingy in there as well.. to really get the smell out get your favorite dryer sheet and put it behind the fan, dont suggest the air coming out hitting your plants but you can put it on the room your growing and for a day it will smell like you just did the laundry. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I might just try the dryer sheet on my exhaust fans. My bedroom will be smelling laundry fresh! Haha good idea igrow

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
lol i had the police come in my room b/c of some shit that went down and i'm still here without a felony :). basically they wanted to talk with my roomie not me, i don't like the police, but they do their job so i can't hate on them. but still they were about 10 feet less away from three giants haha, (scared shitless)


Well-Known Member
Jeeze that must have been close to the same feeling as like smuggling coke through customs at the airport or something :spew: I would have had a heart attack man

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
lol i ended up takin a xanax to calm down took me hours though i never was so scared in my life i was like well this sucks might be in the cell tonight. that was day 29 of flowering, so they were pretty big. ugh hate to go back to those moments.


Well-Known Member
yeah i believe it mate, I'm looking out my windows just talking about that shit happening to you haha

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
lol i had the police come in my room b/c of some shit that went down and i'm still here without a felony :). basically they wanted to talk with my roomie not me, i don't like the police, but they do their job so i can't hate on them. but still they were about 10 feet less away from three giants haha, (scared shitless)
kill cops kill cops kill cops:hump::hump::hump:


Active Member
lol i had the police come in my room b/c of some shit that went down and i'm still here without a felony :). basically they wanted to talk with my roomie not me, i don't like the police, but they do their job so i can't hate on them. but still they were about 10 feet less away from three giants haha, (scared shitless)

Lol this happend to me as well when i was living with a friend, had to put a blanket on the plant , they asked if there was any light in the room..... lol had to explain that the light was broken, about four of them comming in and out for a short peroid of time :roll:


Active Member
lol i had four of em in here too smoked a bowl about thirty minutes prior, broke a roor $250.00 (BAD DAY!). All i gotta say is KNOW THE LAWS and they can't come NEAR you. and NO SMELL is not a REASONABLE cause or else i would've probally been TOAST but i also had good smell air purifiers in main and my room and the grow room. They had no intentions on the smell when they came in therfore if they found my grow i would've walked... wasn't too worried but still freaked me out.


Active Member
lol sad (not) thing is one of the matienence people tipped me off that there was a inspection haha reason i had to get them out... thanks!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I live in the middle of no where. The cops don't come out here unless they are super lost.


Active Member
lol where i'm at was probally the most stupid place to grow and i still pulled it off you get a extra charge where i was growing. i wasn't getting caught no way in hell was i going to get cuffs for growing a misunderstood plant.


Well-Known Member
Be careful w/dryer sheets . . . I mailed myself a little stash, triple wrapped and then put a little piece of a dryer sheet in the package . . . ruined the weed. Tasted like dryer sheets smell, an aroma that has always insulted my nose anyway.