right dose of datura


Active Member
helo guys,, just wanted to know wats the right dose of datura per person,,n wats over dose,,,and is it dangrous?? caoz me doin it fo 1st time,,,,grows evrywer in india,,in the middle of roads n shit so,,,thot wel giv it a try,,,any suggestions wud b appreciated ....thank u :)) ...----------peace----{boomshankar)
The right dose i would recommend? None. Quite dangerous, you can overdose on it as it contains dangerous alkaloids and either way the trip isn't the same as LSD or Shrooms, it's in the deliriant catagory of hallucinogens. Also it isnt like Shrooms or LSD in that with them your aware your tripping, Datura leads you to believe that infact you arent and whats happening is really real, until you come out of it.
You might have heard it called angel trumpets, it's a hallucinogen, and it's got a high dose/response ratio so you have to take a lot to get an effect, but a little more can kill you.

From erowid
As a general rule, Erowid neither recommends nor discourages the use of any psychoactive, however, in the case of tropane alkaloid-containing Solanaceae plants, we think it is important to note that an overwhelming majority of those who describe to us their use of Datura (and to a lesser extent, Belladonna, Brugmansia and Brunfelsia) find their experiences extremely mentally and physically unpleasant and not infrequently physically dangerous.

There is no way to guess a reasonable dose, because potency of the plant material itself and appropriate dose for an individual appear to vary so much. The question of what "reasonable" means for something that so often leads to such ridiculously negative effects is hard to say.

As an admixture plant in some traditional ayahuasca brews, smoking blends, or other preparations, parts of these plants are generally used in very low doses. Because of the serious adverse consequences associated with tropane alkaloids (scopolamine, atropine, hyoscyamine) intoxication and the wide variation in doses used, we are unwilling to even speculate about specific dosages for the leaves, flowers, and seeds of these plants.

If you are considering ingesting Datura-group plants, please read extensively from the collected experience reports and never take them without a reliable, sober sitter who understands the likely health issues and who can stop you from walking in front of traffic. Please note that fatalities from ingesting Datura do occur and hospitalizations seem to be quite common, in spite of the relatively low rates of psychoactive use of these plants.
I'm just going to echo what everyone else is said, along with my personal experience with atropine. Don't do it. You'll likely regret it if you do, and if you MUST do it, have a trip sitter with you at all times. It's not improbable that you might strip off your clothes, run through a window, and start talking to people that aren't there. Frightening the shit, of course, out of the people that ARE there.

I played it safe, and I did it out of curiousity. I'm not unhappy I did it, but it's not an experience I'll repeat again. Due to different concentrations of varying alkaloids, the experiences with different plants vary in effects and in dosage. From what I've heard, Belladonna is the freakiest of them all (a common visual is seeing people with their eyes blackened out, and viscous black bile or worms coming out of their mouth. I can't even imagine). You're also not coherent when you do it. You'll loss ALL sense of time, and constantly forget what happened from one moment to the next. Even if you realize you're tripping, you'll forget it in just a few minutes. You probably won't even be able to tell the difference between nighttime and daytime.

Smoking non-existent cigarettes and having detailed conversations with people who aren't there may sound like fun, but it isn't. There's a very sinister feeling to the whole thing, and you can't control your own actions. And you'll remember very little of it immediately afterwards, which would be horrifying if you woke up in a jail or a hospital. Also, be aware it usually lasts for a long time. Often as in days, not hours. And most importantly, be aware that it can kill you. Very easily. Content varies from plant to plant, and even leaf to leaf. It's -extremely- easy to overdose if you're not absolutely sure what you're doing, and I'm sure that you're not sure. And there's no coming back if you fuck up. You'll either die or trip for days at a time. Neither is fun, I imagine.

But, if you do intend on doing it despite all of this, be safe. Don't go outside, and have someone sober with you. It's very easy to hurt yourself or destroy your personal property, as you're not consciously in control of what you're doing. Dosage varies wildly, like I said, but you can generally estimate it. It varies by plant. When ingesting Brumansia, for example (a type of tree datura), 1/2 to 3/4 of one of those flowers is enough for full blown delerium. This is what I ate. If you're dead set on doing it, start with a very small amount. It doesn't take very much, and every part of the plant contains atropa alkaloids, from the flowers to the bark to the seeds. A common mistake is that people don't wait long enough for the effects to kick in, or don't realize it's working, and eat more. Big mistake.

So, weigh your options very carefully. I know it's hard to obtain psychadelics in India (if I read correctly, and that's where you're located)... But dying really isn't worth it. Take a little road trip and go hunting for some Indian Orisha psilocybe cubensis. That will actually be worth your trouble.

I knew a guy that took it back in the 80's. He refered to it as jemison weed. He said he did it with a group of people and he had a sitter but none of the other guys did. He said his trip was fun, but when he came out of it his finger nail was ripped off. He recals a poster of a woman on a motor cycle picking her nose. His trip as well as his friends lasted a few days. Another of his friends was vomitting all over the side walk and believed he was indead throughing up sidewalk and asked an officer that approached who was going to pay him for all his work. A couple of other guys as well as the vomitting guy were taken to the psychiatric hospital. They continued to trip for a few days and then came out of it. He did tell me that one of his friends really never fully recovered from the event and to this day is still a little off.
well i did it once. me and my friend overdosed on it and almost died. i blackedout for 2 days and dont remember the high or anything. apparently my heartbeat was 180 bpm and i had a temp of 104 and shit. i was tazered twice by cops and i dont remember any of it. not even a picture image....

dont do it! all the high is from is poison man. plus the trip isnt even good....

and yea my friend has permanent brain damage from it because his temp hit like 105 or something....

plus you cant see for like a month after you do it cuz your eyes will be dilated so much.
wow i totally wanna try it now :)

Man, I don't even know how I could show you how many trip reports I've read that talk about them being psychologically/physically handicapped after tripping. Some become insane. There was a thread at one point on PT that deals with someone seeking help after tripping Datura. Watch this documentary about scopolamine (a derivative of Datura I believe). COLOMBIAN DEVIL'S BREATH - Part 1 of 9 - VBS.TV
Man, I don't even know how I could show you how many trip reports I've read that talk about them being psychologically/physically handicapped after tripping. Some become insane. There was a thread at one point on PT that deals with someone seeking help after tripping Datura. Watch this documentary about scopolamine (a derivative of Datura I believe). COLOMBIAN DEVIL'S BREATH - Part 1 of 9 - VBS.TV

i want it even more now dude holy shit that is heavy....throw it in someones face and u have total control over them...so many ipods and wallets
Everybody thinks you can just eat a handful of seeds or smoke some flowers or what ever, its usually a bad idea. There are real shaman preperations for this stuff that have multiple steps of adding and taking away certain parts of the plant, for example you should only use the roots of the male or female plant (i dont remember) and it should only be the size of your palm or your gonna od and you need to add other plants and etc etc. ask a shaman.
Dude yea that series was pretty crazy, I want a fruit though, i wonder what it tastes like. I bet its hella fuckin good. Like a super hallucinagenic pear or plum or something.
Dude yea that series was pretty crazy, I want a fruit though, i wonder what it tastes like. I bet its hella fuckin good. Like a super hallucinagenic pear or plum or something.

do u guys not understand the potential here? this drug makes people zombies you could do it to a dealer and make him give you all his weed...and money.......and its unscheduled in the US!!!!!!!!