Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Anyone know of any good banks besides the tude and herbies?? Can't find the beans I'm looking for its sold out. And I killed off the mother I had of this strain:wall:


Well-Known Member
Trust me. She will bounce back 4 you. I've always found that if any of my seedlings are giving me troubles once I get them transplanted and into a bigger home they start to perk up and the problems seem to go away. If the transplant doesn't work, I then add my nutes depending on what the plant is showing/telling me. Yellow towards the bottom leaves is a sign of a (N) def in most cases.
alrighty than WW is transplanted had to water down the soil it was purrtyyy dry perlite and a lil shot of vermiculite was added to my soil... im hoping she bounces back even though it may take a few days to see anything cause she is sooo tiny and little and is now in a bigger pot instead of a solo cup... like i said dankster if it doesnt work you owe me your left nut lmao
Oh crap don't tell me I haven't watch it yet
2 late now bro.. I hope you've had a chance to catch the episode by now.. I know I've ran my mouth and told alittle of what all went down.. lol.. Opppsssss SORRY..

Got my update up finally, some pictures too, check 'em out if anyone is bored :lol:

Here is a pic of the Auto Purple I recently harvested, smells like a grape Now n Later, and taste like straight kief/hash. Only been curing for about 2 weeks.
Hell yeah bro! Looks like my Purple Voodoo. ;) My Spyder (auto's) both male & female are just now starting to turn purple 4 me. :mrgreen: Stew said they smell and tatse like fruit loops!! I can't wait for that! I had a strain back in the day that did 4 real tatse like FL! Just like you was eating them! Wished I would've kept that 1 going! :( and I've looked and looked for the strain till this day! Can't seem to locate her...

Thanks bro. ;) She sure is packing on the trichs early. I swear its either the mix of spectrums they are under, or the P3 product I'm testing! Its got to be 1 of the 2.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, he hasn't been able to get on like he was bc of his computer flipping out on him, and also his broke dick dog car. Lol.. Still not fixed car nor computer. I think he is trying to fix the car before the new computer. Don't quote me on that though.
Where's Stew?


Well-Known Member
Well, he hasn't been able to get on like he was bc of his computer flipping out on him, and also his broke dick dog car. Lol.. Still not fixed car nor computer. I think he is trying to fix the car before the new computer. Don't quote me on that though.
I thought I saw him from yesterday maybe, say he was using his girlies' phone.:?:
On that idea, where's Smokey?:shock:


Well-Known Member
Shit! I was looking over my pictures and left 1 out.. ;) Going to post this then 4 real hit the sack.. :sleep:

These is my pizza pan. Works great to keep buds seperated and I let them just sit until they are dry on thses, then off to the masons they go. :mrgreen: Worked good this time.


Well-Known Member
Haha.. ;) you had to ask. Lol.. He popped in here not to long ago. Wanted me to give him a call. Lol.. uhh, honestly kinda skeptical of all that being he was in jail over "bud", then just got a weird feeling when I had spoke to him last. Idk, maybe I'm just paranoid.. lol..
I thought I saw him from yesterday maybe, say he was using his girlies' phone.:?:
On that idea, where's Smokey?:shock:


Well-Known Member
I thought I saw him from yesterday maybe, say he was using his girlies' phone.:?:
On that idea, where's Smokey?:shock:

I love the fact that he has a stripper for an ATM. We may both have the same amount of teeth in our head, but still pull enough trim to pay our bills. Holler at your boys......hmmm.



Well-Known Member
Haha.. ;) you had to ask. Lol.. He popped in here not to long ago. Wanted me to give him a call. Lol.. uhh, honestly kinda skeptical of all that being he was in jail over "bud", then just got a weird feeling when I had spoke to him last. Idk, maybe I'm just paranoid.. lol..
Better to be skeptical than sittin in the hokie yer damn self.


Hey bro! ;) Thanks 4 checking, feeling great! ;) Did you ahppen to see my ladies :??: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/621620-danks-update-come-friends-take-1559.html
1st post top of pg. Had a good TG, just was the 1 stuck cooking for 14 people! Lol.. its all good though, I love cooking anyways.
good man, im glad to hear you had a nice holiday and you def. seem like your feeling better, thats awesome...I havent seen the ladies as of recently though, can you tell me what page you have them posted on? i followed your link but i didnt see any pics of the plants, either way have a good one buddy!

edit: nevermind, i went back and did a little investigating and found them, they look great! im glad to see your having a good indoor season, im sort of bummed, since the death in my family a few monthes back I have had my mom come to my house and live with me for a little while just to make things easier on her and give her some company, but since she is here I have to much respect for my mother to grow in the house while shes here, regardless of whos house it is, she wouldnt like being in the same house with it so i tore everything down in my tent and stuff, which is a bummer now because ive missed almost a full cycle, luckily i had a good outdoor year so i still have plenty of bud, but if i dont start up something inside really soon then im going to be out probably right after the new year so i better get on it. its a mix of family and my personal laziness...someone needs to kick my ass in gear :)



Well-Known Member
Why everyone so quiet?

Got myself a new set of glass for my whiskey in Texas from my grandmother. Love the simple boxy look, not over the top ornate, almost a modern look to them. Funny thing was when I opened the box they were in when I got home, she sneaked a bottle of whiskey in there too. :-P



Well-Known Member
Nice grandma you got there bro! ;)
I pulled an all nighter last night to be sure I made an important appointment today.
I'm draggin ass over here, bout to pass out dude. Enjoy that there whiskey and have a shot or two for me! Its been an awesome day :)

Why everyone so quiet?

Got myself a new set of glass for my whiskey in Texas from my grandmother. Love the simple boxy look, not over the top ornate, almost a modern look to them. Funny thing was when I opened the box they were in when I got home, she sneaked a bottle of whiskey in there too. :-P

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