my plant only has one true leaf?why?


this is wierd,i tried to google this but havnt found anything,so my plants are 18 days old,and one of them has this wierd lil leaf,its the second set of true leafs,(not counting the seed leafs),anyway,it only has one jagged leaf and at the place where the other leaf is supose to grow there is only 10 lil leaf looking things,they are narrow and pointed.has anyone ever heard of this?i will try to get a pic of em up,if i can find my cam.thanksSnapshot_20131202.JPGSnapshot_20131202_3.JPGSnapshot_20131202_7.JPG sorry,i had to use my old laptop,it has a shity cam :( also shouldnt my plants be bigger than this for 18 days old?


there are 2 cfl 14 w,1 24 inch 175 w florecent grow light and 2 175 w agro-light grow lights

i just recently move the two 175 w lights closer,i think they were too high up,could that b y the plants r so small?


Well-Known Member
well I had my 200w cfls 2inch to tops, they don't get very hot with a little fan. I don't know why they look weird though