Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I would think the fact they put her in the front seat means they were trying to paint her. Out here if they want the 'hood to take care of you you get a ride in the front seat. They will also talk to you without cuffing you or without a pat down. If they stop to talk I walk over and put my hands on their car and assume the position. I am NOT getting beaten like a chinese gong by my neighbors.
Shit, last time I got picked up was bullshit, but I was a being a dick, volunteered to blow a sobriety test since the cop knew I had been drinking, passed, and as he cuffed me and headed for his backseat, I had to tell him to remove my pocketknife and and other 'weapons' from my pockets.
1 hour later, I was sitting outside the PD waiting for a ride.:wall:
Some women need to get off their goddamned high horse. I am soo sick of hearing "There are no good guys out there" maybe thats because you are too busy dating and screwing assholes or you are too self absorbed to notice any good guys around you because they don't look like Brad Pitt, have a doctorate degree and pull 150g's a year.
What do you expect????
Most of the ones that complain like that only look in cheap rat hole bars.
Life is long. You can do calculus at my age you can't jump a 20 something's bones or moto x. Enjoy your life.
Always full of wisdom, can't wait to head out your way and show you how to really ride, find some twenty something for me and maybe your hubby wont kill me hahah. Also I got in touch with Sunni, she is okay but figuring some things out in her life.. keep her in your hearts it couldn't hurt right now
Always full of wisdom, can't wait to head out your way and show you how to really ride, find some twenty something for me and maybe your hubby wont kill me hahah. Also I got in touch with Sunni, she is okay but figuring some things out in her life.. keep her in your hearts it couldn't hurt right now

She's been in my mind for awhile. I hope it all works out for her. She is a wonderful sweetie and has had such a run of rotten luck. Thank you so much for letting us know she's ok. Oh and hub won't kill you he LIKES when I'm diverted :) but my christmas tree might kick your ass :)
ill work the camera, eventually the bear will hibernate

Not until I am fed, watered and ... oh look!

I just had a long text conversation with a stranger. Seems he was replying to a mutual friend that sent out a group text a week ago. I didn't impart that bit of info though, I just carried on with him because he just left some sort of concert and seemed to be rolling. He was very happy and friendly and didn't care we don't know each other. He told me "fuck it, I love all you guys, you're all good people." at the end.
I went to all the trouble of updating my operating sytem last week and then this afternoon my fucking hard drive up and dies on me. God dammit I hate life.


Ahhh, well atleast I already had everything backed up. And had an extra hard drive or three laying around. And finally cleaned my fans. You're right it's not all bad, thanks weed.