So, what are you thinking of getting yourself for Christmas?

I had a Gerber with a gut hook but the edge kept rusting in the sheath so I figured I'd give the Buck a try.

I have a diamond sharpener to put the edge back on. I use it often.

Yeah I have the 4 piece set and then the really fine one..


I have a few chepo knives that I found that I really like.. but any carving I will use my flexcut stuff..
never had an auto knife so ordered this ( yesterday:

That's a nice knife! I kinda have an obsession with blades, here's some of my collection.


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I have a few pocket knives but these are the only 2 knives I use outside..

large one is a beast.. love using it like a machete
2nd one I found at Walmart for about 7$ she holds a great edge too but needs to be a diamond to get her there..

That's a nice knife! I kinda have an obsession with blades, here's some of my collection.

I love the balisong you have ? is how well can you use it? Have not used one in about 10 years or so .. but damn they are fun... When I lived in CT we would order all kinds of m.a stuff from NY back in the 80's seemed like every single m.a was sold outta NY too.
In the summer I make a point to go up my grandpap's and help him with a few things. Usually he gives me some kind of rusty worthless tool as payment. Last time he gave me some old knives that are actually kind of cool. What's the best way to clean them up, you knife aficionados?
I love the balisong you have ? is how well can you use it? Have not used one in about 10 years or so .. but damn they are fun... When I lived in CT we would order all kinds of m.a stuff from NY back in the 80's seemed like every single m.a was sold outta NY too.

I can open it pretty quick but that's about it. A buddy of mine can work two of them at once and almost juggle them. He's damn good though.
In the summer I make a point to go up my grandpap's and help him with a few things. Usually he gives me some kind of rusty worthless tool as payment. Last time he gave me some old knives that are actually kind of cool. What's the best way to clean them up, you knife aficionados?

CLR and a little elbow grease?
In the summer I make a point to go up my grandpap's and help him with a few things. Usually he gives me some kind of rusty worthless tool as payment. Last time he gave me some old knives that are actually kind of cool. What's the best way to clean them up, you knife aficionados?

PICS????? :) you may have some gems in there...
PICS????? :) you may have some gems in there...

Lol, I doubt it. I'll throw some up when I go downstairs after awhile. The wife and daughter are going out for the day while I paint some windows and trim. I'm going to get high as fuck. On weed, not paint fumes.
this time a year get stressful for a lot of people. and every body drives like total ass holes trying to go xmas shopping. they will actually run you over and kill you to get to the mall. what I want for xmas is quiet and relax time. away from every body . ill go spend time in the sun room with my little green lady friends. breathing some nice 1900 ppm co2. and relax never be more happy. I hate xmas the holidays . its way over rated all that stress stupid shoppers . the music. just for 1 day. yeah I buy gifts but its all gift cards rom one store sells cards for every body . I don't want any thing for xmas except to have it over with. im a Grinch that hates xmas

AMG SLS light blue Santa please?
Thinking about getting a DaVinci Ascent. Still doing some research though. Any suggestions or does anyone own the Ascent?
ok well i did think of one thing to get myself, a new strut and a few hours in the garage. had a strut go bad last night. yay christmas.
PICS????? :) you may have some gems in there...

Lol, here are a couple. The one on the right is funny because the Company name WylU.S.A is etched on it. Then right underneath China is stamped on it. Ah the irony is so good.

A whipped cream dispenser, along with 200 or so nitrous oxide chargers.:lol:

I worked at a deli.. that shared a hallway with Baskin Robbins ice cream shop.. their fridge was way too small to hold the amount of whip cream they used so they used our walkin.. we would walk in and grab a can take a hit or 6.. then left the can barely usable..

it's a short buzz so it was merely a boredom thing..