n00b here close to Chopping! Help me out


Active Member
Ok so anyone that has gone through this Harvesting/Curing process tell me if ive got this pretty much down.

1. Chop down ur plant into manageable sizes.

2. Snip away all leaves. You can save the ones coated in Trichs for Hash or whatever.

3. Once you have snipped away all leaves time to hang and dry your buds.

4. Let your buds Dry for 2-3 Days maybe 4.

5. Once they are done drying cut Stems off and cut into smaller pieces to fit into Mason jar.

6. Put in cool dark place overnight.

7. Check if your buds are moist if so open Jar for a cpl hours *Burp* them, then close back up and repeat process for as long as you want. (If 2 moist pour out ur buds and let them sit out in open for a bit *Burp* them then back into Jar)

Is that pretty much the process?

Another question i have is when your drying your buds are you gonna want a fan on the buds 24/7 for those 2-4 days? Thanks again
Ok so anyone that has gone through this Harvesting/Curing process tell me if ive got this pretty much down.

1. Chop down ur plant into manageable sizes.

2. Snip away all leaves. You can save the ones coated in Trichs for Hash or whatever.

3. Once you have snipped away all leaves time to hang and dry your buds.

4. Let your buds Dry for 2-3 Days maybe 4.

5. Once they are done drying cut Stems off and cut into smaller pieces to fit into Mason jar.

6. Put in cool dark place overnight.

7. Check if your buds are moist if so open Jar for a cpl hours *Burp* them, then close back up and repeat process for as long as you want. (If 2 moist pour out ur buds and let them sit out in open for a bit *Burp* them then back into Jar)

Is that pretty much the process?

Another question i have is when your drying your buds are you gonna want a fan on the buds 24/7 for those 2-4 days? Thanks again

Air circulation is essential for decreasing the chances of mold and helps speed along the drying. Be careful not to blast one area to hard with a fan, as this will dry one side of the bud much faster than the other and result in uneven drying. Oscillating fans or box fans set away from the buds work great and are pretty inexpensive.

http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/how-to-properly-dry-marijuana/ anyways go here a lot of good info friend ...



Well-Known Member
you want to make sure it is dry before it goes in a jar, depending on humidity i would say hang for 5-7 days before jarring. jarring too early, even if only for a few hours can ruin a good crop.

also you don't want a fan on the buds whilst drying, you can have a fan moving air if you must, but not blowing on the buds.

other than that it sounds like you are headed in the right direction.


New Member
That is correct. I would trim before you chop the tree. It will be a lot easier and less of a sticky mess.

Keep humidity around 60-65% while in the jar.


Active Member
you want to make sure it is dry before it goes in a jar, depending on humidity i would say hang for 5-7 days before jarring. jarring too early, even if only for a few hours can ruin a good crop.

also you don't want a fan on the buds whilst drying, you can have a fan moving air if you must, but not blowing on the buds.

other than that it sounds like you are headed in the right direction.
So ur telling me when im done chopping off all leaves and im ready to hang and dry i SHOULD NOT have a fan blowing on the buds?


Active Member
That is correct. I would trim before you chop the tree. It will be a lot easier and less of a sticky mess.

Keep humidity around 60-65% while in the jar.
In ur opinion how would you check for 60-65% humidity in the jar? a Regular Temp and Humidity meter?
correct away from the buds read what i put up there a few post ago just trying to help only circulation man not directly on them


Well-Known Member
So ur telling me when im done chopping off all leaves and im ready to hang and dry i SHOULD NOT have a fan blowing on the buds?
Correct. you need air circulating in the room but not blowing directly on the plants.

Trimming while still in the pot is much easier, some do it that way, some don't.

I would not chop the plant into sections before hanging to dry. Keeping the plant whole will improve the taste and aroma ( that's a terpene lecture, much too involved for now ).

Not sure if you meant you were going to cut the buds up when you jarred them or not, but leave the buds whole. I might have misunderstood what you meant.

Except for fan leaves, put all your trim in ziplocks and store in the freezer for hash. Yes, freeze it fresh, not dried.


Well-Known Member
How dense are your buds? If not very dense/a little fluffy, I've found leaving sugar leaves on through the drying process helps to draw some of that moisture out slower and will give you a nicer smell/taste. Dry too fast or jar too wet and you risk making your bud smell like hay. I dried too fast on my first plant (cut off all leaves, RH was too low, dried for 4 days and jarred) and even after almost 2 months of curing, it doesn't have much of a smell until its ground up. Still smokes good though.


Active Member
How dense are your buds? If not very dense/a little fluffy, I've found leaving sugar leaves on through the drying process helps to draw some of that moisture out slower and will give you a nicer smell/taste. Dry too fast or jar too wet and you risk making your bud smell like hay. I dried too fast on my first plant (cut off all leaves, RH was too low, dried for 4 days and jarred) and even after almost 2 months of curing, it doesn't have much of a smell until its ground up. Still smokes good though.
lets say ur done drying and u chop ur buds into smaller pieces and put them into ur jars.. How will u know that the jars are Ideal Temp and Humidity? Or do u just put them in there just right off the bat when ur done drying then put them in a cool dark area for a night?


Active Member
there is no substitute for a hygrometer. except experience.
so lets say i buy a Hygrometer. What do i do from there? Place it in the jar and wait for the right time to place my buds in? & also whats the correct humidity or moisture that you would want in the jar at the time of putting buds in there?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I just know when their ready to be put into jars and how often they need to be burped. Its hard to explain how i know but i do its all off the smell and feel of the weed!


Well-Known Member
Those Caliber 2 or 3 work well in mason jars and great at giving you an idea of the humidity in the jars.

Experience does make them eventually unnecessary. I've gotten to the point of noticing when they are in the sweet spot like a second nature