buds or balls?

Hey Folks, needs some help. Can't decide if this is blooms or balls. Normally, I can tell the balls right off the bat, but this plant has buds that looks like a mass of balls. Any advice? Don't want to screw up the rest of the plants in the flower room.101_1216.jpg101_1217.jpg101_1218.jpg101_1219.jpg101_1220.jpg


Well-Known Member
You could always chop off a few branches, throw them in a zip-lock into the fridge; use the pollen for some small-scale indoor breeding. Look it up, pretty easy.


New Member
Obviously a female. Chop the top quarter of the plant and dry it and it will magically turn into buds. That's what "curing" is.


Well-Known Member
If you want more delicious buds, it's suggested to lure a skunk (youtube it) and get it to spray inside your curing jar.
STEP AWAY FROM THE PIPE!! If you really believe some silly shit like this , then have at it my friend. But then again I guess trolls like it stinky.


New Member
STEP AWAY FROM THE PIPE!! If you really believe some silly shit like this , then have at it my friend. But then again I guess trolls like it stinky.
Human shit is more effective at fertilizing Cannabis than any other fertilizer.

I'm only kidding guys. I've only joined like 2 days ago and have already helped over a dozen guys in the Cannabis Problems section. Ya'll calm your farms, lol.
Not a breeder, so it was chopped. can't have it screwing up the known female plants. Thanks for the replies, I was thinking it was a male, but wanted to be sure.