Saving money on your light bill


Well-Known Member
Glad, I know I've asked 6-7 times before, but how's your southern exposure for a solar panel or 20?

I think that was the limiting thing? lack of southern sky?


Active Member
1.7 cents? WHY have I been growing during the day and paying hundreds to consumers x.x?!?!!


Active Member
So wait, you have you to choose that option for cheaper electric at night? Running at night on a normal plan isn't any cheaper??


Well-Known Member
I did with Wisconsin Energy. They needed to change out my meter.
Now that they set it all up, then I cancelled it, I cannot sign back up for the program for 12 months.
I'm pretty sure every electric company is different though.
I just fucked up one day when I looked the bill over and then started to think....
Bad idea, just pay that shit till I have a football field of panels. lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey, new bill was ready this morning. Lowest electric bill in a few years.
So the fuck what, still isn't worth it. lmfao.


Well-Known Member
you gonna build your own panels glad? buying cells in bulk and then soldering and sealing is ez. i met a guy out on a gold claim in portland (MI) that claimed his panels were less then half the price and worked just a good. he was running a hand full of shit off just 2 little panels attached to his trailer.

if you dont mind wheeling and dealing with someone from the Asian continent (probably cheapest route)

alibaba has the craziest deals on just about everything lol they probably even have cheap deals on complete set ups.