Flowering Question


Hi folks,

After a long period of time, my plants have finally showed signs of sex, 1 male and 2 female :)

Now that they're finally showing preflowers, how does a typical flower period proceed? When does the actual budding start taking off? Are there any periods where bud growth is faster/more obvious than others?



Well-Known Member
12/12 schedule (From Flip)
Normally 2-3 weeks stretch period ( Depends on strain) Fast, double to triple in height.
The rest of the time she will build bud, constant growth.
Approx. last 2 weeks buds will bulk up.


Hey Ring,

I threw them into flower very early probably 2 weeks after sprouting from seed. When they hit 12/12 they grew FAST for 4 weeks and now they've finally got preflowers. Are you saying that there is more growth (2-3 times more) to be expected? If so, that's going to be crazy on my closet lol.



Well-Known Member
Those ain't preflowers if on 12-12 for weeks. Post a pic and get the male the hell out of there.


Well-Known Member
IC, your doing a 12/12 from seedling. Not the same as I described in my post.. I will edit

I agree with GrowinDad


I think there is some confusion. The male was removed the other day. The plants spent ~3 weeks at 18/6, then 4 weeks in 12/12. The preflowers just started to definitively show sex yesterday.

GrowinDad, if they aren't preflowers, what are they? They don't appear to be new foliage growth. Confused.

Hope this makes sense. I'll get some pics up tomorrow, the plants are sleeping at the moment.



Well-Known Member
Preflowers show up in late veg if you veg a long time. Semantics probably.

But at 4 weeks in flower you should be full out flowering from my experience. Obvious diff strains are diff.

Without a pic, hard to say becausevwhat are calling preflower I might call flowering. Here is a pic of my current, at exactly two weeks after I flipped to 12-12. A pic is worth a thousand words...



New Member
Preflowers show up in late veg if you veg a long time. Semantics probably.

But at 4 weeks in flower you should be full out flowering from my experience. Obvious diff strains are diff.

Without a pic, hard to say becausevwhat are calling preflower I might call flowering. Here is a pic of my current, at exactly two weeks after I flipped to 12-12. A pic is worth a thousand words...

View attachment 2919011

Incorrect. Female C3 Cannabis plants wills how preflowers when in an induced vegetative state when they have reached maturity. Normally when they are ready to be flipped to Flowering they will exhibit pre-flower characteristics.