My plants seem like they are dying... Why????


Well-Known Member
please enlighten me...what is the correct ph for coco grows? for small plants like op's shouldn't you fertilize w/ diluted fertilizer? I grow in soil coco isn't my thing....cheers
I'm a soil guy too, but we have no idea what his PH is, and with Coco liking a hydro PH, I am thinking he MIGHT have enough nutes already, but is just locked out.PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif


Well-Known Member
OK thank you mr ganja I appreciate your help and I am sorry for sounding dumb lol its just it's my first time and want to help them recover asap.

Would biobiz all mix be a better option next time? I certainly wont be using canna again
From my understanding if you are using Canna Coco (canna brand) it's a good idea to use their Canna A & B nuts along with Canna PK 13/14 in flower. I'm surprised someone would sell you Canna brand coco and not mention the specific nutes developed for Canna brand coco.


Blackforest - I am also very disappointed in the advice I was given from the hydro shop. I asked if I should use canna products and she said she did not like them as they were over priced and you had to mix the solutions together


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Right guys, just a quick update on my plants.. As you can see from the pics they have already picked up a little and I am so happy. The only thing is what do I do now? do I just feed them water while they recover or do I put nutes in to help them along? I don't want to put these poor babys through any more stress so some more advice would be much appreciated. My ph is at 6.6 so the roots will be able to take it.
Just want to thank everybody for their advice as couldn't of done it without you... Cheers :) :hug::leaf:


yeah looking better for sure :)... From looking at the chart they are in the right range but ideally yes it should be a little lower. will the roots still take the nutes at this ph range?


Well-Known Member
Get the ph right and I think you should be feeding them nutrients for sure, but go very easy I think like 1/4 strength and then slowly increase. Then they will really take off bro


Well-Known Member
I had a thought that you may need to add calmag if you are using canna coco nutrients in coco, I found this for you "Canna coco A+B has something like 4.5% calcium and 1.5% magnesium. There is plenty of cal-mag in their base to begin with, even for your soft water. 10ml per gallon of each nets you more than 110ppm of calcium in the solution. The reason Botanicare's Cal-Mag Plus is so effective with canna in soft water is actually due to the chelated iron it contains. Without the iron new growth will be yellow and weak. You tap water may contain the needed iron, it may not..."

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot bro.. Don't know what I would of done without ya lol
WITHOUT HIM you would have failed! Flopped, u would have done the opposite of succeeding! fell on your face,ate shit ,you would have bin like a fish out of water.u would have bin fucked!screwed, raped! I think you see the direction im going with this......