Girl Scout Cookies RDWC Scrog Grow

Not entirely sure how long till I flip em over. While they are gaining height and girth, it's by no means at a rapid pace, the topping really seemed to have slowed them down a lot (go figure) so now it's just a waiting game, if I had to guess I'd say at least another month or so until I get that screen really filled out properly. As far as the water level goes, I like to keep it at a point where it's just below the bottom of the net pot. While I could keep the water level higher becuase I've got a massive 6" air disk in each bucket, which are attached to a dual-diaphram air pump meaning I get plenty of oxygen into the water, I find that as long as you keep the main root system completely covered you're going to be in good shape (providing you do have enough oxygen getting it's way into the solution and bathing the root system).

As far as buckets go, I find that the absolute best thing money can buy is a 5 gallon bucket. Sure, if you're running a system like mine where you have uniseals and the potential for massive leaks what with the curved walls of the bucket, however, this can be easily remedied with some silicone. It makes no sense to me that people would go out and spend significantly more money on a rubbermaid tub or some specially designed rectangular grow bucket when you can pick up 5 gallon buckets at lowes or home depot for like $2.50 a pop. And needless to say, if you've ever seen a 5 gallon bucket DWC rootball, you know what I'm talking about.

Here's some more pics for everybody, the largest is measuring 10.25" in height, shouldn't be long now before it hits the screen!

Current stats: 5.8 pH, 760 ppm, 68 degree nutrient solution

They're looking nice and healthy for sure. I also noticed when I topped mine that they wouldn't get a decent amount of growth for about a week. I flipped mine two days ago and damn did they take off, 3-5 inches of growth in less than 2 days. Yours will be reaching that screen before you know it!
Looks like you, me and newbydub should all be withine 2 weeks harvest of our gsc. I have some in veg in dwc. I'm going to flip mine in in about 10 days. I'll be watching this closely.
Awesome sky rocket, always good to hear from another fellow grower, especially one that's growing the same strain. Post a pic of your setup so I can see whatcha got going on! For comparative purposes what are you keeping your veggin girls at ppm wise? I think I'm gonna let mine ride at around 750 ppm for now unless they start showing signs of deficiencies. I probably could bump it up a bit, but I've learned the hard way that over-fertilization is a one way ticket to less than perfect bud, not to mention the plants just look like shit when they're all burnt, and as they are currently rather enjoying themselves at 750, I see no need to potentially stress them out.

3-5 inches in two days is awesome newby! I'd like to see some close ups of your girls! So after I measured my largest girl two days ago at 10.25" I re-measured again last night and it was at about 11.5". I'll take an inch a day! The top is still about two inches away from the screen but at this growth rate they should be there in just a few days, then the fun starts!

Current stats: 5.7 pH, 750 ppm, 68 degree nutrient solution
Ya! Once I flipped em they shot up, my biggest one is 18" and the other GSC just hit 15" so it's coming along. The purple urkle are having a hard time though, couple leaves are curling a little so I gotta see if I can get that worked out. They're making good progress, should be hitting screen within the next two days. Are you going to stick with one screen?
Yea I used to do multiple strains at once and something always seems to go wrong with one of em. I've found that it serves me best to do just one strain and really get it dialed in cause each one is gonna be different and want a different feeding regimen and flower period. But if you can pull it off all the more power to ya! And yea, I'm sticking with just one screen.

I'm having a little problem with a leaf curling down on one of the purples but I think some subculture from gh will fix em up. I think I'm gonna switch to one strain grow after this, just sounds easier to dial in. Nice, looks like they're just about there. How do you like the nutradip meter?
One strain is gonna be easier to dial in a specific formula for. I run many strains, and use the same nutes at the same level on all my plants the whole grow :)(sometimes I water it down for real young clones and seedlings). Any way I find that some plants grow perfect with this mix(been using lucas formula with GH products for about 2.5 years) some need more of one thing some less of something. I keep the strains that do the best or if there is one that stands out for another reason. My goal is to get a few strains that grow similar and or require the same things and grow well together. I ran the same white widow cut for 4 years(with a few plants of other things thrown in here and there), so I'm on a big variety kick lately, I've got about 15 strains/phenos going right now.
Heres my GSC, not entirely in the shot but the most recent pic I have. 6-7 weeks in flower, grown in coco with botanicare nutes, avalanche and humic acid.
Wow greenthumbtraining, no nutes until 4 weeks of veg? That seems like a long time for the girls to go without any food! You didn't give em anything? And looking good supchaka, those buds look like they're gonna be mighty tasty! I did a coco grow a little while back, I liked cocos ability to buffer the nutes, a lot more forgiving than hydro, as far as yield goes though, I have yet to find a growing method that produces better than DWC.

That's too bad to hear about the leaf curl newby, I've also experienced a little bit of "the claw" but nothing too serious, just some of the tips, it seems to have worked itself out though. As far as the tri-meter goes, I love it! Paid like $165 for it on, they carry two models , one that measures EC and the other that measures ppm, along with temp and pH obviously. Hanna makes a "guardian" model that is quite a bit more expensive that does essentially the same thing but I think the tri-meter is the way to go from a money standpoint. In a perfect world I would go with the Gro-bot evolution, if you haven't heard about this rediculously awesome invention you should go check it out, total grow room automation. You pay a pretty penny for it though. Cool thing I find about growing though is that you also grow with it. I've built all my systems I use and while the first ones were simple, they've become progressively more involved and complex. That being said, I think I've zeroed in on a good setup at this point and I'll probably stick with a similar style for the next go around. I'll post some pics a little bit later so you can see the progress, the largest one is juuuuuusssst touching the screen, measuring in at just over 12", but talk about bushy!

Current stats: 5.8 pH, 770 ppm, 68 degree nutrient solution
Those are some nice plants supchaka! Ya kind of a bummer but I got some subculture from general hydro that should help the plants uptake some more nutes so I hope everything starts turning around. Shouldn't be very long at all before you flip, like two weeks you think? I'll put one of my pics up from when the girls were waking up, I wish I would of taken it a couple min before I did but they still look perfect. The GSC is my fav strain of all time.

Yea idk newby it's hard to say, today is day 47 of the grow, started from seed obviously so they've only really been full on veggin for a couple weeks or so. These girls took a long time to take off. As far as the two week estimate goes, I think it's gonna be a bit longer. They're averaging around an inch or so of new growth each day, which is good, but I've got a large amount of screen to fill up so I'd imgaine it's gonna be longer, more like 3 to 4 weeks, but we shall see! And I too hope to be able to call GSC my favorite strain, now that I've read and heard so much about it it's making me really wish I could fast forward to after the cure and just chill there for a hot minute, smoke a spliff, then hop on back to reality and let em ride fully knowing how epic they're going to turn out to be! Just outta curiousity, do you rock a meter in your setup or do you just use a testing pen?
I thought you already had a 8 week veg going. Prob about 4 weeks with the popping of the seed and getting to veg. I read up a little bit on it and when I got my hands on two clones for outdoor I was stoked. I didn't top it or do anything and it had like 30 main colas that were medium sized. You should get some really nice bud off your set up. I got some pics of it outdoor if you wanna see em. Ya I love the smoke it gives. I have two pens for ph and ppm. I really wanna get a meter but I don't have the coin to drop right now. Prob after this harvest.
I used to run a similar system but with totes and only 2 sites. They get Biiiiig and fast. One thing you might need to watch is your roots traveling through your PVC and eventually clogging your pump. This always happened to me, all you have to do is pull them back.This might be a PiTA though with the netting.
Looking good!
The ones in yours got big fast? Mine have been getting pretty big just in the last week, they stretched out a lot and bushed out too. Seemed like it happened over night when I just checked em. I've been watching the roots and they're just starting to come thru the smart pots and maybe an inch or two out. I'll deff keep that in mind tho. Thank you! I'm excited for the next two weeks tho, I wanna see them puff balls
Awesome sky rocket, always good to hear from another fellow grower, especially one that's growing the same strain. Post a pic of your setup so I can see whatcha got going on! For comparative purposes what are you keeping your veggin girls at ppm wise? I think I'm gonna let mine ride at around 750 ppm for now unless they start showing signs of deficiencies. I probably could bump it up a bit, but I've learned the hard way that over-fertilization is a one way ticket to less than perfect bud, not to mention the plants just look like shit when they're all burnt, and as they are currently rather enjoying themselves at 750, I see no need to potentially stress them out.

3-5 inches in two days is awesome newby! I'd like to see some close ups of your girls! So after I measured my largest girl two days ago at 10.25" I re-measured again last night and it was at about 11.5". I'll take an inch a day! The top is still about two inches away from the screen but at this growth rate they should be there in just a few days, then the fun starts!

Current stats: 5.7 pH, 750 ppm, 68 degree nutrient solution

sorry been busy....I'll post a pic if my gsc girls if they recover from a major transplant and root trim shock......they don't look so good. I may have to cut some clones of them and try again. They all look like shit.
Oh that's too bad to hear about your troubles skyrocket. My last grow I did an all organic grow and they were loving life when they were in their 2 gallon buckets but as soon as I soon as I moved em into their 5 gallon buckets they started showing signs of stress. It turned out alright in the end but what a pain in the ass to go through a perfect veg only to be foiled by a less than stellar flower cycle. Interesting thing is that after I harvested em I went to pull the rootballs out and a few of them were literally the size of the 6" pots I started them in, that threw me for a loop. I was growing in subcools supersoil and I think I might have over ammended it and it was just too hot for the roots to move into, but hey, live and learn. Glad to be back in the hydro realm.

So get this, I FINALLY received my calibration solutions from nutra-dip and recalibrated all my probes, pH was actually down around 5.3 (it has since been adjusted back up and settled at 5.9) and my ppm which I thought was at 850 was actually around 550, and since I had just upped my nutes the other day by like 200 ppm, I was actually veggin around the 350 mark. Now this all being said, they're still doing great, growth is at about an inch a day, the largest one is through the screen, the other is not far behind. All this is telling me that GSC is a light feeder, given the fact that they are growing at a rate of an inch a day and are showing no signs of any deficiency. Still on the fence on whether or not to bump them up to that 850 mark I had originally thought I was at, I think I'd rather stay on the safe side and keep the ppms low, I'm in no rush so a lighter feeding and longer growing period is no big deal. Anyway, my computer isn't allowing my to attach a photo right now but I'll post another couple pics later this evening so you can see what a couple days growth looks like!