My crappy setup


Well-Known Member
i dont know if shes a gal yet. it just has these little pointy things at the nodes. no hairs or balls yet. can i still clone when its in flower? if so should i do it as soon as i see its a girl? yea i put the fan at that height because that where the tops would be for my scrog setup. as for the meter. ill move it down now. totally forgot it doesnt help if its up high. i want to join the Hydro Challenge that Earl setup but i cant afford good nutes, lights, but i think i have an RO somewhere. I will for sure ask around next time for what to buy. thanks for the help bros.


Well-Known Member
ok so updates...
the door/flap doesnt stay closed because i dont have an exhaust or any thing to secure it so im leaving it open. as soon as i can fine more lamps im putting in more light. have to use those bulbs =). ill try to keep things up to date


Well-Known Member
Hey rictor.... Just checking out your setup as im highly medicated and browsing riu..heheh.. another thing that i was wondering.... I noticed that you are going to give scrog a try.... Is this your first time?... I guess it doesnt matter ... i am just finishing my first scrog and i have to say man that you donot have nearly enough net... those holes are too big.... Unless your going to try the lst/scrog method.... Thats when you let the plant grow about an inch above the net or so and then tie it down above the net.... If you were going to do that i would suggest still more points to tie too...

Scrog was allot more work than i though it would be.... it did work and all of the buds tht stick up are like tops... i have to look at the bottom of the trunk to see which is the real MAIN cola... hehehe... so scrog works ..and works well... good luck bro.. did you check out the lucas formula for your nutes.... it makes it to where you only use two bottles instead of buying all 3...


Well-Known Member
i dont know if shes a gal yet. it just has these little pointy things at the nodes. no hairs or balls yet. can i still clone when its in flower? if so should i do it as soon as i see its a girl? yea i put the fan at that height because that where the tops would be for my scrog setup. as for the meter. ill move it down now. totally forgot it doesnt help if its up high. i want to join the Hydro Challenge that Earl setup but i cant afford good nutes, lights, but i think i have an RO somewhere. I will for sure ask around next time for what to buy. thanks for the help bros.

well if you dont know then iwould suggest clonign a few branches (do a few in case you have cloning problems).... then put the clone under 12/12... that way you can see the sex just on the clone... once you know its a girl... then you lcone the hell out of her and get yourself all the ladies you want...


Well-Known Member
Hey rictor.... Just checking out your setup as im highly medicated and browsing riu..heheh.. another thing that i was wondering.... I noticed that you are going to give scrog a try.... Is this your first time?... I guess it doesnt matter ... i am just finishing my first scrog and i have to say man that you donot have nearly enough net... those holes are too big.... Unless your going to try the lst/scrog method.... Thats when you let the plant grow about an inch above the net or so and then tie it down above the net.... If you were going to do that i would suggest still more points to tie too...

Scrog was allot more work than i though it would be.... it did work and all of the buds tht stick up are like tops... i have to look at the bottom of the trunk to see which is the real MAIN cola... hehehe... so scrog works ..and works well... good luck bro.. did you check out the lucas formula for your nutes.... it makes it to where you only use two bottles instead of buying all 3...
yea man i noticed that too this morning when i was looking at some other grows. so i fixed it. i put some chicken wire on it. they look like octagonal 1 inch holes. ill cut a few to widen them up. and yea i checked it out. i dont know what im going to do w/ the 3rd bottle tho. maybe ebay. or trade it on here. and yea its my first time. and i hope to get a grow under my belt b4 december. i signed up for the hydro challenge i hope he lets me join up.


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw that.... just clone the shit out of that one lady (if its a lady) and get that bubbler up and running ....


Well-Known Member
ok. ill try it. there is this guy selling a 250 wat mh for $50 u think i should get it? or go hps?


Well-Known Member
50$ for what though? bulb ballast and hood? if so. hell yeah thats a good deal and you should make sure it works... heheheh..


Well-Known Member
i think that is an awsome deal.... i have seen some good shit come out of MH while budding... i know that they recommend HPS... but i have seen some good shit.... in any case... HPS is the best... I bought HPS... but then again I also spent close to 400....

even after your first grow in that cab you built .... youll end up converting that cab to just veg stage box... and then youll build another box ... more like a 4x4x6 and put a 400hps in that... it will happen... mark my words... hehehe...


Well-Known Member
150 is the cheapest i find... and thats with an open hood.... do you have pics of the product he is selling?


Well-Known Member
yea ill get it then.
i can maybe bring him down to $40
he wants to get rid of it fast.
but yea i plan on converting the rest of the closet into veg.
the rest of it with my tent in there is
5 feet tall. 3 feet deep. and 4 wide.
i plan on going perpetual


Well-Known Member
dude ... check this out.... i have ordered my secret jardin from this store....

this is an open end econo type ...400 hps... 175.... you might just want to get that....
400 HPS EconoWing Grow Light System | BGH

I tell ya though... i have to say that my cab is HOT>. i mean i know its summer and all.... but the damn thing sits in the high 80's in the garage... duringthe night when i flower and use my light... the degree diference between the outside temp and the inside temp is 4 degrees.... And i have to give my hood full rep for that.. well besides my fans and shit.... but what i mean is that the hood that you buy is going to determin alot on how hot it is in there.... Most hood have glass that slides in to some slots and actually doesnt seal right.... the one i bought from hydrofarm is called daystar AC... 6" ducting blah blah... but what i like about it the most is the fact that the glass seals right.... cause it more like a door... and you screw it down with thumb screws.... I should take a few pics to explain but anyway.... another otion is a cool tube....but your gonna spend over 200 on that setup....


Well-Known Member
thanks man. im just trying my best to grow.
i tried returning the favor but i guess i did it earlier. lol


Well-Known Member
dude ... check this out.... i have ordered my secret jardin from this store....

this is an open end econo type ...400 hps... 175.... you might just want to get that....
400 HPS EconoWing Grow Light System | BGH

I tell ya though... i have to say that my cab is HOT>. i mean i know its summer and all.... but the damn thing sits in the high 80's in the garage... duringthe night when i flower and use my light... the degree diference between the outside temp and the inside temp is 4 degrees.... And i have to give my hood full rep for that.. well besides my fans and shit.... but what i mean is that the hood that you buy is going to determin alot on how hot it is in there.... Most hood have glass that slides in to some slots and actually doesnt seal right.... the one i bought from hydrofarm is called daystar AC... 6" ducting blah blah... but what i like about it the most is the fact that the glass seals right.... cause it more like a door... and you screw it down with thumb screws.... I should take a few pics to explain but anyway.... another otion is a cool tube....but your gonna spend over 200 on that setup....
well if i plan on getting really serious about this. so im going to get the best stuff i can. if i were to go cool tube i would try making my own first. im a very hands on kinda guy. and yea i get what youre saying.


Well-Known Member
well my water pumps just came in.
so i have the option to go top feed drip or ebb and flow.
but i just needed it for my soil plant.
going on vacation soon