Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2918069

Sorry, I know it's late, but I had to. Haters gonna hate, but a good gardener gets to smoke Dank!

Hope you come back to us soon Hamish!
Peace & Love. Myco
LOL... Ya my internet crapped out again. You know me, this smartphone thing drives me nuts so I just didn't bother for a while. Still down but I had to come let you guys know, just got word Holistic Nursery is getting a HUGE drop of Bodhi gear next week, everything from SSDD to RKU, plus freebies galore.


Well-Known Member
hamish and his aspergers fueled threats. jesus. see much hasnt changed here. paragraphic posts and still stationary on someones dick who themselves is a novice at growing. adios all. buy jorge cervantes grow bible to save yourself half the bullshit of this site. if that doesnt help you log out and burn down your grow room. PEACE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

1. Go take a nice long stroll on Eat A Dick Avenue.
B. grow bibles, lol

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Who cares , we are all growers, no need for smart comments, lets make this a friendly place, it's up to you. PEACE We all have something in common "weed" isn't that what this site is for, to help people. Really NO REASON TO SWEAR AND PUT PEOPLE DOWN THEN DO IT ON FACEBOOK, ECT. Please not on this site!!!! - No harm meant and not directed to any one

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Nickels is VTM guys. He is just upset I spotted it within 2 posts. And that wasn't Aspergers fuelled LOL. Anybody talking to any of you good people like that will get stick from me. That is just how I roll, take a jab at my mates or family or dog and that's what happens. It is called 'taking care of your own' and 'standing up for those you care about' and is just basic human decency really. I have my illness under control. I know the difference between real and induced by body chemistry. Sorry took me a while to work all the way to that on this phone. So VTM or Nickels or whatever, an apology to St0w and all the rest is all that is needed, then I apologize to you because then my sentiments are completely different towards you. Have fun with Jorge 'Narcotics Officer' Cervantes' book. I am certain the cup of lime per gallon soilixes and 'organic is outdated' (Yup he printed that in his book) and sundry advice will grow you the best medicine. Ever. DANK.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Who cares , we are all growers, no need for smart comments, lets make this a friendly place, it's up to you. PEACE We all have something in common "weed" isn't that what this site is for, to help people. Really NO REASON TO SWEAR AND PUT PEOPLE DOWN THEN DO IT ON FACEBOOK, ECT. Please not on this site!!!! - No harm meant and not directed to any one
Read the whole thread. It is the most peaceful and respectful thread next to Rrog's. It even has a 'sex ed' section that makes for a good side track. Just one guy has stirred trouble for no reason twice now. When it comes to stuff like that, one needs to be firm. Keep a high standard likes, or the next thing he is bashing every body and things get really nasty. The internet equivalent of somebody walking into your local pub and picking a fight with your mates really. You put a stop to that before it gets out of hand. Your sentiment is appreciated though, trust me I feel the same, but somebody insults Gand, Myco, Stow, Red, May, Hyroot, Trousers or Rrog, I shall give him stick lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks hamish. I feel the same. How about a good round of circle jerk guys lol jk but it is a very great thread that I hope lives on and on. Ive learned so much info from this thread and without it I still would be battling many issues that I didnt learn from jorge cervantes . Hell I use a cup of lime in my new mix and I just did a test run in a 1 month old clone , put it in this supersoil type mix and it was hurtin from the trqnsplant but is now very happy in it's 7 gal container.


Active Member
I dont smoke weed. I smoke globs of deisel, or vortex TLO that u could not handle

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Well-Known Member
Look at mycomasters work. You might think different. Hes got talent . His hash looks bomb too. Why cant you just be calm and relax bro we are all good ppl and we would welcome you in if you just relax and be nice. This is a big family and we are always welcomong new ppl so im sure everyone woild blow the steam off and welxome you in if you just simmer down. Believe me these guys know their stuff because im having great results learning from them. No need to bash , youll learn more here than any book out there because we have read them well and we use not just one grow bible but a dozen and we bring new methods to the table amd share the ups and downs. So lets all just get a bong, smoke it and gwt along. Peace is virtue. Peace and love from me to you all.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads-up on the Bohdi gear Mad.

Unfortunately, the Christmas promo at Attitude got me.

I went for the two DNA Limited packs deal. Lemon! :0)

The freebie list was 13 breeds long. Whew.

Gandalf, we will keep the thread warm for you. Be well.


P.S. For my part, I might suddenly start working soon,
and will have an adjustment period too.


Active Member
Well how often is a tea used when in TLO? And TLO fossil fuel...who has experience with it?

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Well-Known Member
Hahhahaha hyroot.

Nickels. In my tlo I have multiple things going on from superrsoil to worn out recycle unamended. So I have a cpl teas going but tbh every watering now I ise something not just plain water. Look st hyroots thrrad he has a vid about sst, seed sprout teas, which give you plants crazy amounts of beneficial enzymes.then you can think about adding aloe water, I try to use this with every watering , it helps keep stress levels low and plants will be very perky and happy, then I do nute teas which are my boosters when I see a deficiency pop up, ill add what I need to combat it or help send a plant into overdrive, then I have my aacts which put alot of life into my soil. Every watering counts and I try to use it to help boost or correct issues, sometimes a plant of mine will need straight water but usually when I fuck up by adding too much of something . I like to use molasses water instead of just plain ol water. This is what I do and I been very happy lately. Constantly keeping up to my plants needs .

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hahhahaha hyroot.

Nickels. In my tlo I have multiple things going on from superrsoil to worn out recycle unamended. So I have a cpl teas going but tbh every watering now I ise something not just plain water. Look st hyroots thrrad he has a vid about sst, seed sprout teas, which give you plants crazy amounts of beneficial enzymes.then you can think about adding aloe water, I try to use this with every watering , it helps keep stress levels low and plants will be very perky and happy, then I do nute teas which are my boosters when I see a deficiency pop up, ill add what I need to combat it or help send a plant into overdrive, then I have my aacts which put alot of life into my soil. Every watering counts and I try to use it to help boost or correct issues, sometimes a plant of mine will need straight water but usually when I fuck up by adding too much of something . I like to use molasses water instead of just plain ol water. This is what I do and I been very happy lately. Constantly keeping up to my plants needs .
Oh no poor Hyroot. Nickels will get along with Uncle Ben a lot better I think. Yea Nickelz, UBs thread will suit your personality better lolz. How you feel about my mortality is none of my business, bloody stupid thing to apologize for really. Still asking about ACT eh? Still haven't bothered to just read a bit. And what's up with the phone all the time, you got an IP ban on your other account?? Nah guys let him carry on shooting his mouth off, he will get a ban soon enough. People like this don't last long on RIU any more. Just hit the report button. A few of us do it and let the mods take care of it.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I dont smoke weed. I smoke globs of deisel, or vortex TLO that u could not handle

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Awesome. You definitely are one of the cool kids. Part of the Hydro Dank Street Posse yo where dat dank foo ah wanna blaze me a blunt yo yo yo mama dat dab was da shizz