Anyone here allergic to weed?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I also have the cannabis skin allergy reaction of itchy, red, hives.
Washing with soap and cold water helps speed the hives away.


Well-Known Member
Seems I'm allergic to the plant. For about 3 months I've had a rash on one finger. Originally I thought I dribbled some ph-up on that finger. But, it kept getting aggravated and enlarging. I thought it was nutes. Wore gloves but same problem. About 3 weeks ago I dug some partially smoked material out of a bowl before I went to bed. Woke up early morning with my finger on fire.

It's weird because it's just this patch of skin on one finger that is affected, not the finger of the other hand that I dug the bud out with.

Stopped smoking and began wearing gloves when feeding the three plants I was growing. It got much better, but I noticed it would flare up a little if the leaves brushed my arm. I avoided doing that and it got really much better after a week. Then mailed seeds to someone. Because my finger was almost perfect, I didn't even think to put gloves on. (Just seeds!). A few hours later my finger blistered.

I cut my three plants down in mid flower. I want to get the patch of skin rash-free for a couple months to verify it's cannabis. Then handle some cured bud with caution (such as wearing gloves) and see if it comes back.

I found taking antihistamines help. (Claritin once a day. Before bed I take a couple diphenhydramine or a clorpheniramine.). Soaking my finger in a cup with Aveno oatmeal helps. Gold Bond (Ultimate, healing aloe) cream seems to be the best of the creams I've tried.[1] Been told to get Kenalog (Triamcinolone) cream.

I believe I did something to aggravate that patch of skin, making it an outlet for what would otherwise be a minor allergic response that I wasn't noticing. I either did dribble some ph-up on that skin, or it's from spraying weed killer in a tank sprayer whose handle leaks and I wasn't wearing gloves. I remember I did that when this started, and again when it got worse.

Googling indicates it's not an uncommon condition. Reports of people handling weed for years and suddenly having skin problems.

[1] Petroleum jelly made it worse. Cortizone-10 seemed to aggravate it more than help. Aveno Daily Moisturizing is a little better than the previous two. But, Gold Bond Ultimate healing aloe seemed to be the less stinging, more calming.).
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Well-Known Member
Kinda different, but I have a good friend who coughs every time he smokes. I'm not talking about a few cough here and there, the second the littlest bit more of smoke hits his lungs he starts coughing like his eyes are going to pop out. He's been smoking for 25+ years and it hasn't lessened a bit.

Never seen a true allergic reaction to weed, I'm sure it's more common than I'd think.


Well-Known Member
Ive got a buddy that swears he only breaks out in hives when he smokes what ive grown but is fine with brown brick weed. go figure
I have a friend kinda like that. Swears by the brick weed cause it's cheap. Truth is, she chains smokes weed like cigs and is burn out all to hell. Can't afford top of the line so wants quantity as opposed to quality. It's kinda funny really.


Well-Known Member
I also have the cannabis skin allergy reaction of itchy, red, hives.
Washing with soap and cold water helps speed the hives away.
That makes a lot of sense. I thought moisturizing would help more than drying. But, the greasier stuff like vasoline makes it worse. When I washed my hands or showered I was worried I'd dry the skin and make it worse. But, now that I think about it, the drying seemed to help.

I may have overreacted cutting my 3 plants down. But, I've been harvesting too much anyway. (And, they were small 12/12 from seed which I debated not starting.). Since I think my problem is tied to some other aggravation of that patch of skin, I want to let it calm down for awhile and see if I can get back to no reaction.

I miss smoking. I was smoking 3g a day. It's nice to see there was no addictive issues (the way antis claim).


Well-Known Member
Whenever im tying my plants down or trimming them and they come in contact with my arms or face I start to itch and break out in hives a little bit. Its just like any other weed, if you have allergies to them you'll have a reaction.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
I sneeze like crazy and get hives when I come in contact with flowering weed. I also get hives on my face sometimes when I smoke it. When I was much younger and much dumber, and before I knew I was allergic to weed, me and some friends tried snorting a line of crystal from the bud buster. They got really high and enjoyed themselves, but I was in severe agony for two days afterwards. I honestly felt like I was dying. I do not recommend it.


Well-Known Member
very interesting never heard of any one be allergic to weed but always wondered about it hope you find out what the problam is


Well-Known Member
For me its strange because I am not allergic to anything else. Never even had poison ivy before. I smoke and eat edibles all day no prob. I can rub canna oil on my skin no probs either.
If I am dry sifting hash and stick my arm in the bag to mix it up without a long sleeve shirt, within minutes the hives start to appear. Washing right after helps. They only itch for 5-10 minutes then go away
Same if Im in my room, flowering or not. Touch plant to my forearm...hives. No other part of my body is effected either, just my forearms