Post your homemade apparatuses.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would make a thread for those of us too cheap to buy a smoking device, but would rather make them.

My new pipe, constructed out of two CO2 cartridges (they were empty before beginning, lol) and a small piece of surgical rubber tubing (mouth guard).

pics below.

p.s. try to post pics, and explain what you made it out of.



Well-Known Member
check out my home made water bong made out of a drinking cup and the top of a 2 liter.

the next one is my pipe, the top bowl is gone to make the bowl of the bong lol.

the stem of my bong is a straw from mcdonalds wrapped with duct tape. i also duct taped some tin foil on to the bowl since i have no screens. the stem is sealed with some bubble gum. its all air tight too.



Well-Known Member
Biggietalls said:
huh that's a pretty damn good idea cept for the fact that it's made of aluminum
whats wrong with that? is there something wrong with aluminum (sorry I honestly dont know)

lol, nice. you know, theres a much easier way of making a bong. lol. I will post pics in a bit of mine.

edit: did some research, I see that smoking from aluminum can be a tiny bit harmful, what if I was able to coat it with something? any ideas? btw, i dont plan on smoking from it often, so it shouldnt be too bad for me, especially if I use a normal butane lighter, so I shouldnt have to worry right?


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with that? is there something wrong with aluminum (sorry I honestly dont know)
I've heard that using aluminum is somehow hazzardous to your health when burned and inhaled either smoking weed or meth or whatever, of course that may just apply to Aluminum foil ...I'm not sure.

Maybe Google will show something.

Edit: Its a cool looking pipe and Idea But i wouldnt recommend smoking from it, I'd just buy a cheap glass or a wooden pipe.


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit's not to good for your lung's and I wouldn't advise coating it with anything either unless you wanna end up smoking the coating of w/e you put on it and useing a butane lighter wont make any difference

Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
Aluminum coated with chemicals is bad, such as aluminum foil with non-stick chemicals and soda cans with a lining to prevent corrosion. Normal aluminum is safe and many companies sell aluminum pipes.

(This is a great thread idea and I'd love to post pics of my pipes and bongs but I lost the cord to hook my camera to a computer)

Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
I scanned a picture of my favorite pipe today, I made it with an air compressor tip(whatever they're called) as the bowl, a mini Mag-Lite flashlight tube as the stem and a something from a something as the mouthpiece. I think I took the mouthpiece off a round paintbrush but it's been 2 years so I'm not sure.



Well-Known Member
the best do it yourself pipes are the ones that use fruits like the pipes or watermellon pipes especially because the juices of the fruit get into the weed a little bit and it tastes really good


Well-Known Member
yeah they last pretty long, they are good for one night of tokin up with some freinds, then u can eat it or through it away. if u could would it be possible for u to find the recipe for a DIY watermellon pipe i hav looked everywhere but cant find one


Well-Known Member
yeah a watermellon that is what i ment. could u give me detailed directions that would be the greatest thing ever. i will give u some rep points i have looked everywhere this is the greatest thing ever nice


Well-Known Member
the video didnt work on my computer would it be possible for u to make some instructions please i would really appreciate it. it would mean alot to me and i would be so thankful

Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
Cut a melon in half lengthwise, leaving the bottom half a little bigger than the top. Hollow out most of the bottom half with a spoon then hollow out a tunnel 1 inch or so in diameter on the top half. Carve a hole just big enough for your bong stem on the bottom half and stuff it in there. Fill the bottom of the melon with about 2 inches of water then tape the melon shut with duct tape, load your bowl and enjoy.