Well-Known Member
C'mon psu break it up. You know if you got a bag like that you would complain about the 14 gram stem / stalk.. Keep it real
SALTY aloe boy^^^^.......I though WEIGHT didn't matter according to you?

I'm NOT selling on the street corner brother..........this is a FRIENDLY competition and the bud is solid from the bottom up and LOOKS I kept the bitch intact, big and sexy.
big buds have big stems.............nothing new
I know we are still waiting on Hyroots updates, but I wanted to post my ratings as of now..
1st Place- JimJim2609
2nd Place-B166er420
3rd Place-Psuagro (points deducted)
Waiting on Hyroot, and don't know what happened with FranJan, and I want to say that Raven1290 gets a "A" for effort, for hanging in there and trying..
And good job to everyone who participated.
Can I ask what the deduction is for????.................
Hey its not over yet. I might place.... Mine still has about a week left +/-..... I'll update later.
yeah you still got a shot with your bitch no doubt........................more aloe bro!!!

alright back to my single safe growers