Preflowers? Male/Female? Too soon?


Active Member
I've got 2 plants going. I put them into flower on Saturday night. Yesterday I noticed these tiny ball things on some of the branch stems. I tried to get the best pictures I could, but my camera and phone both can't get clear pics up close.

Are they preflowers? Are the plants male or female or too early to tell? I'm a newb and may be jumping the gun, but if they are male I want to chop them so I can start again.




Well-Known Member
if they have balls they are males sorry to say squeeze the balls if a white substance comes out males for sure :(


Well-Known Member
how old are your plants? how long did you let them veg? i think it is too early to tell but knowing how old the plants are could help out alittle bit.


Active Member
this is a good question because i too am new to growing and would like to know how to tell the sex of the plant and if there is anything to effect the sex of the plant with manipulation


Active Member
thx RandyRocket.....

my next question is this.....male will produce less than females right???...

i only have one plant growing but its doing well will the buds be nice since its male???


Well-Known Member
you won't get any bud from a male. but some strains the male leaves have a good bit of thc. you can also dry the leaves then make hash.


Active Member
how soon does the sex of the plant appears....its late here but in the am imma post a picture and hopefully someone can help me determine the sex....if its male and wont produce buds then its a waste of time.....


Well-Known Member
you can smoke the male leaves the buzz last about an hour. it's about 1/4 to 1/5 as good as bud. but some male plants the leave are almost as good as the female buds.

pic a few smallish leaves from the bottom, dry them a day or two. then smoke it. if you like it flower it until your next plant is ready to go in it's space. then just trim all the male's leaves after it dry you can smoke it or make hash.


Active Member
Thanks for that pic Randy, that's pretty much what I have, but the balls on the lower stems that have them aren't that large yet. I took some new pictures this morning of the top node, there are clusters that weren't there yesterday. The pictures came out better this time.

