American Dream!?

Am i infinging? Am i wrong for feeling bamboozeled? I'm not being sarcastic i really want to know?

Are you infringing? Probably, but I don't say that as a put down. Most people aren't aware of the infringement of others that they enable. This is hidden by second and third level infringement. By that I mean, participation in unjust systems enables the system. How does the DEA get their funding?

You are not wrong for feeling anything. You, me and others become wrong when our actions lead away from embracing freedom. PEACE
But you can't, not perticipate in this society with out being in total poverty. You can still love and be happy though.
McDonald's, Walmart...ect. they can afford to pay people better.

I can see that you are doing some thinking about inequities of the system and that's a good place to start, but first it makes sense to get beyond the surface talking points and get to the root causes of those circumstances.

Yes, they could afford to pay more, but how does making anothers choices for them using force advance your goals, if your goals are not to infringe on others?

Wouldn't it be better if the unfair advantages that large corporations are provided by coercive government be removed and then the natural forces of supply and demand would set the prices? I think in that event, there would be some people that are more successful than others, but at least the choices would not be limited to what others tell you. The limits would be set by the persons involved, not a third party that is providing protectionism for their benefactor.
With the job market for low-skilled labor the way it is, that's not going to happen soon. One should prepare oneself for the job market while one is young and in school. It's not like they weren't warned over and over while they grew up. The people you see at Walmart or McD's didn't. Quite a few of those CEO's are Democrat supporters, so that claim is suspect. The people pushing for a higher minimum wage are the same people pushing for more welfare. Once they've bought your vote with empty promises and got into office, all they do is give lip service to it and blame it not happening on the Republicans. Here's a fun fact. Some guy wrote a book giving details on all the insider trading and other shenanigans congressmen do. He documented stuff that would put you or I in prison on every single one but for two. Those two, he searched and search, but could not find a single blemish. You'll never guess which two. Hint: They're both Republicans.

are the same people who have state liaison in their HR Department specifically to "fast track" applications to the state for SNAP and Welfare because they do not pay a LIVING WAGE...we taxpayers foot the bill and again those ceo's make out 380x their average worker salary with 12% tax bracket..i would be remiss if i said there weren't "behind the scenes"..but i would need to see this book to comment further..i'm gonna say john mccain and hmmm can't think of a 2nd..i am the one who wishes we could have a different way of lobby..
Like it or not, with out the wealthy, you'd have no job. I suppose you could start some sort of business, work hard and grow the business to where you can help others support their families, and then have those same employees complain about you having more than them. Or you can unite together and forcibly redistribute their money to where they have to shutter their businesses, putting us all out of work so that we can all be equally poor.

Or you could level the playing field, by getting rid of the coercive mechanisms that prevent people from competing on an equal basis. Doing that does not assure equal outcome, but it does facilitate equal opportunity and ultimately benefits the industrious and the consumer.
I can see that you are doing some thinking about inequities of the system and that's a good place to start, but first it makes sense to get beyond the surface talking points and get to the root causes of those circumstances.

Yes, they could afford to pay more, but how does making anothers choices for them using force advance your goals, if your goals are not to infringe on others?

Wouldn't it be better if the unfair advantages that large corporations are provided by coercive government be removed and then the natural forces of supply and demand would set the prices? I think in that event, there would be some people that are more successful than others, but at least the choices would not be limited to what others tell you. The limits would be set by the persons involved, not a third party that is providing protectionism for their benefactor.

actually yes, but would never therefore, adjustments must be made elsewhere..the current system is rigged.
Yes, it would be better. The corporations buy the government that is supposedly for the people by the people. Every two years we vote for the lesser of two evils. I would say a lot of the country, especially young people don't even question why they just bitch about it.
It's 1% out all the people in this country holding on to 40% of all the money. They can have money. Shit loads of money. But they should also have to put the back into the system. HOW MUCH MONEY IS ENOUGH WHEN JUST ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE IS STRUGGLING?

The system doesn't need people to put back into it. That enables it. The "system" needs to change to the point where it doesn't have dishonesty and fraud built into it from the start.
So, if you want somebody to "put back" into this system, you are advocating the empowerment of it. I suggest there are alternatives.
By figuring the how on your own. If it all it takes is asking how, everyone would be rich. The game is designed to be won, with hard work. It seems what you want is an easy answer.

I can see how you would think that, but that's not what I'm saying. I know a lot of people who are smart and worked there whole life, but I don't know any billionaires. There not even in the top 60%. That doesn't mean they shouldn't try to make a better life for themselfs
here we go.... 3 idiots like a post that treats wealth inequality like a fable about a mythical goose that lays golden eggs.

this is why i can say conservatives are completely disconnected from reality... this is absurd....

If life were easy, life would become boring. Why do you want to ruin my fun?
Shouldn't it be mandatory to know the rules? I was never taught these rules in school. It might be rigged but it is broken.
Wierd so many people talk about wealth being 'redistributed' ... i was always tought wealth was earned not taken from one who has it and given to others who do not know what struggles that origional person has been through to make it.
Wierd so many people talk about wealth being 'redistributed' ... i was always tought wealth was earned not taken from one who has it and given to others who do not know what struggles that origional person has been through to make it.
Nobody is saying stop trying to earn and just get handouts from the rich.
There's like 330 million people in the US, so I pretty sure it's more than 6. Closer to 3,300,000

there are only 1400 billionaires worldwide..i believe i saw this morning the top 1% in the US comes out to roughly 400..that hold 40%..then there are the mega rich, bill gates, warren buffet, koch bros, oracle guy ellison and the waltons.
Mar 6, 2013 - The U.S. is home to 442 billionaires, 17 more than a year ago and 320 more than China, the country with the second most 10-figure fortunes.