Well-Known Member
I've heard a lot about them can't find where they sell them though
maybe his seeds are good, but personally i will never grow seeds from a ballless person like escobar, how he screw poeple, how underground this man is, i will never touch his shitty gear.
my advice to marteen escobar is to get a good pair of balls and shut your shitty mouth, you don't need to call yourslef escobar to be in your belgium, just get a name and a pair of balls!!!
you're the first person i've ever heard of to knock escobar, just saying.
Ditto that, I've never heard any negatives about Escobar.
I know E$cobar like I know Subcool, Bodhi, and Soma - I don't. What I do know are 2 things:
1. Sannie works w/ E$ko, and Sannie hasn't had a bad word written about him personally that I am aware of - just the opposite. I figure honorable people like working w/ honorable people......I'm guessing, of course.\
2. Out of 9 purchases from Sannies shop, the 2 best - by far - were the 2 E$ko strains, Shiva and Chucky's Bride. Until he screws me personally, I'm a fan.
I read somewhere within the jungles of opengrow that sannie and esko had a little bit of a fall out b/c esko felt like sannie should raise his prices. If you notice too, all of esko's seeds are sold out at sannieshop and have been for as long as I can remember. Just sayin, I've heard these rumblings before.
Does anybody know about the Blue Chem seeds that are being included with Eskobar's seeds from the Zon? Chucky's Bride is calling my name.