where to buy eskobar seeds

Someone asked me if I knew anything about this strain a few months ago and the only thing I could find was that it's clone only...may be different now but that's what I found
Escobar is a breeder for the brand breeders choice available at sannies shop, he makes the chocolate rain and a few other crosses a lot of people rave about....if your talking about a strain named eskobar then sorry I havent heard of it, just assumed the breeder is who you were lookin for.
Order E$ko via Sannie. Look under Breeder's Choice. Bingo....E$ko in the house.

Sannie offers a few select breeders beans; E$ko, Professor P, etc.
Escobar used to be a cool guy 10 eyars before, but since he worked with sannie he become very anxious, greedy, jealous, he criticized sannie a lot and he never have the balls to open his seedbanks, he also start to screw ch9 seeds after sending him seeds, it was so greedy and crazy from this big fat ass escobar to put it on ch9 after he sent them a gift they never used, he started with some friends to screw ch9, and said he used his genetics, so imagine one sending you seeds and a few years past and he try to screw you saying you robbed hsi genetics, it is what its all about, a group of immature boys who screw each other without any respect, so my advice to this big loosers and keep working with textile in you warehouse at 3 am , keep insulting and screwing people and oen day you will get it back mother fucker. to whom it may concern and all the shitty places assisting this asshole of escobar!!!you ahve a big fat ass monkey and you are going to eat it soon....with such loosers...when escobar tried to open a seedbank with alien growshop he also criticized them too, it is escobar and the little birds around, we all know it. big fat ass looser.last time roolitup remove my post, but all i can say is that is true. escobar you are the most ridiculous guy in the market.....
maybe his seeds are good, but personally i will never grow seeds from a ballless person like escobar, how he screw poeple, how underground this man is, i will never touch his shitty gear.
my advice to marteen escobar is to get a good pair of balls and shut your shitty mouth, you don't need to call yourslef escobar to be in your belgium, just get a name and a pair of balls!!!
maybe his seeds are good, but personally i will never grow seeds from a ballless person like escobar, how he screw poeple, how underground this man is, i will never touch his shitty gear.
my advice to marteen escobar is to get a good pair of balls and shut your shitty mouth, you don't need to call yourslef escobar to be in your belgium, just get a name and a pair of balls!!!

dude, i think we get it.. well, some of it at least as it's hard to understand wtf you're saying as i don't think english is your first language, but i can't knock you for that, but i think you're saying you don't like escobar, no?? :D
and christ, if you think escobar is bad, you should read up on swerve on subcool or pretty much any other cannabis breeder out there ffs.. you're the first person i've ever heard of to knock escobar, just saying..
and please refrain from all the insults.. i'll leave them for now, but don't take it any further or they'll be gone.. thank you in advance.. :D:D
Ditto that, I've never heard any negatives about Escobar.

I know E$cobar like I know Subcool, Bodhi, and Soma - I don't. What I do know are 2 things:

1. Sannie works w/ E$ko, and Sannie hasn't had a bad word written about him personally that I am aware of - just the opposite. I figure honorable people like working w/ honorable people......I'm guessing, of course.\

2. Out of 9 purchases from Sannies shop, the 2 best - by far - were the 2 E$ko strains, Shiva and Chucky's Bride. Until he screws me personally, I'm a fan.
Does anybody know about the Blue Chem seeds that are being included with Eskobar's seeds from the Zon? Chucky's Bride is calling my name.
I know E$cobar like I know Subcool, Bodhi, and Soma - I don't. What I do know are 2 things:

1. Sannie works w/ E$ko, and Sannie hasn't had a bad word written about him personally that I am aware of - just the opposite. I figure honorable people like working w/ honorable people......I'm guessing, of course.\

2. Out of 9 purchases from Sannies shop, the 2 best - by far - were the 2 E$ko strains, Shiva and Chucky's Bride. Until he screws me personally, I'm a fan.

I read somewhere within the jungles of opengrow that sannie and esko had a little bit of a fall out b/c esko felt like sannie should raise his prices. If you notice too, all of esko's seeds are sold out at sannieshop and have been for as long as I can remember. Just sayin, I've heard these rumblings before.
I read somewhere within the jungles of opengrow that sannie and esko had a little bit of a fall out b/c esko felt like sannie should raise his prices. If you notice too, all of esko's seeds are sold out at sannieshop and have been for as long as I can remember. Just sayin, I've heard these rumblings before.

Just had a look at Sannies. While al of E$ko's fems are out of stock, all regs are stocked save cheeseberry = which sounds delicioso.
Just received my order of Cheeseberry and Chucky's Bride, plus some Blue Chem freebies by Eskobar seeds, via The Zon. Late Christmas present for myself. Has anybody heard of OC Genetics? Some Shark Bite beans were included (Great White Shark x NL). Cheers to a fantastic 2014!
Does anybody know about the Blue Chem seeds that are being included with Eskobar's seeds from the Zon? Chucky's Bride is calling my name.

Just wondering what you are referring to because I see that cannazon has eskobars seeds.
Is that place legit for seeds and have you grew cannazon seeds?

I am gonna get some if they are the real deal.

Thank you