Well-Known Member
I bet kkkynes is still a jerkface irl.
I'm easier to get along with irl also. All of you are simply avatars on my computer which exist for my entertainment.
I bet kkkynes is still a jerkface irl.
That is probably true for all of us and something to keep in mind when things get bitter around here.
Whats Mine is Mine, and whats Yours Is Yours
The federal government should concern itself with national and international concerns and let state and local concerns be handled by the state and local government
The government should intrude on my personal life as little as possible
It's my house, i can paint it any colour i like, and maybe i like Purple! the city cannot force me to change it.
My private business is no concern of the government, as long as i pay my taxes and aint engaged in criminal acts they should leave me alone as much as possible.
America is the most important country on earth because THATS WHERE I LIVE! other country's problems are THEIR problems
If somebody stumbles and falls, we should give em a hand up, but we shouldnt have to carry them around on our backs for the next 20-30 years.
The government should concern itself with the economy of AMERICA, not the rest of the world's bullshit. let china worry about china's economy.
Before we make a radical change to our society, you should convince me with proof that your new idea is better than what we currently have.
if you agree with these statements, sorry bro, youre a conservative.
sorry bro.
isn't there something in there about defending the REAL AMERICA too?
Take the second vowel of every third word, and the third consonant of every second word. It's code.
People tend to take themselves far to serious on the internet. None of us are half as smart as we think we are.
no, he has spelled it out much clearer than that, especially with respect to who is considered REAL AMERICA and who exactly is the multicultural wasteland of bullshit.
Most of the multi-cultural stuff IS bullshit whose real purpose is to divide Americans for political purposes
Except for beenthere.
but you're totally not racist.
She ever put up any pix?
Thanks, Buck. You're correct.
i could tell by your disdain for civil rights, support of rawn pawl's newsletters, baseless accusation that obama would be unable to succeed without affirmative action, you assertion that blacks can't speak properly, and hatred of multiculturalism.
A whole paragraph of distortions. You're on fire, Marie.
not a single thing i said was untrue, you just can't stand to look at the totality of your beliefs.
don't blame my memory for your ugliness as a supposed human being.
Everything you said was a distortion. Your propaganda is propaganda, and it is boring.
i could tell by your disdain for civil rights, support of rawn pawl's newsletters, baseless accusation that obama would be unable to succeed without affirmative action, you assertion that blacks can't speak properly, and hatred of multiculturalism.