ok here's my situation. ...

you must not have been watching too closely if you think heroin addiction is simply 'mind over matter'...maybe if you knew anything about addiction you could have provided her real help and things might have turned out different.

sorry for your loss..
WOW!!!...talk about being accusatory,insinuating, self-righteous & condemning. Being you know NOTHING about the specific circumstances, BEST to leave your arm chair quarterbacking in SILENCE!!!...Alex
WOW!!!...talk about being accusatory,insinuating, self-righteous & condemning. Being you know NOTHING about the specific circumstances, BEST to leave your arm chair quarterbacking in SILENCE!!!...Alex

Anyone whose ever dealt with an addiction would agree with CCC.
WOW!!!...talk about being accusatory,insinuating, self-righteous & condemning. Being you know NOTHING about the specific circumstances, BEST to leave your arm chair quarterbacking in SILENCE!!!...Alex

We get it! Your name is Alex!
Opiated aren't you the same person that was talking shit to canndo when his friend died from alcohol abuse? You were regurgitating the same "personal responsibility" bullshit even then.

You are correct in saying addiction is a "one size doesn't fit all" type scenario. And then you jam your foot into your mouth so hard to almost break teeth right after. Save your moralizing for Bible study, people here are looking for help mostly, and understanding almost as much. Not bullshit.
Opiated aren't you the same person that was talking shit to canndo when his friend died from alcohol abuse? You were regurgitating the same "personal responsibility" bullshit even then.

You are correct in saying addiction is a "one size doesn't fit all" type scenario. And then you jam your foot into your mouth so hard to almost break teeth right after. Save your moralizing for Bible study, people here are looking for help mostly, and understanding almost as much. Not bullshit.
Understanding & Action are Polar Opposites. Misery LOVES Company...I believe in "Tough Love"...there is an extreme Chasm between "Sympathy" & "Empathy"..."1" is conjecture"..."1" is having experienced...I'm an Atheist so NO bible ( Fairytale Stories) studies for myself.

Please name just "1" thing wrong with "Personal Responsibility". You mention it as if in your opinion, it's a negative...Maybe you believe in a Nanny State, where if your ass is shitty it's because someone didn't wipe it for you...Alex
WOW!!!...talk about being accusatory,insinuating, self-righteous & condemning. Being you know NOTHING about the specific circumstances, BEST to leave your arm chair quarterbacking in SILENCE!!!...Alex
no...it would be best if you stayed in silence...complete silence. you've already made an ass out of yourself on one addiction thread. please don't make this a recurring event.

i'm not quite sure what specific circumstances i would need to be aware of to make the post you're quoting me on.
I lost my bestfriend to heroin. Watched her wither away for years to that bullshit.....I told her the same thing as Im telling this dude. She chose to do the drugs bc she wanted to, its mind over matter, if you dont mind...it dont matter.
see the bold? telling her the same thing as he's telling this dude is NOT real help, imo. it's actually counter-productive and i believe things could have been different had he a clue what he was talking about and provided his friend with real help. i'd also hate to see you in his position trying to help an addict in need. you wouldn't do too well either...CCCmints!!!!
Understanding & Action are Polar Opposites. Misery LOVES Company...I believe in "Tough Love"...there is an extreme Chasm between "Sympathy" & "Empathy"..."1" is conjecture"..."1" is having experienced...I'm an Atheist so NO bible ( Fairytale Stories) studies for myself.

Please name just "1" thing wrong with "Personal Responsibility". You mention it as if in your opinion, it's a negative...Maybe you believe in a Nanny State, where if your ass is shitty it's because someone didn't wipe it for you...Alex

No I believe in a thing called tact.

I'm not even saying what you believe is necessarily incorrect, but you go about it like an asshole. Your not converting anyone to your personal beliefs online, and your assuredly not doing it by being a confrontational ass.

There is a way to converse with people and way to talk at them. You are doing the latter, and with the (mis?)nomer of an opiate addict, it's hard for anyone else to take you seriously. Addiction changes who you are and what you believe in. Thats the nature of addiction. And berating an addict does nothing besides let you feel smug and secure in your own addiction.
couldn't agree more dutch! i assure you my correspondence with him would be much more friendly if alex went about sharing his opinion in an appropriate manner. oh well...some people just don't know how to communicate with others. it's a tough world out there for these types of people..
no...it would be best if you stayed in silence...complete silence. you've already made an ass out of yourself on one addiction thread. please don't make this a recurring event.

i'm not quite sure what specific circumstances i would need to be aware of to make the post you're quoting me on.see the bold? telling her the same thing as he's telling this dude is NOT real help, imo. it's actually counter-productive and i believe things could have been different had he a clue what he was talking about and provided his friend with real help. i'd also hate to see you in his position trying to help an addict in need. you wouldn't do too well either...CCCmints!!!!
Your are falsely surmising my background, experiences,qualifications. Here's a little background. Raised in San Francisco, was a teenager roaming the Haight during the late 60s-70s & as an adult in the 80s. I've had experiences that would impress Mr Leary, shock Caligula, & make the Devil retreat in abject Horror.

Was 2ft away from a FULL BLOWN HIV victim in 1979...Waaaaaaaaay before the disease was diagnosed. Have I made mistakes?!....PLENTY!!!...& when the ramifications were extremely painful on a countless myriad of levels, I blamed the person responsible ..."ME"!!!. You & MANY might adhere to the "Twinkie Defense" ( Google it) ( It was in San Francisco) ( I remember being caught in a Full Blown RIOT) CCC is a Twinkie Eater!!!...Alex
Your are falsely surmising my background, experiences,qualifications. Here's a little background. Raised in San Francisco, was a teenager roaming the Haight during the late 60s-70s & as an adult in the 80s. I've had experiences that would impress Mr Leary, shock Caligula, & make the Devil retreat in abject Horror.

Was 2ft away from a FULL BLOWN HIV victim in 1979...Waaaaaaaaay before the disease was diagnosed. Have I made mistakes?!....PLENTY!!!...& when the ramifications were extremely painful on a countless myriad of levels, I blamed the person responsible ..."ME"!!!. You & MANY might adhere to the "Twinkie Defense" ( Google it) ( It was in San Francisco) ( I remember being caught in a Full Blown RIOT) CCC is a Twinkie Eater!!!...Alex

I'm confused about what the "2ft away from a bull blown hiv victim" has anything to do with anything?
Was 2ft away from a FULL BLOWN HIV victim in 1979...Waaaaaaaaay before the disease was diagnosed. Have I made mistakes?!....PLENTY!!!...& when the ramifications were extremely painful on a countless myriad of levels, I blamed the person responsible ..."ME"!!!. You & MANY might adhere to the "Twinkie Defense" ( Google it) ( It was in San Francisco) ( I remember being caught in a Full Blown RIOT) CCC is a Twinkie Eater!!!...Alex

You seriously have nothing to offer here. I think many of us would be happy if you just left.
No I believe in a thing called tact.

I'm not even saying what you believe is necessarily incorrect, but you go about it like an asshole. Your not converting anyone to your personal beliefs online, and your assuredly not doing it by being a confrontational ass.

There is a way to converse with people and way to talk at them. You are doing the latter, and with the (mis?)nomer of an opiate addict, it's hard for anyone else to take you seriously. Addiction changes who you are and what you believe in. Thats the nature of addiction. And berating an addict does nothing besides let you feel smug and secure in your own addiction.
Berating an addict is almost laughable. Do you applaud an addict?!...I don't know anyone that holds an addict in high esteem ( No pun intended). Hey there Mr Addict, let me shake your hand, you are doing a fine job. The crackhead crawling on the ground at 3am in the Drug Park around the smoking benches looking for a dropped piece is already berating himself. Breaking the vicious cycle of addiction takes a sledge hammer NOT a feather duster!!!....Please Johhny, Mommy wants you to stop spiking yourself like a pin cushion....that will work!...Alex
I'm confused about what the "2ft away from a bull blown hiv victim" has anything to do with anything?
It's goes to illustrate, I experienced true Horrors and was not insulated from the real world, maybe you weren't even alive in 79...Alex
Berating an addict is almost laughable. Do you applaud an addict?!...I don't know anyone that holds an addict in high esteem ( No pun intended). Hey there Mr Addict, let me shake your hand, you are doing a fine job. The crackhead crawling on the ground at 3am in the Drug Park around the smoking benches looking for a dropped piece is already berating himself. Breaking the vicious cycle of addiction takes a sledge hammer NOT a feather duster!!!....Please Johhny, Mommy wants you to stop spiking yourself like a pin cushion....that will work!...Alex

Breaking the cycle of addiction is different for different people. You shouldn't look down on addicts. You should try to help them. I know you said you believe in tough love. Well, that works in some cases, and in others it doesn't.
You seriously have nothing to offer here. I think many of us would be happy if you just left.
What about the high percentage vs posts "Likes", I've received?! There are those that sometimes agree. Would you play the self-imposed Dictator & disregard those with whom agree with me?!...Alex
Breaking the cycle of addiction is different for different people. You shouldn't look down on addicts. You should try to help them. I know you said you believe in tough love. Well, that works in some cases, and in others it doesn't.
Nice to read a "Voice of Reason" has joined the dialogue. I Rarely speak in monolithical prose. Yes you are absolutely correct, there is NO "1 Size fits all". The mere definition of individual makes that readily apparent. Since the road to addiction is normally a Looong, Twisted, Protracted, Painful one, the cure would also include the same processes...Alex
You seriously have nothing to offer here. I think many of us would be happy if you just left.
this is what i'm trying to tell him.
It's goes to illustrate, I experienced true Horrors and was not insulated from the real world, maybe you weren't even alive in 79...Alex
that is what you consider a "true horror"...? i wasn't alive in 79, nor 89, and what i would consider a true horror is far worse than what you've stated here...
What about the high percentage vs posts "Likes", I've received?! There are those that sometimes agree. Would you play the self-imposed Dictator & disregard those with whom agree with me?!...Alex
87% of my posts have received a like. 23% of your's have received a like. i wouldn't call that a high percentage..
I'm confused about what the "2ft away from a bull blown hiv victim" has anything to do with anything?

i once lived with a guy with full blown aids for two or three months, oh, the horror..
