Well-Known Member
fuck medical not just the sick should legally consume cannabis and damn straight they should pay for it unless they grow their own. Sure the sick should get a discount if they can not afford it but it don't cost all that much in them legal states any damn way. Go cry to someone who gives a fuck I'm not medical my state does have it but last I checked you have to wait a few years to buy it from a dispensary Fuck that shit I started as an outlaw I aint growing for the sick cause there are plenty of non sick that need this plant plus why move to grow pot under plant counts. I want this plant legal for all not just the sick and not just the free states world wide freedom of a plant that does good for most all and far from just sick.
Smug ass med grower.
I agree that all should have access to it if they want it, along with grow rights. I think the situation in WA is with the recreational law passing, medical growers and their grow rights are being disregarded (or an attempt to that regard). Growing licenses are being sold (bringing in corporations) and in limited supply (cornering the market), and in a similar fashion to AZ, they will have established a monopoly on a plant (higher prices), with profits going to the government (taxes) and big corporations ($ makes $). I could be wrong because I live in the desert and not the NW, but this is what I gather is happening there.
Free the weed!