New commercial grower, what are your favorites?

fuck medical not just the sick should legally consume cannabis and damn straight they should pay for it unless they grow their own. Sure the sick should get a discount if they can not afford it but it don't cost all that much in them legal states any damn way. Go cry to someone who gives a fuck I'm not medical my state does have it but last I checked you have to wait a few years to buy it from a dispensary Fuck that shit I started as an outlaw I aint growing for the sick cause there are plenty of non sick that need this plant plus why move to grow pot under plant counts. I want this plant legal for all not just the sick and not just the free states world wide freedom of a plant that does good for most all and far from just sick.

Smug ass med grower.

I agree that all should have access to it if they want it, along with grow rights. I think the situation in WA is with the recreational law passing, medical growers and their grow rights are being disregarded (or an attempt to that regard). Growing licenses are being sold (bringing in corporations) and in limited supply (cornering the market), and in a similar fashion to AZ, they will have established a monopoly on a plant (higher prices), with profits going to the government (taxes) and big corporations ($ makes $). I could be wrong because I live in the desert and not the NW, but this is what I gather is happening there.

Free the weed!
White Russian! Yields fantastically, relatively short bloom period for a hybred, hits hard but "heady" hard, tastes superb and super frosty!
I agree that all should have access to it if they want it, along with grow rights. I think the situation in WA is with the recreational law passing, medical growers and their grow rights are being disregarded (or an attempt to that regard). Growing licenses are being sold (bringing in corporations) and in limited supply (cornering the market), and in a similar fashion to AZ, they will have established a monopoly on a plant (higher prices), with profits going to the government (taxes) and big corporations ($ makes $). I could be wrong because I live in the desert and not the NW, but this is what I gather is happening there.

Free the weed!

On the money!

As for favorites, one of the strains I didn't see anyone mention was Sour Alien. That's one of the few strains I'd save my extra pennies for.
I agree that all should have access to it if they want it, along with grow rights. I think the situation in WA is with the recreational law passing, medical growers and their grow rights are being disregarded (or an attempt to that regard). Growing licenses are being sold (bringing in corporations) and in limited supply (cornering the market), and in a similar fashion to AZ, they will have established a monopoly on a plant (higher prices), with profits going to the government (taxes) and big corporations ($ makes $). I could be wrong because I live in the desert and not the NW, but this is what I gather is happening there.

Free the weed!

This is exactly the issue/issues........the small guys are getting thrown under the bus, corporations and 'big money' will end up controlling the whole scene and the home grower will be the 'outlaw'.....they are trying to do away with all home grows as well, before any of these 'shops' open.

And to the OP: The least you could do is check out the local breeders first. If you knew enough to be diving into this in the first place you would already know this! You do realize you will not able to export out of state?


EDIT: If anyone is interested further about the current issues referring to mmj in WA State and how poorly the rec law was written(I 502), check
Whatever you grow with your commercial license, do not forget that you are growing a medicine for some who NEED it to get by on a day to day basis. Grow it well, grow it organically, and offer it at an affordable price. Don't be blinded by your inevitable profits... Respect the medical portion of the industry and defend their rights to grow for themselves.

Greywind, I wholeheartedly agree with you and we have not forgotten our friends with medicinal needs. Unfortunately state law requires us to only sell our products to recreational retail stores and we are forbidden to sell to medical dispensaries. However we recognize that some retail customers will purchase our products for a medicinal need and not necessarily recreational. To that effect I plan on growing 3-5 strains that are more medicinally friendly. I'm thinking strains that are high in CBDs but significantly lower in THC.

Any recommendations that you have on strains that would be best for a medicinal need would be highly appreciated and likely implemented into our production.

Regarding price, the state has made strong suggestions for sale prices. $3/g from producer to processor, $6/g from processor to retailer, $12/g from retailer to customer. As a producer/processor we will sell directly to the retailer, but we have no control what they sell the final product for. I would like to find retailers that we could sell our medicinal strains to at a much lower level, that would in turn sell them at a lower rate to customers. That's my dream anyway.
Since you're legal 502, get your seeds and plants through legal 502 vendors, don't go raping the MMJ community right before the LCB fucks em you money hungry fuck. Nah I'm sorry you're cool with me until my medical rights get fucked up, than fuck off you money grubbing fuck...

You are aware that anyone can go to the LCB site and down load a list with company names and addresses of the over 600 producer licenses, all retail licenses... how safe do you feel knowing that info is out for all to see?

Thank you Grojak for your input. Yes, I am aware that our company info is available for anyone to see. Washington state has made this whole business EXTREMELY regulated. I would assume that you are not threatening me or our mom-and-pop style business. Why would you? You don't know us or why we grow. We have a dream of starting a company that makes a quality product that people like and enjoy, and it makes them happy. What's wrong with that brother? Hopefully we will make some money along the way, otherwise we won't succeed as a business and one of the bigger operations will just get more of the state's limited production. I would hope that you would wish us well as a small business.

Thank you.

Scott @
The Honest Cannabis Company.
If this was true you would grow under the medical laws and donate some of your meds free to patients in need and on the cheap.... is this going to happen or are you looking to make a buck under the guise of "making people happy"?? Black markets been making people happy for longer than I've lived in WA and at a reasonable price, medical makes people happy and comfy!!

Quite honestly it never occurred to us to grow medically or commercially until the passage of 502. And even then we just pondered the idea. But as it stands we are going to grow commercially. The state is investing a lot to time and effort into the tracking of every plant grown and every gram processed. No amount is going to be left unaccounted for. If I could donate processed product to those with medical needs, I absolutely would.

Do you have any other suggestions how we could legally help out the medical community? Thank you.
I agree that all should have access to it if they want it, along with grow rights. I think the situation in WA is with the recreational law passing, medical growers and their grow rights are being disregarded (or an attempt to that regard). Growing licenses are being sold (bringing in corporations) and in limited supply (cornering the market), and in a similar fashion to AZ, they will have established a monopoly on a plant (higher prices), with profits going to the government (taxes) and big corporations ($ makes $). I could be wrong because I live in the desert and not the NW, but this is what I gather is happening there.

Free the weed!

Hey Greywind, here's how it stands as of this week:

The producers (growers) fall into three tiers that they can apply to grow at. Tier 1 is under 2,000 sq ft. Tier 2 (what we've applied for) is 2,000-10,000 sq ft. Tier 3, over 10,000sq ft.

WA state has capped the canopy growing space at 2,000,000 sq ft. There are currently applications in for over 800 growers, totaling in about 10,000,000 sq ft of requested growing. Once the application window closes next week, the growers are all vetted and licenses issued, the state will scale down everyone's requested growth by a percentage to meet the 2mil state cap.

This means that while we've applied to grow for a maximum 10,000 sq ft, the state will likely come back to us and say that we can only grow a max of something much less. This will hurt MANY growers across the state and likely the smaller and middle sized ones the most. We will have to see how we handle the first year. I truly hope that operations such as ours can survive and we don't see a trend to only big Tier 3 growers.
And to the OP: The least you could do is check out the local breeders first. If you knew enough to be diving into this in the first place you would already know this! You do realize you will not able to export out of state?


EDIT: If anyone is interested further about the current issues referring to mmj in WA State and how poorly the rec law was written(I 502), check

We absolutely know that there is no exporting out of the state. We will be 100% compliant with the law to the letter.

It's funny though, it's a bit of a grey area as to how the legal 502s acquire the plants in the first place. There is a 15 day window after your license is issued to move your non-flowering plants into your grow location and after that the only plants or clones that you may acquire are from other legal 502 producers. The state doesn't really say where you are supposed to legally come up with your initial plants. They are just supposed to "magically" appear.
Yeah, it's a real balancing act. The law states that we have 15 days we're open for business in March to get any non-flowering plants in that we want. After that, everything needs to be acquired from our clones or other licensed producers in the state, so I am slowly building a seed bank.

Still looking for recommendations guys!