New at growing


Its my first time growing and im doing it indoors but i dont know how long am i supposed to put the lighting on the plants for right now they're seedlings they're barely germinated so i dont know how long they're supposed to get lighting for as seedlings teens and when they're flowering someone please help me


you will get many different opinions on this but i would say to go 18 hours on 6 hours off from germination to the point you would like to flower.

20/4 work too and even 24/0 but i would always let my plants have that rest because at no time does mother nature leave her lights on 24 hours and i for damn sure would be pissed if someone took my sleep time away :)

Then switch to 12/12 on/off obv haha. This induces flower, just make sure you leave room for the plant to stretch after you induce flower.

This is a very basic question as far as growing goes so PLEASE read these forums and learn up before you go much further.
Its my first time growing and im doing it indoors but i dont know how long am i supposed to put the lighting on the plants for right now they're seedlings they're barely germinated so i dont know how long they're supposed to get lighting for as seedlings teens and when they're flowering someone please help me
If you are unsure of the lighting required for the varying stages of plant growth then you might want to consider reading up on horticulture a bit more before you attempt a grow.

What you need is either a 24/0 or 18/6 photo-period. But if this is your question I suspect you probably have more that needs to be worked on than solely your lighting.

Read up on it and have fun! This is a fun hobby to get in to, and a very rewarding one!


this is the only question i have my dad is gonna help me out with the rest cuz his major was engenieer in genetics and nutrients for plants but he's never grown weed bfore so he didnt know the hours of lighting its supposed to have >_<
To maximize growing potential it is important to know many specifics regarding this herb that you cannot get with a conventional college degree that only relates to certain aspects of growing marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I veg at 18/6 but as mentioned that's debateable. In my opinion the plant grows above soil in the light and in the dark cycle that's when the plant digs in and grows its root system. I think if you were to spend a little time browsing some grow journals you get some answers that might help better than your dads tips if he didn't know the simple light schedule. I have friends who are farmers for a living but can't grow pot for the life of them. The feeding needs are different also so you might want to research that also before you get to far along. With that being said I think you and your dad are in for a great time.


Well-Known Member
My contribution iirc there's a nice top with spider mites all over it in there somewhere lol enjoy.



my dad has grown it bfore but he did it outdoors he's never done indoors so he didnt know what the lighting time was indoors he knows everything else about it


Well-Known Member
Hes 14 and "his dad" has degrees in botany and engineering but couldn't figure out a basic photoperiod plant not even Googling.


got those from the first 4 days cuz i have it 24 hours of light -__- switched it to 18/6 and they're are now catching up to the stems