Need a topping experts advice!!!

I've got a 4 pack UPS I use for my servers. In the event my power goes out (3 Times), I have been able to power my lights for about 5 hours. Its convenient, but I can't imagine buying one (or 4!) just to run pumps and what not. I received these for free and bought new batteries for it, otherwise I wouldn't have one
Let's see.....

Soil Grow requirements:

1. Container: 5 gal bucket with some holes drilled into the bottom
2. Soil: Available anywhere...some like Miracle Grow already have the nutrients from beginning to end
3. Seed
4. Water

Hydro requirements:

  • 13 gallon growth module
  • CCH2O Heavy Harvest Lid with Porthole
  • 8” CCH2O Net Pot
  • Drain Valve Kit
  • Eco Air 2 Air Pump
  • Air Hose
  • (2) Medium Round Air Stones
  • PH meter
  • PPM meter
  • Calibration and Cleaning solutions
  • Additional power source
  • PH up and PH down
  • water cooler
  • Additional knowledge on making all this work right
  • Seed
  • Water
  • Expensive nutrients

I dunno.....seems like a no-brainer to me.
It's a no-brainer for those that have brains.

Let's see.....

Soil Grow requirements:

1. Container: 5 gal bucket with some holes drilled into the bottom

I like black nursery stock pots that trees and shrubs come in. Painted with a coat of copper hydroxide latex paint and you have the perfect root tip pruning system. You can buy them real cheap, used, from nurseries. I plug the holes with chunks of styrofoam that I tear off an old foam mattress pad.

If you want to play with pots that prevent spin-out you can go to the RootMaker products or Treepots (or copper hydroxide). I've used them for trees that have long taproots like oaks. Problem is the ones that have a small base will tend to be top heavy.
Not sure where you pull all that from. Not everyone is clueless and incapable of learning from mistakes like you seem to think... new != idiot

You immediatly correct mistakes by saying oops i gave too much of this or i shoukldnt have tried that product... dumping the water out and mixing up a new bucket. Try that in soil. Yes you see dozens of noob posts over their heads and struggling with hydro... but you see the exact same thing with noobs in soil. Also who the fuck uses AN and why do you keep bringing them up? You can grow hydro and keep it simple too...

There is a risk in posting pics... although it is very small it is there. The reward and bragging rights are null which is infinitly less than the risk. Do you think I give a fuck about your opinion once I log off here or that it effect my garden in any way? Any time you connect to riu your ip adress is logged with a date/time stamp. In theory riu could be subpoenad to hand over your user records which show all your posts and the io address you connected from.
Not sure where I pull this from? Just take a look around here pal, and read a few posts and topics and it becomes all too clear....
ahaahahah WOW
Ahahahaha wow WHAT? Miracle grow soil and nutrients will work just fine. HINT: It's not some magical process going on here that has been happening for EONS, unlike the pot forums lead you to believe. I'm sure you're an expert thouhg and will enlighten us all with some forum fed bullshit comments you just happened to digest recently..... Hurry, we are waiting.
There is a risk in posting pics... although it is very small it is there. The reward and bragging rights are null which is infinitly less than the risk. Do you think I give a fuck about your opinion once I log off here or that it effect my garden in any way? Any time you connect to riu your ip adress is logged with a date/time stamp. In theory riu could be subpoenad to hand over your user records which show all your posts and the io address you connected from.

haven't you heard of TOR or other similar programs that hide your ip address....just saying.
haven't you heard of TOR or other similar programs that hide your ip address....just saying.

Haven't you heard of government controlled exit nodes and hidden services getting popped like a cheap condom in a dry asshole past few months? If you use another proxy or VPN you better do some research and trust they will keep your data confidential.
Let's see.....

Soil Grow requirements:

1. Container: 5 gal bucket with some holes drilled into the bottom
2. Soil: Available anywhere...some like Miracle Grow already have the nutrients from beginning to end
3. Seed
4. Water

Hydro requirements:

  • 13 gallon growth module
  • CCH2O Heavy Harvest Lid with Porthole
  • 8” CCH2O Net Pot
  • Drain Valve Kit
  • Eco Air 2 Air Pump
  • Air Hose
  • (2) Medium Round Air Stones
  • PH meter
  • PPM meter
  • Calibration and Cleaning solutions
  • Additional power source
  • PH up and PH down
  • water cooler
  • Additional knowledge on making all this work right
  • Seed
  • Water
  • Expensive nutrients

I dunno.....seems like a no-brainer to me.
That is the worst "hydro list" I have ever seen... I would probably just bow out and let UB handle this if I were you, but it's cute how you still try to give input.
That is the worst "hydro list" I have ever seen... I would probably just bow out and let UB handle this if I were you, but it's cute how you still try to give input.

I thought the same thing. Additional power source? 13 gallon growth module? WTF ?? LOL
This thread is actually pretty fucking funny. Battle of the dipshits. Old bitter twat UB that doesn't know half as much as he think he does.. Click his profile and read started threads... Same ol same ol shit. Yeah, we get it people abuse p and K boosters. BFD. Love your thread about preventing stretch.. Specific nutrients? Lmfao ..epic fail.

You run along and play in your little basement garden with your little dirt plants and single colas. Let the big boys get on to cranking out serious numbers.

Just look at all the fuckin twats regurgitating UB slogans like some brainwashed mob.

Let the big boys get on to cranking out serious numbers.


And kids this is what you get when you have an open forum - a magnet for self righteous, know-it-all pricks.

Yeah, you crack head idiots crank it out all right, right up your snot nosed nostrils.

I keep spanking this little one and he just keeps on coming back for more.

That is the worst "hydro list" I have ever seen... I would probably just bow out and let UB handle this if I were you, but it's cute how you still try to give input.

He made a damn good point or you wouldn't be crying "foul ball!!!".....attempting to deflect the issue.

(Time to go after this poser. have some fun....) Here we go, hah! :)
Haven't you heard of government controlled exit nodes and hidden services getting popped like a cheap condom in a dry asshole past few months? If you use another proxy or VPN you better do some research and trust they will keep your data confidential.

So you admit to stealing other's garden photos?

Hey Mr. Panty Raiding kid, folks might take you more seriously if you grew up. I mean, what's with the constant gutter talk? You're quite the bigshot.
That is the worst "hydro list" I have ever seen... I would probably just bow out and let UB handle this if I were you, but it's cute how you still try to give input.

I got the list from a hydro-grow store's website that list a "complete" package for one plant.
Uncle Ben.....I love ya man...I really do, and I give you credit for much of my improvements in my grows.

Unlike you though, I don't share your disdain for growers of other faiths. I believe that hydro is a good way to go for large grows with knowledgeable growers at the helm.

Personally, I don't get hydro for home-grows though. The simple task of getting water and nutrients to the plant is easiest with soil. Hydro does the same task with many more moving parts....and with any moving part, there's a 100% chance that sooner or later it will fail.
I find the following funny:
1.) who needs a topping expert? it is pretty straight forward and spelled out in the sticky
2.) if one is so paranoid of the big brother, why the fuck would you be posting at all? there are better things to go after than some cannabis growers
Just look at all the fuckin twats regurgitating UB slogans like some brainwashed mob.
Oh Bullshit. All these forums are so full of bad advice from people that have never grown a thing in their life. Icmag, rollitup...all of them. new growers would be better served to read an actual gardening forum then read 90% of the horsehit posted here. You sure are quick to insult though, usually a sign of failure to convey your side of the debate. Nice job.