looking good yorkie, I've wanted some of that black plastic coated ducting for a while.
Dog going in there aye? think that's what you said
EDIT: spoke too soon lol nice looking scrogs man
Yeah that plastic coated ducting is the shit but it's just regular ducting with black tape wrapped all the way up the length I've sussed out.
I'm getting a silencer for the end before the down vent after this crop (I've had my eye on one for a while now) and insulate the rest of the duct with loft wool.
No man the Dogs are for another spot, I'm going halfs with an old pal who's on a Yorkie apprenticeship lol.
Between us they'll be some dank and fun times ahead for sure.
The MOT has run out on my car so I still can't get some boards to sort his loft out yet, won't be long though.