Fuckin Rolly-Pollies


Active Member
SO.....................I move my second sprout to a 16 oz. cup with some fresh soil and put it in my grow spot next to my other, slightly more mature sprout, and leave for the night. I wake up, check my sprouts and the original one is perfect but the newly transfered sprout was no where to be seen but 3 rolly pollies were walking around in the cup like they didn't do shit. I investigated further to find the root just underneath the soil. DAMN! I originally thought it might've been the soil with rolly pollies IN it but then I looked around and saw more rolly pollies on the ground. Well I guess Im just happy it didn't get the other sprout, which I immediately re-soiled and moved. I guess Im just kinda venting.


Active Member
Well then can someone explain why they were in a cup with a fresh sprout and no dead or decomposing material?


Well-Known Member
Well then can someone explain why they were in a cup with a fresh sprout and no dead or decomposing material?
Dirt is nothing but dead and decomposing material they were eating tasty bits in your dirt which is no biggie since they would have pooped it out sooner or later as even better dirt.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know what ate my sprout then.
If it was totally gone nothing but root left it had to be something with a helluva appetite and cutting jaws im guessing some sort of hopper or even a caterpillar.Iv'e seen those sow bugs "rollie pollies" dig up sprouts trying to burrow but the sprout itself was untouched except for totally dirt free roots.


Active Member
Well I found about 4 more plants in another grow spot, all sprouts, that I planted earlier in the week. Transported them and ended up with 4 in pots w/ soil and 3 plants(prob only 2 soon though, one was a hella grunt) in the earth. Im hoping to transport 3 of them to a friends grow though. Im gonna let the 3 in the earth do what they want and then grow the one left in a pot.