Apollo Horticulture LEDs? Anybody try em?


If you tell us more about your setup then it will be easier to tell you if this light will meet your needs. Generally lights built in China have poor quality control and use less expensive parts which also effect quality. It doesn't mean it can't work. What are your plans with this light?
If you tell us more about your setup then it will be easier to tell you if this light will meet your needs. Generally lights built in China have poor quality control and use less expensive parts which also effect quality. It doesn't mean it can't work. What are your plans with this light?
Small closet grow. My first was cfl figured i tried some led now. 200 watt cfl created too much heat. its a small 3x3 area, organic soil grow, nothing special.


The frequencies seem to be where they are supposed to be for grow lights. China is not particularly known for top quality but that doesn't mean it's bad. Like Wyckoff said though - it all depends on what your setup is like. I have a 4x8 aeroponic table that I have two 350W LEDs and it is barely enough. The downside of LEDs is that the light is very directional. Meaning they cover a certain area and there is a pretty fine line where the light stops. So keep that in mind when planning your grow-space with LEDs.


The light you are looking at is probably under powered for a full 3x3. I'm assuming it pulls 120-160 watts which is under 20 watts/sq. ft. Best results would probably be 2x2. Hope this helps.