Need a topping experts advice!!!

UB I posted my pics... they aren't that fuckin spectacular that I stole them but i take it as a compliment. don't know why you want to see my setup so bad anyway, I sure as shit don't care about your pics if you even have any. The bud didn't look ripe that's why I asked... I wasn't talking shit so you can take your internet white knight bullshit somewhere else. Also everyone knows you can't tell if bud is good or bad by looking at pics.
You don't owe the village idiot an answer. Looks good to me, plus who am I or anyone to judge when someone's faves are "ready". I'd say you know what you're doing. Those are some fine plants. Any one that can keep a plant healthy and green, still retaining fan leaves, after 14 weeks of flowering is to be commended. ;)

There is a 2 week or so window of "readiness". Since shithead will not post his pix, it's easy (and shallow) to criticize someone else's work. Come on Mal, post YOUR garden, not someone's you stole from IC Mag.

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It's all good Tio, and thank you for the accolades, that means alot to me coming from you!

I agree harvest judgements are subjective. I learned a long time ago there are many ways to get from A-Z. I've been growing weed since the late 80's when I was just a wanking little teenie- booper, (now i becoming a middle aged old wanker heh heh heh) I still have some of that bud and it was super potent and had the most fragrant smells imaginable....Hawaii has a way of bringing out the best flavor profiles in just about anything gown here.

On a side note how do you get on the riddle sight? I don't frequent here much anymore due to all the fecal tossing, it gets poisonous to me after awhile.

Here's a picture of a flower that looks done....but it needs a another few weeks. To me growing weed is like speaking a language, either you know it or you don't.

Dec 12, 2013 7-05-29 AM.jpg
You'd love it too, I smoked too much of it one night and almost had to put my straight jacket

Thanks for the kind words my friend!

So you outdoor in Hawaii? I had a friend who got stranded in Hawaii (long, funny story, but what other place would be better climate wise at least to be stranded?). He sent back some amazing cannabis grown out doors.
I wish I could grow out doors, one of these days ill have a nice littld greenhouse. Growing mostly hybrids, I'm always impressed by those who grow the sativas.
On a side note how do you get on the riddle sight? I don't frequent here much anymore due to all the fecal tossing, it gets poisonous to me after awhile.

By invitation. Site is slow compared to here mainly cause you don't have all the noise and kiddie playgrounds. Trolling and squabbling is not allowed. I need to know the handle you want to use before I write admin.

Yeah, some of the old stuff was very potent. I have to laugh when I see the crap on TV as to how today's pot is so much more potent than the 60's pot.

Talked to some growers at Paia, at the kite surfing park. Said they grew Swazi, an African sativa strain. Did clones. What island are you on?

BTW, I'm really into growing avocados. Am growing the #1 Hawaiian "gourmet" cado originally from Australia. I grafted it to some rootstock I started from seed. Kona Sharwil. Familiar with it?
So you outdoor in Hawaii? I had a friend who got stranded in Hawaii (long, funny story, but what other place would be better climate wise at least to be stranded?). He sent back some amazing cannabis grown out doors.
I wish I could grow out doors, one of these days ill have a nice littld greenhouse. Growing mostly hybrids, I'm always impressed by those who grow the sativas.

I'm a very lucky human be able to grow in cannabis here in Hawaii, I have a modest little greenhouse....well its more of screened in frame, it still has it's challenges just like anything else, but for the most part it pumps out high quality Outdoor herb that Hawaii is known for....this place is magical. I've got some Molokai Frost crosses from a fellow grower out here and they'll be growing during our long season, they will be showcased at "the seed depot" because that's where I hang out online for the most part these days.
By invitation. Site is slow compared to here mainly cause you don't have all the noise and kiddie playgrounds. Trolling and squabbling is not allowed. I need to know the handle you want to use before I write admin.

Yeah, some of the old stuff was very potent. I have to laugh when I see the crap on TV as to how today's pot is so much more potent than the 60's pot.

Talked to some growers at Paia, at the kite surfing park. Said they grew Swazi, an African sativa strain. Did clones. What island are you on?

BTW, I'm really into growing avocados. Am growing the #1 Hawaiian "gourmet" cado originally from Australia. I grafted it to some rootstock I started from seed. Kona Sharwil. Familiar with it?

Cooter is my handle I'd love to chew the fat on that site with real growers, if you could get me in that would be amazing!

Wait until you see the Frost Crosses that I'll be growing this summer, they came from TheFlynHawaii or TheHappyHawaiian as he's known these days on TSD. I'm very honored that he's letting me mess with his gear, fuck all the flavor of the week shit, I've got enough genetic material stashed away i don't think I'll ever have to fuck with the commercial seed market again. Right now I'm doing a F2 project with ndn guy's 1988 G13/Hash Plant.

I'm on Oahu. I think we've spoken before about avocados, I've got a unidentified avocado tree on my property, they produce a massive pear shaped fruit that turns black once it ripens, my best guess is that is an Indian (from India) cultivar that may have been crossed to Sharwil, It produces fruit every other year, some of the fruits have weighted in at 1 to 2 lbs. If you ever want any Bud stock to play with just let me know.

I have some friends that have grown Swazi out here and it does really well, maybe i can swindle some seeds from them :-0

It's funny how everything comes full circle, a lot of the flavor of the week breeders are scrambling to find all the heirloom strains from the 60's 70's and 80's (myself included) fuck man i grew up smoking seeded weed because that 's all that was available, here and there we'd get some afghani or something heavenly from Nor Cal ( I grew up in Cali) but for the most part it was good ole Mexican Red Hair, we used to drive around a chuck seeds everywhere and every now and again we'd see an emerald forest
Cooter is my handle I'd love to chew the fat on that site with real growers, if you could get me in that would be amazing!

Wait until you see the Frost Crosses that I'll be growing this summer, they came from TheFlynHawaii or TheHappyHawaiian as he's known these days on TSD. I'm very honored that he's letting me mess with his gear, fuck all the flavor of the week shit, I've got enough genetic material stashed away i don't think I'll ever have to fuck with the commercial seed market again. Right now I'm doing a F2 project with ndn guy's 1988 G13/Hash Plant.

I'm on Oahu. I think we've spoken before about avocados, I've got a unidentified avocado tree on my property, they produce a massive pear shaped fruit that turns black once it ripens, my best guess is that is an Indian (from India) cultivar that may have been crossed to Sharwil, It produces fruit every other year, some of the fruits have weighted in at 1 to 2 lbs. If you ever want any Bud stock to play with just let me know.

I have some friends that have grown Swazi out here and it does really well, maybe i can swindle some seeds from them :-0

It's funny how everything comes full circle, a lot of the flavor of the week breeders are scrambling to find all the heirloom strains from the 60's 70's and 80's (myself included) fuck man i grew up smoking seeded weed because that 's all that was available, here and there we'd get some afghani or something heavenly from Nor Cal ( I grew up in Cali) but for the most part it was good ole Mexican Red Hair, we used to drive around a chuck seeds everywhere and every now and again we'd see an emerald forest

Good ole Mexican Red hair- never thought I would ever hear those words again. Being from the Midwest general area of the country, that was the only shit we ever found around here in the 70's and 80's. We never missed the chance to toss seeds in the farmer's fields in the spring, usually gave us at least one or two plants by the fall. We always felt we were getting cheated with all the seeds and stems in the bag but now, I realize it was some of the best shit I've ever smoked. Most of us would drool all over ourselves if somebody showed up with some killer 'sinsemilla' from California back then. We all thought is was kinda weird smoking shit that was lime green. Of course it always tasted like smoking a pine tree and people loved it when it came around. Thing is, they loved it because it was something different- not better. Nine times out of ten after smoking the green shit everybody would be too tired or couch-locked to do anything. The good ole Mexican usually meant we would be flying high for a couple hours laughing our asses off and marveling at the colors of the sky, the grass, the dog, the cars. Now it seems all the hybrid shit has watered down the really good Sativa smoke to the point where you can't tell what the hell you're smoking. I would love to get my hands on some of my old seeds from back in the day. I'm sure there's something out there from the commercial seed breeders that comes close but I don't know where to look. I'm open for any suggestions on where to find seeds from some of the more pure strains of Sativa. I guess I haven't looked hard enough but it seems what I'm looking for is either not obtainable in the U.S. or is just too damn expensive.
Good ole Mexican Red hair- never thought I would ever hear those words again. Being from the Midwest general area of the country, that was the only shit we ever found around here in the 70's and 80's. We never missed the chance to toss seeds in the farmer's fields in the spring, usually gave us at least one or two plants by the fall. We always felt we were getting cheated with all the seeds and stems in the bag but now, I realize it was some of the best shit I've ever smoked. Most of us would drool all over ourselves if somebody showed up with some killer 'sinsemilla' from California back then. We all thought is was kinda weird smoking shit that was lime green. Of course it always tasted like smoking a pine tree and people loved it when it came around. Thing is, they loved it because it was something different- not better. Nine times out of ten after smoking the green shit everybody would be too tired or couch-locked to do anything. The good ole Mexican usually meant we would be flying high for a couple hours laughing our asses off and marveling at the colors of the sky, the grass, the dog, the cars. Now it seems all the hybrid shit has watered down the really good Sativa smoke to the point where you can't tell what the hell you're smoking. I would love to get my hands on some of my old seeds from back in the day. I'm sure there's something out there from the commercial seed breeders that comes close but I don't know where to look. I'm open for any suggestions on where to find seeds from some of the more pure strains of Sativa. I guess I haven't looked hard enough but it seems what I'm looking for is either not obtainable in the U.S. or is just too damn expensive.

Right on man!'s refreshing to share stories with people who actuality lived the dawn of modern cannabis cultivation, I remember being a little kid watering my dads schwaggy plants in the backyard in the 70's of course he tried to convince me he was growing his own tobacco, it didn't take me long to figure out the dealio

For commercial seeds you might be interested in some of the offering from Ace, Classic, Cannabiogen, Snow High, and Sub Rosa, those are just off the top of the ole dome, there are others you'll find then if you do some digging.

Sorry to the OP for the thread drift.
I have now and have mailed out hundreds of the "old" seeds collected by a friend (RIP) who sold tons of Mexican weed until about 8 years ago. He would collect and give me his best bagweed seeds from the kilos of Mex weed he bought. We're talking South Texas, fresh across the border.

It never failed forum buds would beg for them and then most would forget them, or lose them, in favor of "designer" genes, something with a name. Gotta have a frickin' name ya know. I pretty much stopped offering those seeds. I must have given a Florida noob a thousand of those old seeds and never saw a plant posted. I gave some old Mex and Zamal (African lineage from La Reunion) to a veteran grower years ago. He did real well with the plants outdoors, they grew huge and he just loved the way those plants grew, then somebody swiped the stuff. I still have some of the great sativas - old Mex, Zamal, Dalat Vietnamese, O. Haze from The Flying Dutchmen and Bros Grimm In/Out mix, the latter having some indica in it. As far as I know I'm the only one that still has some of Sly and Soul's original stock, stock that was used to create their Princess/C99 line. My 4 cola topping plant on page one is such an example. Cost me a buck a bean from a now defunct seedbank, the largest and one of the first out of Canada called Heaven's Stairway. I got 20 of them.

I'll try to get you in Cooter@666. That's where most of the veteran growers from RIU hang out.
Cooter is my handle I'd love to chew the fat on that site with real growers, if you could get me in that would be amazing!

You've been approved if you use my name. I need to give you the email address. Since I don't have PM privileges here, we need to work something out. Can you communicate with lilroach? I could give him the addy at Riddle and then he could give it to you in a RIU PM.

Let me know.....
I have now and have mailed out hundreds of the "old" seeds collected by a friend (RIP) who sold tons of Mexican weed until about 8 years ago. He would collect and give me his best bagweed seeds from the kilos of Mex weed he bought. We're talking South Texas, fresh across the border.

It never failed forum buds would beg for them and then most would forget them, or lose them, in favor of "designer" genes, something with a name. Gotta have a frickin' name ya know. I pretty much stopped offering those seeds. I must have given a Florida noob a thousand of those old seeds and never saw a plant posted. I gave some old Mex and Zamal (African lineage from La Reunion) to a veteran grower years ago. He did real well with the plants outdoors, they grew huge and he just loved the way those plants grew, then somebody swiped the stuff. I still have some of the great sativas - old Mex, Zamal, Dalat Vietnamese, O. Haze from The Flying Dutchmen and Bros Grimm In/Out mix, the latter having some indica in it. As far as I know I'm the only one that still has some of Sly and Soul's original stock, stock that was used to create their Princess/C99 line. My 4 cola topping plant on page one is such an example. Cost me a buck a bean from a now defunct seedbank, the largest and one of the first out of Canada called Heaven's Stairway. I got 20 of them.

I'll try to get you in Cooter@666. That's where most of the veteran growers from RIU hand out.

Mahalo Tio!

Your seed stash is gold! Do you think you'll ever do a preservation project with them?
You've been approved if you use my name. I need to give you the email address. Since I don't have PM privileges here, we need to work something out. Can you communicate with lilroach? I could give him the addy at Riddle and then he could give it to you in a RIU PM.

Let me know.....

roger that, I'll send a PM to lilroach.
Funny to see the banter in here.....even funner to see the pissing contest go back to stories of the old days. Dirt man myself but have grown hydro a few 50 to switch things up every now and then. Don't smoke it, but love growing it for the wife. Enjoyed the few chuckles I got out of "lurking" this thread. Kinda random not kinda but as for avocados Washington doesn't really have the season for it, it seems. Either that or these fucking black birds eat Um all. I have a few in my yard resilient trees I must say. How do they do where your at? The black one referred to might be a "oro negro"