What's your job title and pay?


Well-Known Member
So keep it simple guys this isnt a thread for jealousy which I can say I will be after seeing some of your guys pay.
Also unless it is legitimate dont post it I dont wanna hear about ur weed sales
Silkscreen printer/mechanic/delivery boy
A whole whopping 10.80$/hour
Been here over two years now



Well-Known Member
My boss and I were just discussing what a Taboo question this is, in the USA.

But, it is quite the opposite in Russia and India. It is the first thing a stranger will ask in India
and in Russia we have to be careful in hiring, they blab......class systems.


Well-Known Member
Service Manager: Mr. Manager
Fair hourly + sidejobs = comfortable
10+ years and lots of mass genocide.


Well-Known Member
1987-2007 Lic Electrical Contractor St Cal, pay varied per year from gross sales max million + /average 110K...
Today ? My now take home pay is $1400 per month as an 'idiot' so about 1/10 my working pay...
'Idiot' is my new job title... and I do live in a village/township ....


Well-Known Member
i serve food to rich people.. it pays the bills, easy as hell.. and i see good looking girls and nice cars all day. people are also generally in a good mood.. tourist area, so this time of year.. today was almost 80, everyone comes around to this area and i serve them food and talk them into getting pretty buzzed up for better tips :fire:

i like my job, too easy not to like it. i have worked my ass off though in the past. and to get this job i worked my ass off doing caterings and bussing tables and shit. bussing tables was shitty dont do that lol. youll need more then just that job to keep livin. its no bueno to me when someone i work with complains about having to serve a table or something because they are "tired" or another excuse. so annoying!. easiest job ever and youre coming out of there with atleast 100 a night in tips if you dont suck. i had to have a job when i was a kid no matter what.. ive had a lot of jobs that were a pain in the ass. plumbing, welding, excavating (was actually a lot of fun, and got to learn how to run all the equipment... i learned how to drive the backhoe by trial and error.. got in and 3 pedals confused the fuck out of me, thought one might of been a clutch.. NOPE) but after doing those jobs where id go home and just be ready to eat and sleep after working my ass off all day.. then going to serving food, holy fuck this job is too easy.


Well-Known Member
I have been, burger flipper, dime pusher, server, insurance salesman, glass pipe broker, solar panel installer, mmj provider, poker player, commercial cleaner, logistics and payroll manager and a handful of other things. pay varies


Well-Known Member
I used to manage the SAN where one of the largest Health insurance companies in the U.S. stores all their data along with about 70% of all small and medium (and a few top 15 sized) banks in the US.
I made about 80 000 /yr by the end.

I walked away from all of it and now I am lucky to clear 12/hr doing stone work/carpentry/trade skills.
I have never been happier and have no regrets, not even when I am struggling.8)


Well-Known Member
Hehe I like threads like these..make feel good inside:)
Well i suppose I'm a compound/nuclear pharmacist..are only a handful of me in the area so I don't wanna say too much..but I make medicine..work a lot in pediatrics..swap ingredients and flavors too besides chemo stuff..its pretty cool I think....most don't appreciate" pharmacists" and what we do though...we aren't real doctors apparently..sigh
Well I make bout 140k


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hehe I like threads like these..make feel good inside:)
Well i suppose I'm a compound/nuclear pharmacist..are only a handful of me in the area so I don't wanna say too much..but I make medicine..work a lot in pediatrics..swap ingredients and flavors too besides chemo stuff..its pretty cool I think....most don't appreciate" pharmacists" and what we do though...we aren't real doctors apparently..sigh
Well I make bout 140k
I know what you do ;) my cuz is a pharm d. retired! I can't stand him, in his divorce I kept his spouse. Nothing to do with his pharmacy, it was his poly pharmacy.