Attitude. I tried to tell you guys.

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Well-Known Member
All of a sudden i have had issues trying to order from attitude lately... ive "elaborated" quite a bit on it in these other threads. YET i am still getting people asking why or getting mad with me.

notice all of a sudden all of these people saying bad things about the tude???

well my bank's card wouldnt work a couple months ago. since then ive tried to keep ordering, getting no where with that. i keep calling the bank and trying to figure out why, i already know about the INTERNATIONAL thing, and thats all attitude kept telling me to make sure i do when i would email them.

then i finally get someone who is more "chatty" from the bank. they finally stuck with this story: "The Website you are trying to make a purchase with has had so much FRAUD lately that we no longer do business with them, im sorry but there is nothing we can do. you wont be able to use our card there."

I first thought... wow the bank is trying to basically prevent me from buying something they dont want me to. seeds.

so i never much thought anything of the fraud. ive used the tude many times, and used to love them. have tons of seeds from them.

now recently im seeing all of these people claiming something went wrong and that they lost all this money or something like that.

attitude is a HUGE risk right now.

I emailed them about this. it took about 7 emails for them to FINALLY ADMIT that they are having issues themselves with FRAUD. they claim the whole UK is. idk about that or not. they kept playing dumb those first 6 emails or so. trying to tell me to make sure i have the right info, that i have it internationally activated. i explained from the first email, and each one there after that i already knew these things and looked into that already. they just kept putting me off is what it was.

i finally got a short snotty email basically admitting the fraud, and it contains i nice little snotty legal message at the bottom.

like i said, im not going to sit here and re copy all of it and have someone either attack me personally, or someone lose a job or something.

but u guys at least deserve to know whats up... i now have a couple people on my butt... one sending me PM's as soon as i can clear my box asking for me to copy the emails as proof because im lying or something.

why the hell would i have even tried ordering in the first place if i was so anti attitude. i have T shirts of theirs that i wear, and explain to people who grow what they are and how they are the big guys when it comes to seedbanks that ship world wide. i also give my business to other banks... Breeders Boutique, Nirvana, etc... so im not partial to ANYONE. even tho u will see me praise the BB quite a bit. that has nothing to do with me posting what i have about the tude.

something is up... one way or another. its not just me.
^^^. He's exactly right. I can't order from there either because the last two times I ordered there between 2-500 dollars of fraudulent charges were made to my card.
I just ordered 20 minutes ago and had no issues. My credit card protects me from fraud stringently, which is their responsibility. I have made 3 orders in the last 6 months, no issues what so ever I like them personally, and I have had to deal with them directly. Very fair company in my opinion.
Yes my card company was fine also. But after app 700 dollars worth of fraudulent charges over 2 orders they said they would not allow any transactions to go through. And I have bought and loved the attitude since day one, trust me. Now it's exclusively cannacollective
All of a sudden i have had issues trying to order from attitude lately... ive "elaborated" quite a bit on it in these other threads. YET i am still getting people asking why or getting mad with me.

notice all of a sudden all of these people saying bad things about the tude???

well my bank's card wouldnt work a couple months ago. since then ive tried to keep ordering, getting no where with that. i keep calling the bank and trying to figure out why, i already know about the INTERNATIONAL thing, and thats all attitude kept telling me to make sure i do when i would email them.

then i finally get someone who is more "chatty" from the bank. they finally stuck with this story: "The Website you are trying to make a purchase with has had so much FRAUD lately that we no longer do business with them, im sorry but there is nothing we can do. you wont be able to use our card there."

I first thought... wow the bank is trying to basically prevent me from buying something they dont want me to. seeds.

so i never much thought anything of the fraud. ive used the tude many times, and used to love them. have tons of seeds from them.

now recently im seeing all of these people claiming something went wrong and that they lost all this money or something like that.

attitude is a HUGE risk right now.

I emailed them about this. it took about 7 emails for them to FINALLY ADMIT that they are having issues themselves with FRAUD. they claim the whole UK is. idk about that or not. they kept playing dumb those first 6 emails or so. trying to tell me to make sure i have the right info, that i have it internationally activated. i explained from the first email, and each one there after that i already knew these things and looked into that already. they just kept putting me off is what it was.

i finally got a short snotty email basically admitting the fraud, and it contains i nice little snotty legal message at the bottom.

like i said, im not going to sit here and re copy all of it and have someone either attack me personally, or someone lose a job or something.

but u guys at least deserve to know whats up... i now have a couple people on my butt... one sending me PM's as soon as i can clear my box asking for me to copy the emails as proof because im lying or something.

why the hell would i have even tried ordering in the first place if i was so anti attitude. i have T shirts of theirs that i wear, and explain to people who grow what they are and how they are the big guys when it comes to seedbanks that ship world wide. i also give my business to other banks... Breeders Boutique, Nirvana, etc... so im not partial to ANYONE. even tho u will see me praise the BB quite a bit. that has nothing to do with me posting what i have about the tude.

something is up... one way or another. its not just me.

Hey could you post what they responded to you in their email? Interested in what they said.

ive had others tell me in the past little bit here that they got ripped off fairly bad too. this sucks. one tells me herbies. ive been told to go to another one too. they are all so damned expensive. and its hard to find if people are actually GETTING their packages, like if the stealth is proper for each company.

i had a big old damned post too btw, going on about this subject for something and my computer froze.

just want folks to know, ive had NO problems with the tude... no lost packages, no lost $$. but i couldnt believe that they got so snotty with me, while admitting to having had issues with fraud. they tried to say the entire UK is experiencing this. idk...

ugh. im gonna get trolled on so bad. i dont even care anymore. this is the truth people. something is up with attitude right now. id be the first one ordering if not. instead i most likely will stick with someone else. a lot of breeders have their own outlets now too, that carry other's seeds as well. some even claim world wide shipping. just hard to find people in places like usa that can say they've had the packages safely get thru.

man alive. im trying to just help the normal joe know that something is up with the attitude. thats all folks. sry.
Yes my card company was fine also. But after app 700 dollars worth of fraudulent charges over 2 orders they said they would not allow any transactions to go through. And I have bought and loved the attitude since day one, trust me. Now it's exclusively cannacollective

But you can't be bothered to cut and paste the banks e-mails and post it - just to verify what you say?

I get the distinct impression that pro and anti-seed bank posts are motivated by more than a desire to inform possible users.
In fact I think that many posts are motivated by the posters personal involvement with the particular bank.

If these things happened to me and I had bank e-mails that proved it - I would post them and make sure there was no doubt,

As for fraud being a British problem, this is typical American 'Don't drink the water' attitude to ANYWHERE outside North America.
The UK is just as developed and advanced as the USA.
We're not some third World banana republic where people dare not use credit cards.

So there's little point in continuing to make the same claims without adding info that backs up your claims.

Over to you...
Hey could you post what they responded to you in an email? Interested in what they said.

Like i said... im not going to go copying that email or series of them. someone could get fired, etc... or i could be personally attacked/trolled on.

they walked around the question as best they could. using the whole: make sure its internationally activated first! or u can always send cash! or just being extremely vague. finally the last email was quite "direct" or "snotty" they said something very close to this(im reading the email)

among all that they made sure to say this little bit ONLY in the final email:
Many Thanks,
_*snip*_@ The Attitude

*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*

EDIT: they didnt put that in the other ones. they just got a little defensive a treated this email different. I had said nothing about "growing" the "souvenir" to provoke that little bit at the end. AND TRUST ME thats not all they said. haha im just not going to post it. y risk it? id rather ruin the company's rep than the person who sent the email. not neccessarily they're fault. more so whoever is in charge of the customer service as a whole, and the whole issue with Fraud and why a HUGE bank in the USA is no longer doing business with them based on just that, Fraud. omg.

and the thing is i dont care to ruin anythings rep... its just a warning to everyone. and what ever u guys want to call "fraud" could be different to everyone. from getting your cc info stolen and losing $$ that way, or even just never getting your package and blaming attitude so they end up labeled as fraudulent from the bank. see what i mean?

your okay for asking me btw FJG im more mad at these other folk... always a flood of trolls after me when i even touch something so coveted as the attitude is around here. geez.
here comes the flood. well screw me for trying to warn the average joe on protecting there money possibly. whatever man. like ive said i dont know how many times i was TRYING TO MAKE AN ORDER. i dont have anything against them prior to this.

omg man. im not copying it. im not mad at u FJG just stating my point to EVERYONE. u know what i mean

But you can't be bothered to cut and paste the banks e-mails and post it - just to verify what you say?

I get the distinct impression that pro and anti-seed bank posts are motivated by more than a desire to inform possible users.
In fact I think that many posts are motivated by the posters personal involvement with the particular bank.

If these things happened to me and I had bank e-mails that proved it - I would post them and make sure there was no doubt,

As for fraud being a British problem, this is typical American 'Don't drink the water' attitude to ANYWHERE outside North America.
The UK is just as developed and advanced as the USA.
We're not some third World banana republic where people dare not use credit cards.

So there's little point in continuing to make the same claims without adding info that backs up your claims.

Over to you...

good thing i have this brand new account on here and look bad saying anything about seedbanks. o wait thats you
gosh man.... it NEVER fails. i always get attacked over anything like this. i 'dissed the 'tude lovers. just like when i "'dissed" the Swerve lovers. always something.

its a damn warning. take it for what u will just like anything else on here. believe me or not. go make a $100000 order for all i care. peace.
But you can't be bothered to cut and paste the banks e-mails and post it - just to verify what you say?

I get the distinct impression that pro and anti-seed bank posts are motivated by more than a desire to inform possible users.
In fact I think that many posts are motivated by the posters personal involvement with the particular bank.

If these things happened to me and I had bank e-mails that proved it - I would post them and make sure there was no doubt,

As for fraud being a British problem, this is typical American 'Don't drink the water' attitude to ANYWHERE outside North America.
The UK is just as developed and advanced as the USA.
We're not some third World banana republic where people dare not use credit cards.

So there's little point in continuing to make the same claims without adding info that backs up your claims.

Over to you...

Alright, I'm trying not to call you stupid just yet. But just how in the fuck can I verify that I was told over the phone by my cc company that my transactions are being declined because the attitude is fraudulent?
I mean shit, sagepay declined my card, I called my cc company to verify it was me, they said they will not approve the charge because of the first two disputes of roughly $700 in fraudulent charges were posted to my account. Now, do you want my social security number and credit card number too? U idiot stick. Sorry, stupid people drive me nuts
*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*

....and the whole issue with Fraud and why a HUGE bank in the USA is no longer doing business with them based on just that, Fraud. omg.

Wow, where to begin...first of all, they started tagging ALL of their emails with that line about laws, to cover their own asses.

And as far as the whole fraud thing goes. What does the size of the bank have to do with anything? If anything, that would make them more prone to fraud. I mean, do you know anything about the money system?

You know what, you just blew $900 on ONE order...yeah, apparently you don't.

Your fault. Don't bash the attitude just because you had a shit experience with them.
Now I will admit this, the smellslikeskunk guy should post his emails or I will say he is full of shit. Nobody will get fired over it. If you would just post the evidence, people would stop giving you shit. Enough said

^^THIS!^^ A thousand times this.

Seriously, you can't just expect us to take your word for it...and the excuses given for not posting them are lame at best. Maybe smellslikeskunk is an insider for another seed bank! XD
^^THIS!^^ A thousand times this.

Seriously, you can't just expect us to take your word for it...and the excuses given for not posting them are lame at best. Maybe smellslikeskunk is an insider for another seed bank! XD

I don't think so. Most of those guys eventually name drop other banks. It's hard to say what his deal is, but he's had an amazing track record with Dinafem - just ask.
I don't think so. Most of those guys eventually name drop other banks. It's hard to say what his deal is, but he's had an amazing track record with Dinafem - just ask.

I was kidding about the whole being an insider thing. It's just that in this day and age everyone on the internet immediately wants to call "Troll" or "Insider" or "Snitch" or whatever...the fact is, EVERYONE is working with the NSA in that we've consented to this bullshit for the past fifty years...yes, fifty...that's how long they've been spying on us hardcore.

Anything else I'm forgetting to mention?
Alright, I'm trying not to call you stupid just yet. But just how in the fuck can I verify that I was told over the phone by my cc company that my transactions are being declined because the attitude is fraudulent?

im not even sure if he was addressing me or not... but if it was me, the emails are from the ATTITUDE. not the bank... i made that quite clear. i talked on the PHONE to someone with not only the bank, but the credit card company as well. multiple times.

that guy "north of england" is f'n numb in the brain.
so are these other fools who dont believe me or anyone else. jeez man. I LOVE ATTITUDE. except thats prior to these incidents.

hence me emailing them beyond asking why my bank wont do transactions with them, and trying to find out if all is okay. i really thought it was just the bank being an ass,.... the more i dig into this... the more i find more stories of fraud, $$ loss of some sort, or interception of packages/nothing ever comes at all. so i come on here to warn folks... but get bit in the ass for it. wow.

thanks to all of you who left me Reputation comments and all. thank you for understanding what im doing here. i could care less if people take their business to one place or the next. just was letting folks know what was up...

keep growing and toking folks. be safe, have a great holiday. :D
I don't think so. Most of those guys eventually name drop other banks. It's hard to say what his deal is, but he's had an amazing track record with Dinafem - just ask.
wow you guys are just crazy... my girl and i are laughing right now. how does my opinion on dinafem have anything to do witht his thread?? it doesnt. your stupid.

me an insider for another seed bank? HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg... LMFAO wow u guys really are stupid

keep using those rocks in your head that there in place of a human brain to insult me when i was doing the RIU community a favor... no wonder u dont have any rep. stupid losers.

i made the situation QUITE CLEAR. dont believe me, GREAT!!!!! what do i care!? insult me? thats dumb. hence the insults back your IQ must be in the single digits or something. omg...

like i said. always a flood of foolish trolls when u touch something like Swerve/TCC or The Attitude. dont believe me... hhahahah im an insider for another seedbank wow. i cant wait to show everyone this.
Wow, where to begin...first of all, they started tagging ALL of their emails with that line about laws, to cover their own asses.

And as far as the whole fraud thing goes. What does the size of the bank have to do with anything? If anything, that would make them more prone to fraud. I mean, do you know anything about the money system?

You know what, you just blew $900 on ONE order...yeah, apparently you don't.

Your fault. Don't bash the attitude just because you had a shit experience with them.

you guys are SO ignorant u cant even get your insults or accusations right. I SPENT ZERO $$$ that was NOT me.

are you an INSIDER for attitude??? THAT would make much more sense than me being an insider for another bank. omg. how stupid and ignorant. look at my account. wow in the hell would i be an "insider for another seed bank"????? geez people are dumb...

AND GEUSS WHAT!??? i have 6 emails from them that DID NOT HAVE THAT at the bottom about the seeds. good thing your so smart that you are actually wrong huh??

people are so stupid... im not the one who lost ANY $$ i just happened to get them to admit they are having issues with fraud. and only after dancing around the question for quite a while first. it took me over a month to get these all these emails back and forth with them since they took forever the first few emails to even get back with me. they tried to act like i just dont have the proper card, or that its not activated for international use. over and over they said that. they just hoped i would shut up and i didnt... i kept asking. finally i get this last email: it was only about 2-3 sentences and had a much harsher tone. and it was the ONLY email out of the bunch that i was sent that contained that emboldened legal statement at the bottom. ITS NOT THERE ON THE PREVIOUS ONES.

glad u guys are so smart... u can actually see my emails, ya know?? and i never emailed any bank... cant even get your trolling posts right. stupid.

attitude is having issues, and they admitted it to me. have fun. im sorry i ever tried to warn anyone. just like other issues ive had on here.... i was right in the end... but no... im an "insider" or a liar. i just got back from a patients house where everyone was praising me on how much knowledge i have on this kind of stuff. why would i run in here and just make up and bunch of crap about attitude when they were my main seed source?? they never ripped ME off... just seriously think about it. all i did was come in here and warn folks about the emails i got... and that im not the only one finding these things out. thankfully im one who found out w/o losing $$ to do so.

so piss off if u dont like it. but dont sit there and accuse me of being a liar or being from another company. <--wow now thats hilarious. yeah smellz seedbank. all id sell is dinachem too. just to piss people off some more i geuss... since it sucks so bad and all that u had to mention my opinion on dinafem... when it had nothing to do with this. if anything ive been talking up the BB, u can go ask them, i gain nothing from them by doing it. NOTHING. lmfao.

i really hope this thread never gets closed or deleted or anything. ill have this GEM to show all my buddies :D
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