Attitude. I tried to tell you guys.

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Now I will admit this, the smellslikeskunk guy should post his emails or I will say he is full of shit. Nobody will get fired over it. If you would just post the evidence, people would stop giving you shit. Enough said

i made it clear why im not posting the emails why even say anything in here then?? god no wonder people keep giving me PM's and Reputation comment with suggesting that i come over to a different forum with less ignorance, and more of a leash on what is and isnt allowed.

go F'n buy all you want folks hope attitude becomes the #1 company in the world for anything. i could care less. if they DONT have any fraud issues or fix the ones they have admitted to, im sure ill use them again in the future. i have a ton of seeds from them and they never did me wrong other than these emails.

wtf man?? RIU has gone to hell... people with no reputation on my ass, that cant even get the facts straight trying to insult me. stupid as hell. no wonder some of the best folks on here tend to stay in a certain part of this site, away from trolls and fools.
Bro you're fucking nutz. You and half these other posters don't think they should have to prove anything meanwhile they just slander slander slander and get all snotty when no one wants to believe them.

So many of these attitude threads have had people make up wild and outlandish stories just to later in the thread say they were making it all up. Like that guy that said he had cops come to his door, meanwhile they drove by his parents house. That's why people demand proof. If you don't get that then you must be super slow.

This is yet another give me attention threads. Someone didn't get a hug today so they go and make a fuck attitude thread so they can get attention. You want people to believe you? Then post these "snotty" emails. That refer to this UK wide fraud. LoL This threads a joke and should be closed.
here is the whole damned email... minus the snipped name. like i said im not trying to get someone fired or bitched out.

Hi There
I think it is specifically us with issue but UK fraud in general. Next time you make an order please be ready with an International prepaid card or ensure your bank removes the block before you try to make the order.

Many Thanks,
_*SNIP*_@ The Attitude

*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*

Notice how they STILL add the part in about the card as if i just havent been using it right... no i have been on the phone with both the bank(first merit) and the CC company (master card) and they both claim that it wasnt just sagepay either... i was so desperate to get the order thru i pointed out how its actually SagePay that the card is being used at. they said they still refuse transactions that originate from the attitude website thru sagepay. its what they told me. i cant quote it exactly because i was on the phone. many many times... sometimes on hold for 45 minutes at a time.

i went thru alot if shit to get this info out of the attitude. thought id be doing RIU a favor by putting the warning out there. perhaps i should just start a new thread, let racer close this one... and ill post the email w/o name like i did here, and simply explain my situation and how i found out by trying to order for almost two months that attitude is admitting to having fraud problems...

would that be more of what u want to see in here Racerboy71??

i despise these arguments, but cant stand myself to be insulted and just not say anything back. i realize i may have been very rude in some posts. but only after being provoked, called a liar, or being talked at all rude in the first place.
Again, every story is modified to your liking.. Funny how the other thread talks of a NINE HUNDRED dollar order with them that YOU lost.. now its "i didnt lose any $$$ personally" Maintain a proper story; first rule of lying and talking shit about a company that you are jealous of.
The whole tag line We sell for souviners purpose only....That is on the site and is pretty standard so wasnt like that was new. They have to do that in order to cover themselves from advertising live cannabis seeds so no biggie there since they do admit to selling goods which is all you need to be covered.. Just curious was your issue you can't order or was your issue once you ordered your card info was stolen and fraudulently used? Then out of curiousity do you use apple products to order windows linux android?? Also have you done a scan on your computer and also made sure your cookies are off to prevent backdoor spoofing and info jacking? If you havent it may not be the tudes issue but a bot watching logged traffic to their site meaning its a server hijack going on basically they watch ips to a server host then capture data before it goes into the sites encrypted processor.. Run a scan with Malwarebytes Mbam scanner full scan.You should also run a Combofix roothook scan on your machine.Just curious to see if there is anything thats standing out in the issues.Dont worry about the haters they come and go. I never had issues with attitude yet or card issues. Any chance you would name the bank thats refusing to allow purchases from them?
The whole tag line We sell for souviners purpose only....That is on the site and is pretty standard so wasnt like that was new. They have to do that in order to cover themselves from advertising live cannabis seeds so no biggie there since they do admit to selling goods which is all you need to be covered..
right im not focused so much on the tagline about souvenirs just noticed it was only in that last one. perhaps different person at attitude, different msg in general which may or may not include that 100% of the time or not.

look people i hope you enjoy your experiences with The Attitude. I was only giving what i thought may be a warning. sorry i pissed everyone off. and btw i had already took a break in the other thread there. sry about me mixing anyone up like i was accused of, its a bit complicated... but ill just take the fall. im wrong sry about that. but dont insult me because i came in here to give what i thought might possibly be a helpful warning. perhaps my thread title was a poor choice?? either way. have a great time enjoying attitude.

doesnt mean i didnt get an email that says what i quoted... people who dont believe me... well sry your wrong. its the truth. and i wish it wasnt. i had planned on getting the christmas promo... and the one before that with the paradise beans. thats when i first had any issue with this. i went on here saying the bank might be trying to filter what we can and cant buy if they dont like it, in a way. only after the email fiasco did i come here, then read all the bad stuff about attitude as of recent, and then make my posts.
so thats what this is about. its causing issues and im done talking about it unless someone has an intelligent and/or reasonable question that i need to/could answer.

some shooting is happening right by the aurora co thing i geuss according to the RT, if u all want something else to do :D

Just curious was your issue you can't order or was your issue once you ordered your card info was stolen and fraudulently used? Then out of curiousity do you use apple products to order windows linux android?? Also have you done a scan on your computer and also made sure your cookies are off to prevent backdoor spoofing and info jacking? If you havent it may not be the tudes issue but a bot watching logged traffic to their site meaning its a server hijack going on basically they watch ips to a server host then capture data before it goes into the sites encrypted processor.. Run a scan with Malwarebytes Mbam scanner full scan.You should also run a Combofix roothook scan on your machine.Just curious to see if there is anything thats standing out in the issues.Dont worry about the haters they come and go. I never had issues with attitude yet or card issues. Any chance you would name the bank thats refusing to allow purchases from them?

im still reading this part of your post. give me a second here and ill edit with an answer as i read your Q. thx.

EDIT:no my issue is that i cannot order thru my bank's cc.

thank you for the common sense about the computer identity theft stuff. yep im always careful ive never had any issues. ive thankfully got a cool protection plan, but would hate to have to do it over a seed purchase. MMJ card or not.

yes it is First Merit. they bought out Flint MI old bank called Citizens bank. we got screwed into Citizens being bought out, got lied to when they promised not to abandon the Flint MI old main office for Citizens. It had hundreds of people employed. Its one of the biggest building in Flint. They let go of nearly everyone. This Bank is a class act piece of sh*t.

and thank you for understanding about the haters coming and going. i sure know about that issue.

Ive also had many wonderful transactions with attitude. im sad this is happening. i want some OG Raskal FAK honestly, or something else with some very good Alien Kush in it. i recently got to try a good pheno of it and loved it, they just called it Alien Kush and werent sure if it was straight AK or a hybrid. but i planned on making a purchase back in the paradise promo, and then recently again during the christmas one. this is the only time ive ever had issues like this. only issues like needing to activate a card for international use. which is one of the reasons we had to speak with the bank in the first place anyways. i talked to both the bank and the CC company (master card) and they both claimed that not sagepay but the site using it was banned by my bank because of Fraud. then i got an email from attitude eventually after them dancing around the question, admitting that they are having issues. i quoted it in an earlier post.

ugh... funny thing is im not even interested in ordering thru them now. so im basically done like i said unless some has a reasonable question that i can answer for them reasonably. thx :D
Again, every story is modified to your liking.. Funny how the other thread talks of a NINE HUNDRED dollar order with them that YOU lost.. now its "i didnt lose any $$$ personally" Maintain a proper story; first rule of lying and talking shit about a company that you are jealous of.

im sry but u are mistaken im not the one who lost that money. u really need to read before posting. thank you.

you will find un-edited posts, where i clearly explain i never lost any $$. also another where i console the OP who did lose the "$$$ personally"

i only said im trying to warn people. first rule of insulting someone, get your facts straight.
herbies is expensive too... but it sounds like people have decent reviews of them for the most part. always a bad one for every company tho... which is fair to say about attitude too, they came thru for me many times. regardless of what i was warning folks about and all the fuss.
i don't want to talk to much about it but. (FUCK ATTITUDE ) all i have to say. and what cheech and chong would say. getting your seeds is good not getting your seeds is bad.
get a brain idiot. this post is flat out wrong. stupid people..... this is why i got flared up SEE?? MODS???

You do nothing for.your cause though calling people idiots though IMO..
You've take the high road at times and not feel the need to reply to every person whom you disagree with or feel are 'trolling ' you..
No sense getting into arguments with everyone who doesn't agree with you or you shortly end up looking like swerve,, lol... it also tends to over run your original point being valid IMO.. at a certain point you start to lose credibitly, again, imvho..
My $.02
did u use your super computer to double check my posts are real and that the emails were real??? i ended up posting 99% of it with the persons name snipped. go look idiot.
yet another complete fool... just pointing out why this all happened.

Come on, enough with the name calling, or I'll lock this thread up as allow things to a bit..
Okay, I plead guilty, but c'mon.....the cat gives 4 - 8 paragraphs to poke fun of with every post. I like cheap laughs as much as you do. :wink: Admit it.
In the mean time, peace, smelly. These didn't make the cut for the 'frostiest' thread, but this Williams Wonder / Herijuana cross [ motarebel ] is a solid B+ - an excellent nite cap. williams wonder-herijuana 003.jpgCheers. :bigjoint:

WW-Herijuana clones day 45.jpgwilliams wonder-herijuana 005.jpg
Kinda off topic but I'm planning to make my first ever order to attitude (a small one) and I was wondering about using a gift card. Is it a pain in the ass to use these? I have a debit card but to be more secure I was going to to buy a visa gift card to use for my order instead. I'm in Michigan, so is it a hassle to set those up for international purchases?
I've used gift cards to purchase. Get the american express pre-paid debit card. No international fees:blsmoke: I've ordered from both single seed centre and the Tude. Both have been righteous to me. Ive been going to the tude a lot lately. They have good promos.IMG_20131118_221517.jpg Got these no problem from the Tude.:bigjoint:
are you an INSIDER for attitude??? THAT would make much more sense than me being an insider for another bank. omg. how stupid and ignorant. look at my account. wow in the hell would i be an "insider for another seed bank"????? geez people are dumb...

I didn't bother reading the rest of that drivel as you clearly didn't read where I said I was joking about you being an insider. It was a joke. I don't think you're an insider, but I do think you're a bit of a jackass and a pretentious idiot. Does that make it so? No. Do your actions? Most likely.

And please, do show all your buddies how you were so incredibly stoned that you couldn't be bothered to actually read.

And yes, and as far as the $900 goes, I was jumping threads so I was mistaken as far as that. However, still stands to reason, you're a tool. I was mistaken. Does that make me ignorant? No, not at all. But please, continue on making a fool of yourself. I'm sure all of your 89point IQ average friends are having a real hoot.
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