Black friday order snatched!

Seems like the best stealth today is no stealth based on my own experiences and what I've read on here lately. The shirt and coffee mug stealth is burnt out for sure.

I think so too, only problem with that is get snagged, your s.o.l...
Greenthumb always comes through.

Also, to thr guy who said they'd stop, why would they. We're the biggest customer on 1000 or more percent markup. You get tons of seeds per plant if it's fully pollinated. 1 plant can grow the seeds needed to fund the whole flowering cycle for 1 light easily a few times over at the rate way pay. They'd have to ship mutliple times before it costs them money...koney that is made up for easily with repeat business and other orders not siezed. They wouldn't dream of stoping. It's illegality is what drives the price.

This only holds true for breeders, and not seeed banks.. the seemed banks only make 50% of the retail price on a pack of beans, the rest goes back to the breeders..
So pretty much if you pay $25 for shipping and stealth, the bank needs to sell minimum $51 in order to make a profit, and that only being a dollar..
I don't think k it's so laughable to say banks might stop shipping to the us at all.. sannies almost took this road about a year ago, and tsd has already stopped shipments to the us for a week or two on the past as well because of the large number of caught orders..
Every $200 order lost, a seed bank just lost $100, that shit adds up quick as hell IMO.. pretty soon it won't be a wise busimess practice to continue to lose large amounts of $$, especially with free reahips..
My $.02
This only holds true for breeders, and not seeed banks.. the seemed banks only make 50% of the retail price on a pack of beans, the rest goes back to the breeders..
So pretty much if you pay $25 for shipping and stealth, the bank needs to sell minimum $51 in order to make a profit, and that only being a dollar..
I don't think k it's so laughable to say banks might stop shipping to the us at all.. sannies almost took this road about a year ago, and tsd has already stopped shipments to the us for a week or two on the past as well because of the large number of caught orders..
Every $200 order lost, a seed bank just lost $100, that shit adds up quick as hell IMO.. pretty soon it won't be a wise busimess practice to continue to lose large amounts of $$, especially with free reahips..
My $.02
PM me Racer
Sounds like smuggling seeds into the States to sell at US seed banks is the wave of the future.

i said something was gonna happen eventually before its ever all legal here in the states. now attitude seems to be having more issues than ever. hope the rest dont go too... i was shown a few other alternatives today. i hate to even say them either because im not trying to dog the attitude but dang alot of crap is going on... glad i have quite the stock, bought from them, elsewhere and home-made. :)
I think so too, only problem with that is get snagged, your s.o.l...

yes exactly... u guys are on to something there. only packages ive had searched were the methods that were "getting old" like u guys say. i must have gotten either really stupid people searching, or really nice/cool ones cuz my seeds got searched twice but still arrived with the search sticker and all. actually it might have been 3 times considering i had one from greenthumb back 10 years ago when they were doing another method... i couldnt believe they didnt find the seeds. i was paranoid for a few weeks i was busted. i mean this was 2003-4 in MI no legal MMJ yet.

id just be careful as all hell if ordering these days. like u said racer ive been thinking about the no stealth is better than stealth thing. its always pricked my brain a bit even before all of this. RC's and the like usually tend to be shipped less stealthy than cannabis seeds. they also tend to be intercepted much less from what i understand, and ime in general.

no more seed ordering for me for a while anyways i need to spend my $$ on other stuff(my stereo quit on me damnit)... got my own damn beans to play with anyways if i get that damn desperate and go thru the 100+ seeds ive bought already. lmao.

sry to read another confiscation, whew its rough right now. i geuss its bound to happen tho, somtimes it comes and goes how much you hear of this stuff happening. perhaps it will blow over. i hope.
I'm off to bed fonny, let me know when you get some contact info for d though for sure..
Think I'll go cry myself to.sleep now..

i got jail addy but he due get shipped but i know he love hear from u that why i came back cus knew u would care
u good people bro