The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you twisted firestarter bizz lol where i threw me fag n the car where not in the same direction deffo wasnt me, was abit mad how quick it went up one min just thought i had set the binbags alight next min the kitchens filling up with smoke n tyres are exploding lol firemen where on it real quick tho literally a few mins from calling them


Well-Known Member
Haha Yeh....can imagine how you thought it was u tho lol....tyre smokes nasty ain't it not what u want coming in the kitchen are they alloy wheels? £30 a piece down ere no tyres ;)


Well-Known Member
i reckon it would be hard to start a fire with a ciggie butt, even if you throw one in petrol like in the films it never seems to go up. then again look at kings cross:roll:


Well-Known Member
i reckon it would be hard to start a fire with a ciggie butt, even if you throw one in petrol like in the films it never seems to go up. then again look at kings cross:roll:
that was fucking rough, i was living in london at the time a kid or teacher i carnt member, from me school died there. that was rubbish that collected under the escalators n then caught light from a cig wasnt it, fuck that tho must have been terrifying.


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, the canna boosts magic ingredient is suppose to be triacontanol which is really fucking cheap to buy by itself n they have versions that are soluble in water (otherwise U can dissolve it in alcohol n something else) which U foliar feed. gonna order it after the new year n see what its like.

alfalfa is extremely high in triacontanol if ur organic.


Well-Known Member
Yeh u can put a fag out in petrol strange ain't it think it needs a naked flame or sumthin. I was in the shed the other night candle set fire to me snot rags Lol EVACUATE....@paddy talk to yorkie bout tria mate Lol he'll fill u in


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, the canna boosts magic ingredient is suppose to be triacontanol which is really fucking cheap to buy by itself n they have versions that are soluble in water (otherwise U can dissolve it in alcohol n something else) which U foliar feed. gonna order it after the new year n see what its like.
Yorkie has already tried that tricontanol stuff


Well-Known Member
relax you were slagging the boost off something ruthless the other day now you want to try the main ingredient of it to see if it works?

why not just buy a 0.3l boost and try it on one plant?

it also conmtains sugars and other voodo witchdoctor magicness so you will be missing out just buying a plant growth regulator.


Well-Known Member
relax you were slagging the boost off something ruthless the other day now you want to try the main ingredient of it to see if it works?

why not just buy a 0.3l boost and try it on one plant?

it also conmtains sugars and other voodo witchdoctor magicness so you will be missing out just buying a plant growth regulator.
was the price that I couldn't get over mate just wanted a cheaper alternative.


Well-Known Member
the price is pretty high for a suposedly useless bit of nutritionless shite. if used correctly though it will make your plants explode with growth.

£165 for 5l that will last me til at least next crimbo, i still struggle to see how you class that as expensive mind.


Well-Known Member
To be fair boost is a good product but imo I'd say topmax is just as good..they say its expensive cuz its brewed in vats for about 5 months or something....what about 12yr whisky can get a litre a that for bout 12 squid...not knockin boost just the price


Well-Known Member
never used topmax so i can't argue about it being the same or better or worse.

look at aptus nutrients if you want to moan about prices, i think they are in the lead at the minute for base nutrients.

still, it doesn't matter what you feed your girls ( diamonds and platimun are not fertiliser!) you will re-coup any costs involved by tentfold if you play your cards right.


Well-Known Member
Yeh man gotta treat em right their women ain't they Lol....anyway lads your slippin I thought at least 1 of you lot would if decorated 1 of yer trees man I wanna see some real Xmas trees Lol

Oh try topmax one time mate its sound 20 butty for a litre nice resin production aswell

Edit again....fuck me them nutes tek the piss £250 for a litre jeez....anti stress regulator ??? Liquid morphine?? Lol this is the thing I'd live to try these expensive brands but on too tight Lol must be the northern in me

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I point blank refuse to use any nute line that has more than two bottles for a base. Takes the micky the likes of advanced with 20 odd bottles just so you spend more. Then if you go organic its same but more coin ffs. Buying the mono stuff and mixing your own is the cheapest and no doubt best option if you want to be 100% on top of your plants intake week by week. I can't be arsed with that tbh.