The Fear!!


New Member
Good Afternoon,

I'm kinda new to growing although I've already harvested my first few plants a year ago I'm still experimenting to find my niche when it comes to how and what I want to grow. Currently I have some WW growing and, she's handing me my ass on a constant basis.

At one point i had a "I think" a Mg and N deficiency.. cleared that up then I had the brilliant idea of using ph down to lower the ph of some water I wanted to use. Long story short I believe something happened due to rapid ph fluctuation??? So, I panic'd and bought some cal-mag and pure blend tea after i got her thru the ph/Ir/Mg situation (again I dont know what the problem was but it seems to have cleared up).

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I've tried to make everything perfect for her but, its been 2 weeks and I haven't seen any growth/flowering nothing. This plant is an auto and its going on about 10 weeks now I know the plant was stressed and that may slow down everything else but she looks pretty healthy now? It's been about a week maybe 2 since i went into panic mode and started changing and flushing everything.

If someone could take a look at any of these pics and give me any insight on the next steps that would be absolutely fantastic.

Anything would calm me down at this point I dont want to lose her lol.

Thanks for reading.

(and I was trying to teach myself LST/FIM didnt work out so well on this plant):confused:


Well-Known Member
In general I think you have a healthy leaf structure. A little splotchy color on the leaves? Getting better?

History on your dirt and feeding would be useful. Stressful events can stall out growth. I don't have a whole lot of experience with autos and can't remember if mine stalled out prior to flowering.

Is WW White Widow or Williams Wonder? A little purple showing up on the stems?


New Member
It's Dinafem White Widow Auto - I'm using FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil as my base.

As far as feedings I started feeding around week 4-5 according to my chart ( I had a bad experience with nute burn starting too soon) I used Rock Fusion *Grow* 6-2-6 25% strength feeding it every other week. Normally I only feed/water when the plant feels pretty light when i pick it up I added pure blend tea and cal mag after i started experiencing problems.

Which helped the splotchy spots on the leaves to clear up another thing to note is i had to repot it because my woman brought home miracle grow when i ran out of ocean breeze... I figured it would be ok ... not ok when i added nutes to it that set this plant back a few weeks which made me flush it with ph down water.

Just like you these are my first auto plants figured it would be easier boy was I wrong.

Oh and during my panic I added a bit of Beastie Bloomz not much just to bump up the NPK as I was thinking maybe she's still deficient in some way.


New Member
Dude , u have the same problem as me. If you fix it PLEASE tell me!
I have her stable I think now but, I'm leaning towards repotting her and flushing... But, I may give her another week before I do that. I will say my "healthy" babies are loving the pure blend tea and, I can already tell the difference before and after the brown spots appeared its just not fully recovering.


I see all these people with all these peoblems and their plants being tortured for no reason It goes back to my basic advice DIRT and WATER. If you are a noob and you are on your first grow or even second you have no business with a ph meter or nutes I might sound like a dick but patience is what all of you lack you want ten lbs of of a closet grow and its not gonna happen even worse you want it in 2 months you stand over your plants and watch them grow. CHILL they are gonna grow they are gonna flower just dirt,water and patience that's all you need. I you wanna smoke, buy a bag!


Well-Known Member
I think beginners using nutes is OK if grower does even the slightest amount of research. It's all a learning experience, how can you learn without making a few mistakes on your own. I would not recommend new growers to skip nutes, I believe that would produce more problems to deal with. Just remember when using nutes, especially for the first time, less is more. First grows are typically for experimental purposes. I don't think anyone expects very much at all out of their first grow. Of course there is wishful thinking. Most first growers are happy if they can just bring one plant to harvest. Then again some first growers end up with outstanding harvests. So telling someone to limit their grow to just soil and water is really holding them back, not letting them learn first hand about beneficial techniques. Not attacking anyone, just my opinion after experiencing my first grow.


Well-Known Member
So telling someone to limit their grow to just soil and water is really holding them back, not letting them learn first hand about beneficial techniques. Not attacking anyone, just my opinion after experiencing my first grow.
Nope, couldn't disagree with you more. EVERY grower should take one plant and put it in good soil and then just water. You will then have a baseline for the rest of your growing career on how long it takes a plant to get hungry and what a plant looks like when it is truly hungry. Sure that one plant won't be top shelf, who cares? It doesn't have to be the last one you ever grow.


New Member
This is my hobby... I'm experimenting and I enjoy the challenge of growing many people on here have been growing for years and or smoking for years so they've done the research, trial and error etc. I'm still learning and I'm enjoying this organic lab experiment that happens to produce the fruits that I enjoy.

And, I'm not looking for 10lbs of dank ;-) (wouldn't mind it though) I rarely even smoke honestly I just enjoy the process my friends enjoy what I grow more than I do.

Your right about patience I just can't help checking on her for any little sign of growth its just so exciting.


I just think its better to start simple and once you get the hang of the way they grow in the environment you have then modify. After all how is one to know how to prove ones theory if there is no control. If he does use nutes he should use it on a certain few and leave one just water and soil. That way he can see what, and how much to use. It is a learning experience and no one on here is going to be able to tell him how to grow


Well-Known Member
I see all these people with all these peoblems and their plants being tortured for no reason It goes back to my basic advice DIRT and WATER. If you are a noob and you are on your first grow or even second you have no business with a ph meter or nutes I might sound like a dick but patience is what all of you lack you want ten lbs of of a closet grow and its not gonna happen even worse you want it in 2 months you stand over your plants and watch them grow. CHILL they are gonna grow they are gonna flower just dirt,water and patience that's all you need. I you wanna smoke, buy a bag!
I disagree that's bullshit advice. The kid was wondering what deficiency he had, he asked for help. ^^you had to learn how to wipe your ass too and I could bet the farm you acted the exact same way on your first grow. The first grow is when you learn the most important parts of growing MJ including lighting, nutes, meters, methods etc. This is where we put those things to test and use trial and error till we get it right. A plant, dirt , and water that's your opinion of a first grow? Well you couldn't be any more wrong. Rmerendez whatever you need man come to RIU and we will be glad to help you. As far as you go Dr Squid find a different forum. The deficiency whatever it may be is possibly do to an incorrect PH, the nutes are getting locked out. Check your PH make sure its around 6.5-6.8. Good Luck


Active Member
Are you sure she is an auto, I would flip to 12/12 and see what happens. She looks pretty healthy so no reason for her not to flower if a true auto and 10 weeks is a long long time for an auto to be in veg, plus she has a good size on her.


Well-Known Member
I had an outdoor auto dropped in late April that didn't get to 50% cloudy trichomes until mid August a few years back. I figured maybe it just had a small amount of ruderalis in her gene pool. Maybe a breeder can tell me if this makes sense?


sounds about right im no expert genealogist but it goes back to my theory about over half of these seed companies out here charging 10 bucks a seed for shit that isnt close to what they say it is I think that its just a couple of guys with internet savy and either a wholesale connect into a different seed company or some fucks with a site and a shitload of bag seed half the time the seeds you order are mystery seeds. Then again I could just be jaded and not to trusting of big business, Huh, I wonder how I got that way


New Member
I'm sitting at about 6.7 ph for the soil and about 6.6 for the runoff when I watered it on Monday. Whats crazy is the other "auto" WW's started flowering around day 75. This one is on about Day 88 just to confirm that I wasnt crazy I checked Dinafems website to see what they had listed and it said around 75 days I should see flowering. So, now I'm thinking maybe this is a step child that somehow mixed up... I will say they all started out even till about week 4-5 when this one in question almost doubled in size.


New Member
sounds about right im no expert genealogist but it goes back to my theory about over half of these seed companies out here charging 10 bucks a seed for shit that isnt close to what they say it is I think that its just a couple of guys with internet savy and either a wholesale connect into a different seed company or some fucks with a site and a shitload of bag seed half the time the seeds you order are mystery seeds. Then again I could just be jaded and not to trusting of big business, Huh, I wonder how I got that way
I feel you.. I'm just trying to find my sweet spot then learn how to clone after the fact.


New Member
Are you sure she is an auto, I would flip to 12/12 and see what happens. She looks pretty healthy so no reason for her not to flower if a true auto and 10 weeks is a long long time for an auto to be in veg, plus she has a good size on her.
I tried that hell I even tried to leave her in my other tent for 72 hours to see if I could force her into flowering. No dice..